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Dying pants???
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:29 pm
by The_Raiders
Not a normal subject, I know. Well, I had an almost perfect pair of Indy pants, as far as material and color went, they are not pleated and they don't have back pocket flaps, but they have had about all they can take, they have numerous stains and tears from customizing work, gear work, etc. So I went out and bought a pair of pleated kakies, but my one problem with them is, they seem too light. I don't have money for westeds' or the other fancy SA Indy pants, so I was wondering if there is a way to darken/dye my new pants, and how.

Re: Dying pants???
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:12 pm
by Indiana Joyce
You can dye them, but, if they arent cotton, they will start to fade as soon as you wash them. And, dont put salt in the dyebath like the package recommends. Salt plus water, equals floating garments that dye unevenly. You can get RIT dye just about everywhere.
Re: Dying pants???
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:05 am
by The_Raiders
Indiana Joyce wrote:You can dye them, but, if they arent cotton, they will start to fade as soon as you wash them. And, dont put salt in the dyebath like the package recommends. Salt plus water, equals floating garments that dye unevenly. You can get RIT dye just about everywhere.
The pants are 59% cotton. And what's RIT dye? I'm really not sure what to get, excepy maybe alot of hair dye.

Re: Dying pants???
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:52 pm
by PyramidBlaster
Rit dye is the leading brand of cloth dye. It's typically available in Grocery & Drug stores, as well as places like Wal-Mart and fabric/craft stores....
If you ask me, the dark khaki 'Wrangler 5-star' slacks are not bad at all in terms of color, are pleated, and most importantly, inexpensive. No pocket flaps, but can't have everything. I always find them at Wal-Mart. Much easier than dyeing, unless you have an SA pair of pants like the LL Bean's and just need to tweak the color....
I know it's been discussed before...I myself wrote about my experiences dyeing a pair of LL Bean's HERE:
I believe Dr Ulloa had an experience dyeing pants, too...HERE:
As well as this topic around the same time:
"Not something that should be taken lightly...!" Good luck!
Re: Dying pants???
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:42 am
by The_Raiders
Thanks. i believe I'll look into the RIT dye. I really like the pair of pants I got, but they are just way too light for my taste, and as I said my old pair (although not pleated) were perfect for me, great color accuracy, nice fit, but I got a hole in the knee, and paint stains, and glue stains all from various projects with other gear. It really bothers me to see those pants deteriorate, but I'll keep'em until their last breath

When I dye the other pants they will be just as good, if not better, I think.

Re: Dying pants???
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:51 pm
by Hatch
Raiders, look for a girl friend, friend's mom etc with some experience with sewing, making clothes experience on how to do this..and ask, plead , beg for their help.......