and here's some pics for ohio for our man vs. machine challenge

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m212 ... CT2654.jpg
http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m212 ... CT2655.jpg
http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m212 ... CT2656.jpg
thanks for looking

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
Well, don't wander into the jacket section and ask for an opinion. You'll NEVER find your way out!!!.......now the hard part about it is...........finding the right jacket!
Federation, that he mentions in the 1st post.albert jones wrote:nice color and great bash, its a federation hat? or Penmann hat?
Not sure but I think he made this from a western felt hatbody. The fed is short for fedora not Federation. But I may be wrong.i think i've got the bash just where i want her now. she's a granite grey fed with a black grosgrain built from my 'raiders of the lost block' block
Yeah, Mitch. It's terrible what happens when you are on here long enough. Ignorance is bliss but what's I've picked up here by osmosis has made hat selection less of a hit or miss proposition.Mitch LaRue wrote:I've never been an expert on this subject, but I may have accidentally picked up a few things from reading all these Hat Posts... now, I'll go back to being a guy who just grunts happily when he sees such a beautiful hat!