focussing on what is SA through my eyes vs. what is practical vs. what is durable vs. what other folks want on their jacket was being ignored by me and i am truly sorry. i got buried under the screen grabs and stills and lost what meant most to me in this hobby....what makes people happy.
let me share with you what makes me happy. i'm not saying that this jacket is dead on to any one particular jacket in the movie. i'm not going to host a thread for disputes ;-) i'll showcase what i like on my jackets......and only one gentleman in my tenure here has managed to capture everything 100%....some came very close, but as the man himself says, "there is no equal".
as many of you know, my first TN1 had some minor sizing issues....not really large enough to call for a new jacket, but i seized the opportunity to sell it to indiana williams......as it fit better on his frame than on mine.
so, armed with my knowledge of the original pattern that tony was working with, i solicited big tony to construct me a new one with some sizing adjustments and some other small tweaks

firstly, i asked for a larger/longer collar. i asked for an indy 4 collar length + 0.5"on each side and make the lapels 0.25" bigger. although in hindsight, i should of asked for just a miniscule amount more in the length, i am not complaining with the outcome. plus, pulling on the collar will lengthen it eventually.....just the nature of this leather. the collar is shown flipped up to some degree per the temple swing pics.

what is also different is that i upsized the body and chest by 2" (i needed it for the room i see in the raven bar when indy has his jacket zipped), lengthened the jacket by 1" (to make sure the hem falls on the right spot on my mkvii bag) and chopped an additional 1/2" off the sleeves eliminating the CS sleeve look.
now the little tweaks i requested are for a more SA lining (the only inscription is inside the jacket pocket stating #010/888), there is also no leather backing on the tony nowak tag:

here's my nod to TOD as well as what i believe the original hardware was on the ROLA hero jacket......this is why it took a week before he could cut the jacket as the hardware was specially ordered:

i also extended the strap by 0.75" for more dangle ;-)
i also asked him to move the back panel right to the sleeve edge. he had to test this 'stacking of leather' on a trial run before implementing it on my order......he is very meticulous that way:

my last request was for tony to beat the living bageezus out of it. i asked him to maximize his distressing on the jacket, and then when he was done doing that, to take the jacket and throw it on the floor and kick it!

as many of you know, tony will jump hoops to fulfill our crazy, stupid, neurotic requests, and god knows i put him to the test. he nailed everything that i asked for as i left nothing to chance. i have never got a jacket that is this perfect in my eyes and there was a part of me that was a little depressed knowing that there was nothing left to do, nothing left to buy.......so.........
someone get a script together for indy 5 already.......that'll guarantee that i'll be getting at least one more indy jacket

a true gem of a human being. i hope to meet him in person one day.
thank you mr. nowak for the outstanding service. you scored a perfect 10 on jacket no. 10