THE Indiana Jones Closet

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THE Indiana Jones Closet

Post by theinterchange »

I have no clue if this has been covered before so shoot me if it's a rehash.:lol:

I was thinking today as I took my Todd's shirt off and hung it on a hook, that we've seen Indy's closet in both Raiders and CS, umm.. where are his "work" clothes? All I see in both scenes are suits and regular shirts, not his field clothes..

So, where does he keep them? Plus, did we see him pack them in Raiders?

Correct me if I'm wrong, or give some creative ideas where they could be kept. Like maybe he wears them under his street clothes the way Spiderman or Superman does and yanks them off to get into field mode!

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Re: THE Indiana Jones Closet

Post by jnicktem »

theinterchange wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong, or give some creative ideas where they could be kept. Like maybe he wears them under his street clothes the way Spiderman or Superman does and yanks them off to get into field mode!

He keeps them in the bat-cave underneath his house.

Mystery solved! :D
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Post by Jens »

If I'm not totally mistaken, we see how Indy grabs his leatherjacket from his wardrobe and throws it into the suitcase in Raiders. I'd consider this as part of his "field dress". ;)
Last edited by Jens on Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheMechanic »

There's an awesome picture of Indy's closet from CS in the "Complete making of Indiana Jones" book.
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Post by theinterchange »

I do remember the jacket grab now, and you might have something with the bat cave angle. :!:
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Post by Satipo »

I always found it strange how his wardrobe was in his living room in Raiders.
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Post by JC1972 »

Satipo wrote:I always found it strange how his wardrobe was in his living room in Raiders.
You know how single guys are ;-)
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Yeah, as posted above, he grabs his jacket AND whip out of his closet and throws them in his suitcase, in that order. Also, I think you can see his shirt in his closet in Raiders.....maybe. :?
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Post by Satipo »

It's also funny how he feels the need to pack while Marcus is there. It's not like he has much to take really, so why the hurry?
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Post by gwyddion »

exitement? Never done such a thing yourself when you were exited by the thought of things to come?

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Post by Bullitt »

Not only that, but it's also a race against evil. He needs to get hold of the Ark before the nazi's do. So the sooner he leaves, the better.

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Post by Satipo »

But he doesn't leave that night, does he?
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Post by WConly »

Satipo wrote:But he doesn't leave that night, does he?
Yes...true, but he is ready for the excitement to come his way! W>
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

He leaves the next day I would imagine. So he packs that night.
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Post by Indiana Strones »

TheMechanic wrote:There's an awesome picture of Indy's closet from CS in the "Complete making of Indiana Jones" book.
The original closet...


And my personal version... :lol: ...

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Post by NatiJones »

Indiana Strones wrote:
TheMechanic wrote:There's an awesome picture of Indy's closet from CS

Wow awesome lookalike! I wonder if Dr. Jones can come and organize my closet!?!
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Post by NatiJones »

Indiana Strones wrote:
TheMechanic wrote:There's an awesome picture of Indy's closet from CS

Wow awesome lookalike! I wonder if Dr. Jones can come and organize my closet!?!
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Post by Treadwell »

What's that behind the MK VII?
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Post by Luke Warmwater »

Bullitt wrote:Not only that, but it's also a race against evil. He needs to get hold of the Ark before the nazi's do. So the sooner he leaves, the better.

Have you ever noticed how, without Indy, The Raiders story is much the same? They get the headpiece from Marion, find the ark, open it, die horribly. All Indy does is draw things out a little.
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

Luke Warmwater wrote: Have you ever noticed how, without Indy, The Raiders story is much the same? They get the headpiece from Marion, find the ark, open it, die horribly. All Indy does is draw things out a little.
Well, without Indy the Ark wouldn't go to area 51, now would it? It would have staid on the island, and the nazi's would have eventually come looking to what happened to their soldiers. After all, they have a submarine base there...

Mind you, how did the Yanks get there first? :-k
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Post by whipcracker »

Satipo wrote:I always found it strange how his wardrobe was in his living room in Raiders.
I always thought he had a kind of studio type twin-home.
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Post by Ronski »

The Mk VII looks very tan here. I wonder how many different bags they used in the movie?
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

NatiJones wrote:Wow awesome lookalike! I wonder if Dr. Jones can come and organize my closet!?!
Nati! When Henry's done with YOUR closet, could you send him over to MY place to clear out my Office closet? (Y'see, the trick is: he'll have to move all those boxes re-stacked in front of the doors to GET into it!)
I figure, no sense in running up MY mileage when HIS is ALREADY way ahead of mine, IS there?

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Post by Erri »

Treadwell wrote:
What's that behind the MK VII?
I might be mistaken but it looks like a map bag, possibly from the war. Feel free to contraddict me :)

Also what's on top of the shelf? Looks leather, cannot be a hat box can it?
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Post by Indiana G »

is anyone else cringing to see that TN jacket on a skinny wood hanger like that? them shoulder lumps are bound to come out.

guess indy wouldn't care...."oh oh, my jackets stretched at the shoulders......hey uhm bernie, i'll need another one of these please......" :lol:
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Post by backstagejack »

Luke Warmwater wrote:
Bullitt wrote:Not only that, but it's also a race against evil. He needs to get hold of the Ark before the nazi's do. So the sooner he leaves, the better.

Have you ever noticed how, without Indy, The Raiders story is much the same? They get the headpiece from Marion, find the ark, open it, die horribly. All Indy does is draw things out a little.
Sorry, this isn't KOTCS where the ending will be the same regardless of the hero.

1. Would Anyone have actually FOUND the Ark without Indy?? It was he who knew where to go looking for the Headpiece and He who "acquired" it through Marion. Without Indy, she probably would've made sure it was hidden and never given it up.

2. There's no guarantee that the Ark would've been taken TO the island if Indy hadn't been smuggling it off on a boat. Originally it was to be flown off, then Indy blew the planes up. Then the truck was stolen, and THEN it was on a boat.

Logistically, it would make entirely NO sense for the Ark to be on a boat if all they had to do was leave from Egypt to Germany. There would've been no stop over at a secret nazi island. It probably would've flown straight to Hitler.

Belloq was just taking advantage of his situation which he was known for doing.

3. Even IF the Ark had been left on the Island without Indy to grab it, the Nazi's had a base there and KNEW that a small contingent had taken the Ark to the "special place" They would've come looking.

Indy ether acquired transport some how (possibly disguised as a Nazi) and/or Katanga (sp?) came looking for him. As a "pirate" the man showed immense loyalty to Jones.

Not to mention with all his training, Indy could've easily sent a signal to the nearest US ship/base and received help.

In the end though, Indy had a POINT to being there in Raiders....and TOD...and LC...but.......KOTCS???
Indiana Strones wrote:
TheMechanic wrote:There's an awesome picture of Indy's closet from CS in the "Complete making of Indiana Jones" book.
The original closet...


I love this pic. I wish I could have my closet reflect gear that had been through so much adventure and travel.

One day......
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Post by Mississippi Jones »

If anybody is interested in the wool blanket Indy's hat and whip is sitting on, I found some close enoughs:
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Post by jason10mm »

Wasn't Indy stalling Marcus so a female student could slip out the back? Maybe he started packing so Marcus wouldn't start wondering why Indy was chilling in a robe with a bourbon by himself.

Come to think of it, I do the very same quite often (robe and drink, not the student!), hope my wife doesn't start to wonder :P

I figure that living room closet held mostly jackets (and whips). Stuff like shirts and pants were probably in the bedroom.
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Post by Solent MKIII »

My folks' house has an entryway closet right next to the living room where they
hang stuff like jackets, umbrellas, basically travel-type stuff - makes sense that
Indy would keep his travel gear in the living room closet for a quicker grab when
headin' out the door. Image
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Post by Dunny »

Well, according to KOTCS, his bedroom is right there...although he must have done some serious remodeling in the 21-year interval...and let's not forget, in 1936, he's at Marshall College. 1938, he's at Barnett. 1957, he's back at Marshall. But it's the same house, going by some of the basic fixtures such as the breakfast nook and the fireplace. Even the exterior looks similar. I need the DVD to come out so I can make a conclusive judgment!

Maybe he rented the house out during his time at Barnett? Going by Fate of Atlantis, Barnett is in upstate New York, while KOTCS places Marshall in New Britain, CT. I don't know about you, but that's a bit too much of a commute for me...and the Fate of Atlantis comic puts him living in the faculty quarters at Barnett. So, to try and bring my ramble on Indy's living arrangements to a close...

1936-Teaching at Marshall, living in house
1938-Teaching at Barnett, living arrangements unknown (going by films)
1957-Teaching at Marshall, back in the same house again
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I think this is closer to SA

Post by Rambler »

Mississippi Jones wrote:If anybody is interested in the wool blanket Indy's hat and whip is sitting on, I found some close enoughs:
Respectfully disagreeing. I have one each all of the Civil War reproduction blankets from Woolrich and none of them are close to the Indy closet blanket. I think it is this one, a Swiss Army surplus: ... C2093.aspx

They also carry the German rucksack for only $10 for those willing to live with or switch out modern straps and buckles:

Rambler ... C1940.aspx
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Post by Satipo »

Yes, that blanket looks close, Rambler.
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Post by knibs7 »

Luke Warmwater wrote:
Bullitt wrote:Not only that, but it's also a race against evil. He needs to get hold of the Ark before the nazi's do. So the sooner he leaves, the better.

Have you ever noticed how, without Indy, The Raiders story is much the same? They get the headpiece from Marion, find the ark, open it, die horribly. All Indy does is draw things out a little.
Um hello? Without Indy, they wouldn't even have the Ark to begin with. So I think Indy has a pretty big part to play in it :whip:

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Post by Satipo »

Yes, I think Indy did inadvertently help them find The Raven bar.
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Post by Mississippi Jones »

I agree, Rambler, that blanket is much closer to the one in KOTCS. I have the Civil War blankets myself. Are you a reenactor? I am, and I'm just curious. Cool find, though. I guess now the big thing is going to have the most SA closet! :P
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Post by PLATON »


I have a bag which I bought from a local army surplus store. It was dirty as #### so I put it in the washing machine. The result is exactly the color shown in the photo above. My strap is a burgundy Magnoli, the only difference.

It's up for sale, if you care PM me
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Post by Rambler »

Mississippi Jones wrote:I agree, Rambler, that blanket is much closer to the one in KOTCS. I have the Civil War blankets myself. Are you a reenactor? I am, and I'm just curious. Cool find, though. I guess now the big thing is going to have the most SA closet! :P
Yes, I am or actually was a reenactor. I was in the 2nd Md Infantry Co. A CSA. Yup, Maryland had units on both sides of the American Civil War.
Alas, that was in the B.C. era (that's "Before Children") and there is only so much time for hobbies with kids at least until they are old enough to join you.
Ok, obligatory IJ content:
The suppliers of CW (and other military eras) reenactor gear are often good sources of stuff for adventuring in general. Military gear for the individual soldier did not change much from the US CW to the post WWI era so canteens, mess kits, blankets etc all have an appropriate look.
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