I am thinking of applying a coat of Pecards to my new Todd's boots but as I have never used Pecards before I was wondering if anybody has some hints/tips/how to on application.
Just a bit concerned as to whether Pecards would affect the stiching on the boots or whether is ok just to cover everything.
I think there's lots of advise in the gear care section.
But the label has directions. You simply slather it on and let it soak in overnight. Don't use too much but give a good coating. Won't bother the stitching.
Best way I've found to apply petroleum based sealants like Pecards or Sno Seal is to just use your finger and work it in.
If you use any type of cloth, it better be a throw away because its not coming out in the wash.
Going over the stitching should be fine as long as you are not using Pecards shoe oil. I think too much shoe oil will start to deteriorate the stitching at the seams.
I have found using a disposable surgical glove for application works the VERY best for me. It's easy, you can literally feel what areas of the boot/leather have had product applied, and what area has no When you're done, you just pull the glove off inside out and throw away. No mess what so ever.
Boxes of the gloves are available at any pharmacy.
How funny ... I just finished applying a thin coat to my Todd's boots! I use my fingers every time I apply Pecards to anything. As a result the fingers of my right hand are quite soft and supple!
I always use a cloth. I probably use more of it though because I make sure the pecards penetrates the cloth well. However, I take my time and work it in real well too.
Last edited by Imahomer on Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I usually just apply Pecards with my bare hands. I thinks some product get wasted using a cloth,although you could use the same one repeatedly for a while. The problem is, my hands then become very water repellant. Mechanic's hand degreasers such as Go-JO or Fast Orange will clean it off your hands well.
~raider 57
You gotta love washing your hands right after using leather dressing and the water just beads up on them like a freshly waxed car. I've found regular dish soap works quickly and easily when washing up afterwards.
Thanks guys, I applied my first coat of Pecards to my boots with my finger last night successfully so just giving it 24 hours to soak in and dry.
May give them another coat as I am hoping to darken the colour a little as well so I see what happens I think.
If I remember correctly, the first time I applied leather dressing (I don't use pecards, but something very similar) the color darkened quite a bit which was nice.
Michaelson wrote:I have found using a disposable surgical glove for application works the VERY best for me. It's easy, you can literally feel what areas of the boot/leather have had product applied, and what area has no When you're done, you just pull the glove off inside out and throw away. No mess what so ever.
Boxes of the gloves are available at any pharmacy.
Regards! Michaelson
I can't stand the severe "hand lotion" feel after I apply pecards bare handed, so I use gloves, too. That is the best way to go. No muss, no fuss, no bother. [where have I heard that line?]
Louisiana Jones wrote:You gotta love washing your hands right after using leather dressing and the water just beads up on them like a freshly waxed car.
I've used it on the black leather covered dash with perfect results, and have even heard (and seen the final results) of a member using it on a vinyl top of a car, and it also worked perfectly there too. Water beads and the color has not faded. Weird!
I use it on the leather items in the collection of the Museum.
The Picard's Company has a collections of hides that they have been regularly using their compound on since ... I think 1922. There are also control leathers, those which have received no treatment. The treated leathers are in like new condition, soft, supple, with no trace of decay or red rot. Whereas the untreated leathers are becoming hard, wrinkled, and the cow hide has the rot.
I'd say, based on this 80+ year test Picard's is a good product.
Marv wrote:I am thinking of applying a coat of Pecards to my new Todd's boots but as I have never used Pecards before I was wondering if anybody has some hints/tips/how to on application.
Just a bit concerned as to whether Pecards would affect the stiching on the boots or whether is ok just to cover everything.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated......
I was just reading the back of the Pecards can and it states "rub oil in well, especially where stitched". So it looks like you shouldn't be worried about it affecting the stitching on the boots.
Rubbing it in to your jacket or boots with the bare hands seems to do wonders for your hands as well. Takes care of the callouses about as good as Corn Husker hand lotion.