Membership Warning

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COW Admin
Site Admin
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Posts: 342
Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:36 pm

Membership Warning

Post by COW Admin »


It has come to our attention that former members of this forum have recently re-registered under false pretenses.
The administration of Club Obi Wan will not tolerate this practice, especially if it is for the sole intent to cause general trouble by trolling or baiting other members.
Whether a member leaves of their own accord or are banned, these incidents will be treated in the same fashion, unless the member contacts us first with reasonable explanation.

Club Obi Wan does not allow individuals to maintain more then one active account.
These accounts will be deactivated and subsequently deleted.

Individuals who leave on their own accord, but have second thoughts and decide they want to come back.....
a reasonable explanation will also be expected, and will only be allowed after discussion within the administration
to determine if it best serves the community to allow the individual access onto the discussion site again as a registered member.

We will take all action available to us to prevent things like this from occuring, including contacting the person's ISP, place of employment, or educational institution in regards to the false registration.

Club Obi Wan Administration