He's still waiting on the export documents, but once they arrive, this one will be coming home to Papa!!
Till then... Ill just have to look at these pictures and drool.

Moderator: BullWhipBorton
mmmmmmmm......linguini.....now i know what i want for dinner toniteShagbd wrote:Terry also sent me pictures of my "Set" before plaiting
Per Terry:
The set is the group of the lengths of leather before plaiting
The strings are the individual lengths of leather before or during plaiting.
A strand is an individual string after plaiting.
A stitch is the how a strand sits in the plaiting.
The seam is the pattern made by the plaiting.
I going to be looking forward to seeing some whipmakers response to this. I've noticed that when binding, there is a curve, but once the whip is rolled, the curve disappears to a point. But when the whip is finished, there still seems to be a natural curve to it to some degree. My Jacka whip has a very pronounced curve to it and it is hanging nearly free (not coiled). But, it was several years old when I got it and it may have been coiled like that for quite awhile.There is no natural curve in a properly made leather whip.
No, there is nothing like getting ultrasound pictures of your unborn baby. It's a phenomenal, life changing experience that makes you a better human being.I guess its like getting ultrasound pictures of your unborn baby, but i got an email from Terry today saying that my 8 ft KOTCS "J" Series bullwhip has been born, and BOY is she a beaut!!!
ha ha! i hear yah......she's a beast ain't she??? i wish i could get more practice time with mine but the snow is out now. i'm look'n to really break her in next year so by next autumn, i'm gonna have one #### of a right hook if i ever drop the gloves on the iceShagbd wrote:I CANT MAKE A FIST!
I had an extended cracking sesson wiht this whip today and DEAR GOD is it a monster!
its ALOT heavier than any other whip I own.
i Sorta had to warm up to it a bit before i could get into the combos, but WHEW! itll tear your arm out of the socket!
it makes cracking really easy because theres so much momentum behind each move.....
just a LITTLE movement from the users end and it fires off like a shotgun.
The sound of it cracking is really unique too... might be in part due to the crackers that terry has on it......
Thanks bud!Indiana G wrote:Shagbd wrote: ha ha! i hear yah......she's a beast ain't she??? i wish i could get more practice time with mine but the snow is out now. i'm look'n to really break her in next year so by next autumn, i'm gonna have one #### of a right hook if i ever drop the gloves on the ice![]()
congrats on your purchase.....she's a beauty!!!
Thanks! That's just what I wanted to hear...Nebraska Brad wrote:I ordered the whip on August 16th and was notified it was completed on 11/09. Terry did not want to be paid until the whip ships.
I agree on all counts! The 10 footer I was using at the QM was a BEAST! At one point I tossed it behind me to reset it for another forward flick. I heard this boom behind me and thought somebody had crept up and done and overhead crack behind me!Shagbd wrote: Thanks bud!
yeh, i mean Im not a weakling but i was surprised how HARD i had to grasp it just to hold on to it! it was spinning and turning in my hand as i moved thru different cracks...... im just gonna spend a lil time with it everyday until i get to be like The Hulk.
BTW< I dont mean to knock anyone elses pictures, but i have YET to see any pictures that truely capture the beauty and look of this whip. They look sorta dull in the ones that terry sends, but they are defianntly shellaced and have a really beautiful sheen to them.