From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Just received my first bullwhip yesterday in the mail. Its a 9ft 12 plait Michael Brower Indy style bullwhip made of cowhide. Here are the specifics from the posting:
"My 12-plait cowhide overlay also offers you a 6 plait flat braided wrist loop handle and a 8 inch steel foundation. With a single braided underbelly I finish off this whip with a 20-inch fall."
It is a solid whip. Construction looks good, weight feels nice, not too heavy or light. Its raining like crazy so I can't go out and start practicing with it. Brower doesn't seem to big a well known whip maker (only a few posts here mention him), but the seller told me he is working on fixing that, with a website and selling the whips on ebay for the time being.
All this whip needs is a white fall (once the black one breaks) and I think it looks like a pretty good Indy whip. Any thoughts and opinions are welcome.
Its not exactly SA but I like the look of the whip. I like the coat of shellac on the whip. Once you get out and crack it, let us know what its like. Whats his website?
Looks nice. I haven't yet heard of him. What did you pay for it? Definitely let us know how it handles and how it holds up after you've used it for a while.
To be honest, I don't care if it's SA or not. It looks like a nice whip and
I'm also curious what you say about it when you cracked it some time.
It looks heavy and durable - and that's what a bullwhip should be.
Oh, I agree. I don't really care too much for SA, but since this is an Indy forum...I think it looks like a really tough whip and has m now considering this whip maker for my next whip.
Mike is a fellow Michigan whip guy, He does pretty solid work. I’ve been waiting for him to get his website online for a while now, So far he just been selling his whips via e-bay and through word of mouth.
Thanks for all the kind words. I'm glad I picked up this whip. It feels strong and sturdy while just playing and holding it in my room. Price was very good, especially for a bullwhip like this. Only paid $250 USD (only bidder). Came very fast too; 4 days to Canada. The seller was very nice to work with, great communications, and courteous. Once the rain lets out here, and it dries up a bit, I'll take it out for a nice crackin' and let you know how it is. Hopefully the word gets out for him, as his work seems very good.
Last edited by TheExit148 on Tue May 19, 2009 12:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Well... I went out a gave it a few cracks, and I must say I probably have the worst form right now. It was my first time swinging a whip ever, BUT I did get at least 2 or 3 decent cracks out of the whip. Handles pretty good to me. Need more practice that's for sure. Ended up whipping the back of my leg in the process of a forward crack (the only one I was doing). I think I brought it back to far . Anyway I do enjoy it a lot though, and a few whips here and there is all part of the process right Can't wait till I'll be able to start swinging it better.
I obtained a Mike Brower whip a couple of years ago from an auction site.
I was very pleased with the overall quality and workmanship. It was good value.
It is one of my favorite "users"- good for getting down and dirty.
Cracker wrote:Congratulations on the new whip. Mike does excellent work. I own three of his whips and all three (two roo and a cowhide) are great whips.
Do you have any pics of your whips from Michael. I'd like to see his roo whips if you don't mind. Are they Indy style whips too?
Cracker wrote:Congratulations on the new whip. Mike does excellent work. I own three of his whips and all three (two roo and a cowhide) are great whips.
Do you have any pics of your whips from Michael. I'd like to see his roo whips if you don't mind. Are they Indy style whips too?
Here is one of the roo whips. It is a 6ft natural and black. None of mine by Mike are Indy style whips.