Help with Nowak jacket length

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Help with Nowak jacket length

Post by TCS »

I finally got around to ordering a Nowak jacket. Haven't sent in any measurements yet and need advice about the jacket length. I am 6'.0" tall and the back length on my favorite Wested is 27 1/2" and it still isn't long enough for my taste.
The CS jacket looks longer than the other jackets to me. Either that or Mr. Ford wore his pants very high on the waist in this movie. Anyway, I need your input. I don't want it to look like a barn coat, but I also don't want it too short. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Post by WinstonWolf359 »

I think the length of the CS and Raiders jackets are the same.

Like you mentioned, Harry wears his pants waistband MUCH higher in CS than he did in any of the other films, and it throws off the apparent length of the jacket. It is much more accurate to compare the length of the jacket to the length of the sleeve when the arm is at his sides than to compare to the height of his belt, which is constantly changing.

So compare the length of the jacket to his sleeve length, and you'll notice both jackets are either the same length, or the length of Harry's arms has changed.



So in order to get the "right" length for you, I'd recommend basing the jacket length on your own arm/sleeve measurement.
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Post by Bruce Wayne »

in the first pic posted above, you can see that the pocket falls about half way down on indys waistline. the pocket is about two inches from the bottom of the jacket.
hope this helps.
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Castor Dioscuri
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Re: Help with Nowak jacket length

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

TCS wrote:I finally got around to ordering a Nowak jacket. Haven't sent in any measurements yet and need advice about the jacket length. I am 6'.0" tall and the back length on my favorite Wested is 27 1/2" and it still isn't long enough for my taste.
The CS jacket looks longer than the other jackets to me. Either that or Mr. Ford wore his pants very high on the waist in this movie. Anyway, I need your input. I don't want it to look like a barn coat, but I also don't want it too short. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If you think the Wested isn't long enough for you, then you'll probably be even more disappointed with a Nowak built to Ford's length. Straight from Tony, the back-length of an Indy IV jacket is 26 1/2". However, you can always specify however long you want YOUR jacket to fit... ;)
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