It is raining here today, so the pics are a bit dark. Thought the white backing would lighten up the pic, but nope.
Believe it or not, these are not the same blocks. The gray hat is much more tapered than the brown. I just do what Bernie did on some of the hats in the film,(he was not always on set) and press the sides in on the brown ones, so they come back into proportion. The brown Indy 4 fedora is a squarer block than my Raiders block, and I am still puzzled as to why Bernie chose it over the more streamlined Raiders block that I use. I think being so straight sided, allowed him more felt to work with to get his final look. This Indy 4 block(brown hats) is a very versatile blockshape, and you can get many looks from it. Depending upon how far you push the creases back, how deep you crease the top, and even the shape of the creases used. You can also see these various looks throughout the film, with the relaxed creased hat looking too wide, for my tastes, especially compared to some of the other film fedoras. To me, when Bernie was riding trail on the hat, it looked pretty good, and you can tell the days he was not on set to keep the hat looking up to his vision. I am sure he was annoyed about it.
One of the critiques I have read about the Indy 4 hat is that it looks like a western hat. This was in reference to the felt we used. But, this is only true if you compare it to the Raiders felt, which was indeed the poruous type felt we see on "some" dress hats. Having seen the felt used on TLC, it was also what some would consider to be a "western felt" if compared to the Raiders felt. But as I have said prior, if you watch the old films on TCM, you don't just see the cheaper porous sort of felt, but also the smoother, good stuff. To identify all dress felt with the porous rabbit type is a mistake. Generally speaking, the finer the nap, and the less pourousity is indicative of the higher end hats, even back in the heyday of hats.
The major difference between western felt and dress felt is nothing more than the amount of stiffener used.(plus the amount of fur used per body) There is only one way for fur to mat!