My Baby Is Born! (Jacka KOTCS Content)

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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My Baby Is Born! (Jacka KOTCS Content)

Post by Shagbd »

I guess its like getting ultrasound pictures of your unborn baby, but i got an email from Terry today saying that my 8 ft KOTCS "J" Series bullwhip has been born, and BOY is she a beaut!!!
He's still waiting on the export documents, but once they arrive, this one will be coming home to Papa!!
Till then... Ill just have to look at these pictures and drool.


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Post by Satipo »

Wow, that thong is really stiff for a long way after the handle! Beautiful looking whip.
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Post by SHoWhips »

That's a great looking whip. I know you've done a lot of training with your whips so I'd really be interested in reading your thoughts on it's handling compared to the other whips.

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Post by Indiana G »

ain't Terry great with customer service? he sent me a pic of mine on september 19th prior to rolling and varnishing.....gets the customer drooling in anticipation i guess.

my papers were received by him today and she's packaged up and ready to go. the beauty of this is that the aussie dollar is low right now. in the end, including shipping and insurance and all that, my final price was LESS than what i paid for my 10' DM a year ago!!!

i can't wait to get her.....hopefully before the snow comes.

congrats on yours. i hope you get your papers in soon. i noticed that your knots are a lighter colour than mine (does he do this to differentiate between 8' and 10'?). also, terry seems to darken the leather as he progresses from the thong.....why is that?
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Post by Shagbd »

i havent asked but i have a feeling that colors are just differences in hides i guess
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Post by hollywood1340 »

Wow, you and me both! Louie just posted pics on his blog of my whip being completed. I'm excited for us both!
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Post by louiefoxx »

I just got back from testing Hollywood's whip at the park, it's a fun whip! I still need to tie the knots and shellac it.


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Post by Shagbd »

Terry also sent me pictures of my "Set" before plaiting

Per Terry:
The set is the group of the lengths of leather before plaiting
The strings are the individual lengths of leather before or during plaiting.
A strand is an individual string after plaiting.
A stitch is the how a strand sits in the plaiting.
The seam is the pattern made by the plaiting.

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Post by Indiana G »

Shagbd wrote:Terry also sent me pictures of my "Set" before plaiting

Per Terry:
The set is the group of the lengths of leather before plaiting
The strings are the individual lengths of leather before or during plaiting.
A strand is an individual string after plaiting.
A stitch is the how a strand sits in the plaiting.
The seam is the pattern made by the plaiting.

Image i know what i want for dinner tonite :lol:

it takes some serious skill to do that.....kudos to you whip makers!!!
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Looks good Shagbd, Terry did a really nice job on yours. It shouldn’t too much longer now until you have it.

Indiana G, it only takes about a week to arrive once its shipped, so you should have yours soon too, i am looking forward to seeing photos of it

Mine was the same way with the lighter color knots when it was first made, heres the picture Terry sent me when it was complete. They will be considerably darker when it arrives, as will the rest of the whip. The knots are tied from the same hide that the rest of the whip is made from, but they are lighter in color at first because they are tied dry, meaning with out the plaiting soap which darkens the leather Terry uses for these whips. (Thats also why the whip appears to get darker the further from the handle, the thinner they are the more grease they absorb) It could have been a slightly lighter color hide too though, I know he was trying to match them as close as possible to the originals in color as he could be there is always some variance in batch to batch.

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Post by Shagbd »

oh WOW!
yeh..... yours really HAS darkened alot!!
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Post by Cracker »

Congratulations ! Your getting a super whip from a master craftsman. It looks great.
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Post by Hairyloft »

Great Whip! Terry is about to apply for the export form for my 8ft KOTCS whip can't wait.
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Post by Shagbd »

Hairyloft wrote:Great Whip! Terry is about to apply for the export form for my 8ft KOTCS whip can't wait.
alright that settles it.... we need to start a whole dedicated thread to Jacka KOTCS show-off pics!!!
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Post by tomek9210 »

So when is the whip coming to you?
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Post by Shagbd »

i dunno

Terry is still waiting on the certifircate for shipping i beleive
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Post by Shagbd »

JUST to an email from Terry!
My baby is on the way to me!!

He also gave me some pointers about storing whips and suggested that they be hung from the wrist loop and fall and strung out as straight as possible.
he stated that these whips are NOT designed to be coiled up and worn on a belt, that any FORCED flexing of the whip will break down the stiff transition faster.

he also included this picture to show the proper way to store whips ... G_1556.jpg

This is sorta news to me, and is making me really rethink my wall rack
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Post by maboot38 »

I knew they were definitely not mean to be stored coiled, but hanging from both the wrist loop and the fall is news to me as well. As it is I'm comitting a big no-no by hanging my wrist loop on a nail in my stairway. Apparently it shouldn't be hung on matal at all.
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

That’s great that your whip is finally on its way to you..

You know you will find that there is always something new to learn... Forced flexing is normally considered a no no anyway and If you dive thought the archives here on whip storage, you'll probably note that hanging them up in that manner is usually considered the most optimal way to store whips, especially his whips which don’t like to be coiled so much, let alone be coiled tightly. Of course due to space it’s not always practical for everyone to store them just like that.

Last edited by BullWhipBorton on Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mulceber »

hmm...I've been thinking of getting a Jacka KCS whip, but I really don't like the thought of not being able to coil it like any normal Indy whip. If I were to coil it anyway, would it do any significant harm to the whip, or just make it a little less resilient? -M
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Mulceber I basically coil my CS bullwhip the same way I normally coil any of my bullwhips, So does Anthony De Longis, so does just about everyone else I know that uses Terry’s bullwhips. I don’t think it necessarily harms them; I wouldn’t do it if it did. Of course understand that it’s never a good idea to try forcing any whip in to a coil tighter then its willing to take or by breaking a new whip in by force flexing it.

As these CS whips are worked they will change in action, they do relax and become more flexible, Terry does his best to keep the change to a minimum though as he think his whips work better when they are new, I however prefer them with a more “broken in” feel of sorts so they are less stiff and more springy. Mine is now a few months old feel free to take a look. viewtopic.php?t=32697
Because of the way he makes his whips however, they may not coil up as compactly as other Indy bullwhips your more familiar with, that’s kind of the nature of the beast.

Most whip makers will tell you that the ideal way to store a plaited whip is by hanging it up by the wrist loop and just letting it lay out naturally, the second best way tends to be by hanging it up in a loose relaxed coil following the natural curvature of the thong or by just laying it down like that. When not in use I typically store them hanging in a loose coil, After many years of looking after them this way including other Jacka bullwhips, I haven’t had any problems yet (knock on wood).

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Post by Shagbd »

Just in case i said anything out of context to what Terry told me, Ill just copy and paste what he said in his email:

There is no natural curve in a properly made leather whip. All the curve in added after the whip is made, usually by bending it to fit into a box for postage.
I would advise after taking the whip out of the box to hang it by the fall and wrist loop in a long curve opposite to the bend it will have from the packaging.
All the breaking in should be from using the whip. This whip is not designed to coil up and hang from a belt. If you wish to keep the advantage of the stronger transition then avoid bending the whip by hand to assume a particular shape.
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Post by Cracker »

There is no natural curve in a properly made leather whip.
I going to be looking forward to seeing some whipmakers response to this. I've noticed that when binding, there is a curve, but once the whip is rolled, the curve disappears to a point. But when the whip is finished, there still seems to be a natural curve to it to some degree. My Jacka whip has a very pronounced curve to it and it is hanging nearly free (not coiled). But, it was several years old when I got it and it may have been coiled like that for quite awhile.
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Post by Shagbd »

boy im getting impatient!
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Post by Indiana G »

don't spoil the waiting part by getting me, she's worth the wait :)
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Post by Shagbd »

GOT IT!!!!

tommorrow would have been 2 weeks, since it shipped..... but it is WELL worth the wait!
Only got to crack it for a few minutes but WOW! what a heckava whip!

Ill post pictures and maybe videos tommorrow
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Post by Shagbd »

WOW i just realized something here.

This freakin thing has a 12 plait point!!!

I HAVE never seen that before?
that means that he has NO strand drops thru out the entire whip?
just tapers the strands?
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Post by Shagbd »

OH YEH< I SHOULD MENTION that my serial number is 0002!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Congratulations on getting your whip, Looking forward to seeing the photos.

It's not really a 12 plait point your seeing. What determines the number of plaits at the point is how many strands are still used in the plaiting itself where the fall hitch is tied, not how many strands peak though the end, or how many hitch knots are used to tie the fall on. The plaiting on these whips end in the normal 6 or 8 strands like all his whips do, but most if not all the strands are carried though out the entire whip as they are dropped and become part of the core or belly strands. The majority of whipmakers let the strands just disappear into the belly as they drop them in so less come out at the end of the point, Terry tends to carry them all the way thought, so usually 11 or 12 will be visable at the end of the point. Also the fall hitches themselves are sometimes tied twice with the same strand, so that there are more hitches then on most other whips.
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Post by Shagbd »


well....... sitll looks cool and VERY differnet
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Post by McFly »

After seeing one of these babies at the QM, I think I'm going to have to order one, come December or January. I hope the AUD gets a little weaker before then and not stronger! I'm aiming for a 10 footer!

Beautiful whips, guys!

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Post by Shagbd »


I had an extended cracking sesson wiht this whip today and DEAR GOD is it a monster!

its ALOT heavier than any other whip I own.
i Sorta had to warm up to it a bit before i could get into the combos, but WHEW! itll tear your arm out of the socket!
it makes cracking really easy because theres so much momentum behind each move.....
just a LITTLE movement from the users end and it fires off like a shotgun.

The sound of it cracking is really unique too... might be in part due to the crackers that terry has on it......
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Post by tomek9210 »

Post the pics! How much it weigh?
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I guess its like getting ultrasound pictures of your unborn baby, but i got an email from Terry today saying that my 8 ft KOTCS "J" Series bullwhip has been born, and BOY is she a beaut!!!
No, there is nothing like getting ultrasound pictures of your unborn baby. It's a phenomenal, life changing experience that makes you a better human being.

But that is an awesome whip, though.

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Post by Nebraska Brad »

Terry just sent a pic of my 10'. The leather in this current batch is a bit darker than others and was quick to absorb the plaiting soap. The knots came out light but I am sure with some wear it will look great. ... ad10ft.jpg

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Post by McFly »

Look at the LENGTH on that cracker!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Beautiful whips, guys! C'monnnnn AUD..! Fall! Fall!

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Post by Nebraska Brad »

[-X Now now McFly we shouldn't hope for economic downturn for another country ;-)

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Post by McFly »

DOWN with the AUD! :twisted: :twisted:

.. :[ :oops: I guess that was my outside voice?

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Post by Indiana G »

Shagbd wrote:I CANT MAKE A FIST!

I had an extended cracking sesson wiht this whip today and DEAR GOD is it a monster!

its ALOT heavier than any other whip I own.
i Sorta had to warm up to it a bit before i could get into the combos, but WHEW! itll tear your arm out of the socket!
it makes cracking really easy because theres so much momentum behind each move.....
just a LITTLE movement from the users end and it fires off like a shotgun.

The sound of it cracking is really unique too... might be in part due to the crackers that terry has on it......
ha ha! i hear yah......she's a beast ain't she??? i wish i could get more practice time with mine but the snow is out now. i'm look'n to really break her in next year so by next autumn, i'm gonna have one #### of a right hook if i ever drop the gloves on the ice :lol:

congrats on your purchase.....she's a beauty!!!
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Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

My name was added to the waiting list back in September and, at last check in October, there are five or six whips ahead of me...

The waiting.....I hate the waiting....auuuggghhh. ](*,)
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Post by McFly »

Do you guys pay when the whip is made, or pay upfront? How long do you typically wait from the time of getting on "the list" to getting your whips?

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Post by Nebraska Brad »

I ordered the whip on August 16th and was notified it was completed on 11/09. Terry did not want to be paid until the whip ships.

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Post by hollywood1340 »

That makes sense. The AUD is making comeback.
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Post by Shagbd »

Indiana G wrote:
Shagbd wrote: ha ha! i hear yah......she's a beast ain't she??? i wish i could get more practice time with mine but the snow is out now. i'm look'n to really break her in next year so by next autumn, i'm gonna have one #### of a right hook if i ever drop the gloves on the ice :lol:

congrats on your purchase.....she's a beauty!!!
Thanks bud!
yeh, i mean Im not a weakling but i was surprised how HARD i had to grasp it just to hold on to it! it was spinning and turning in my hand as i moved thru different cracks...... im just gonna spend a lil time with it everyday until i get to be like The Hulk.

BTW< I dont mean to knock anyone elses pictures, but i have YET to see any pictures that truely capture the beauty and look of this whip. They look sorta dull in the ones that terry sends, but they are defianntly shellaced and have a really beautiful sheen to them.
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Post by McFly »

Nebraska Brad wrote:I ordered the whip on August 16th and was notified it was completed on 11/09. Terry did not want to be paid until the whip ships.

Thanks! That's just what I wanted to hear... :twisted: I just ordered my 10' J Series.
Shagbd wrote: Thanks bud!
yeh, i mean Im not a weakling but i was surprised how HARD i had to grasp it just to hold on to it! it was spinning and turning in my hand as i moved thru different cracks...... im just gonna spend a lil time with it everyday until i get to be like The Hulk.

BTW< I dont mean to knock anyone elses pictures, but i have YET to see any pictures that truely capture the beauty and look of this whip. They look sorta dull in the ones that terry sends, but they are defianntly shellaced and have a really beautiful sheen to them.
I agree on all counts! The 10 footer I was using at the QM was a BEAST! At one point I tossed it behind me to reset it for another forward flick. I heard this boom behind me and thought somebody had crept up and done and overhead crack behind me! :o Nope... just this monster I was holding. :twisted: And they are definitely more beautiful in person than in real life. Another thing that amazed me was the weight of the handle. The handle was a lot lighter than I thought it would be, even though the whole whip was really heavy! Muahaha!!

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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Great looking bullwhip David, I really like the way yours turned out. I completely agree with you, it’s so hard to really take photos that do these whips, or most other whips real justice. I told you these things where Monsters though :lol: Have fun and don't overdo it, its real easy to strain yourself if you try to push one of these beasts around unless your Hercules :) .

Shane, make sure you check with Terry about the shipping details, as you may have to have it shipped to someone you know outside CA, and then have them ship it to you by UPS, Fed-Ex or via USPS. Terry said he can not ship to addresses with in California due to the states restriction and ban on the import of Kangaroo products, even though the Australian Stock Saddle co. in Malibu can import them. :roll: Still, if you can do that, make sure you mention to Terry that you are from Indy Gears, Club Obi-Wan so you get the member discount price.

One of the reasons those poppers are made long is they wear down pretty quickly.

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Post by McFly »

Hey Dan,

Thanks a lot for the info! That's really important stuff. I'll have to see if I can get it sent to somebody else first. Maybe bink can get it for me.

Thanks a lot!!

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Post by Shagbd »

BullWhipBorton wrote:
One of the reasons those poppers are made long is they wear down pretty quickly.

have you had to replace yours yet?
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Glad to help Shane.
have you had to replace yours yet?
:lol: yeah, I had to replace it after about 3 or 4 days. I just use my own poppers on it now.

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