Who wants a Winston 360?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Who wants a Winston 360?

Post by 3thoubucks »

Announcing the Grand Opening of the Winston Hat Company. First of all, does anyone want one? I think this is the closest to the Raiders block, taking into account the tightness of the Raiders hat. I will make a 360 stovepipe for you that is a very tight fit. That is why it won't look too big. Your hats openig will be about 1/4 inch smaller than your head measurement. (Hey,.. you can tip it back on your head to give it a rest, and look stylish in the process, pull it down, and you'll never lose it in the wind.) A TIGHT HAT IS RAIDERS ACCURATE. Here.... is the proof- Image Image If your current hat was that tight, don't you think it might look a little SMALL? ..... Click this link to see a video of my personal Winston 360 - http://video.yahoo.com/watch/3296819/9278103 ..... Click this link to witness the birth of the Winston 360 viewtopic.php?t=32988 ........Here are an Akubra Bushman and a Federation 4- Basicly the same block, (the Fed 4's oval is a little longer.) Image Same hats, the Fed 4 with a Winston 360 reblock. Image Image Feel the backtilt! Image Image Image Image So, I want to start with some FREE LABOR hats. Customer pays for all shiping, and a Fed 4, if you don't have one already to send me. Your Fed 4 has to be oversize to begin with, at leat an eigth inch bigger than your head measurement. Example- if your head is 22 1/4 inches you are a size 57 Fed 4. I will need a size 58 who's range begins at 22 3/8 -- I will sand the crown thinner, reblock it, transition about a quarter inch of crown into brim in front, 1/8 in back, Telescope it. Shorten the sweat. Cinch the ribbon. Raiders turn and bash. Note- I'm not going to use a lot of stitches to put the sweat back in. I'm going to toss the wire reed. Since Screenused's hat doesn't have a liner, I'll leave it out and return it to you with the hat. I'm not going to get the brim wet, but I am making the hat's opening smaller. There will probably be some distortion in the brim. There will be a line on the brim where the old brim break was. ......PM me if you are interested. -3thoubucks. Image Image Image
Last edited by 3thoubucks on Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:00 am, edited 42 times in total.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

I'm not really in the market for another Indy hat right now, but am interested in what comes of this. What type of felt will you use? How much will you charge? What sort of ribbon and sweats will you be using? I'm just curios. And congrats on the new business 3thoubucks.

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Post by Mulceber »

Yeah, congrats. I'll be interested to see what comes... :junior: -M
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Post by laughograms »

DR Ulloa wrote:I'm not really in the market for another Indy hat right now, but am interested in what comes of this. What type of felt will you use? How much will you charge? What sort of ribbon and sweats will you be using? I'm just curios. And congrats on the new business 3thoubucks.

Um, he's not talking about actually making hats. He's talking about you sending him your Fed and he reblocks it as he has illustrated.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

I am pretty sure he edited the post after I wrote that and added the whole send your hat in deal. If not, I missed that. I am still interested to see how this project turns out.

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Post by 3thoubucks »

DR Ulloa wrote: I am still interested to see how this project turns out.

Image Image
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Post by bigrex »

Those last photos of your hat look so convincing. The side view is more Raiders than anything I've ever seen IMHO.
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Post by Holt »

I agree..is that a fed 4 you have in your photos?

you just reblocked it?

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Post by 3thoubucks »

I only reblocked the crown. My size is actually in the 57 Fed 4 range, and this is a 58, so I had some extra room to work with.
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Post by Piker »

Your Fed 4 has to be oversize to begin with, at leat an eigth inch bigger than your head measurement. Example- if your head is 22 1/4 inches you are a size 57 Fed 4. I will need a size 58 who's range begins at 22 3/8 -- I will sand the crown thinner, reblock it, transition about a quarter inch of crown into brim in front, 1/8 in back, Telescope it. Shorten the sweat. Cinch the ribbon. Raiders turn and bash. Note- I'm not going to use a lot of stitches to put the sweat back in. I'm going to toss the wire reed. Since Screenused's hat doesn't have a liner, I'll leave it out and return it to you with the hat. I'm not going to get the brim wet, but I am making the hat's opening smaller. There will probably be some distortion in the brim. There will be a line on the brim where the old brim break was. ......PM me if you are interested. -3thoubucks.
Interesting. My 4 is a tad large and was very dommed when open. Had lots of trouble getting the front to back crease right. Turned it into a Diamond Bash. Removed the liner myself for summer wear.

This line on the brim? Will it be hidden by the ribbon?
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Post by conceited_ape »

3thou, can you do it with a Fed III?
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Isn't a Fed 3 a 5 1/2 inch Regular fed? I reblocked a Regular Fed of mine last night, and I couldn't get rid of the extra dome. :x
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Post by conceited_ape »

It's a Deluxe, if that helps. I bought it only a few weeks before the Fed IV was released.
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Re: Who wants a Winston 360?

Post by Texas Raider »

3 questions, 3 thou! Hats look great!

1. can you do this with a Christy's?

2. can you leave or reinstall the liner?

3. what do you charge?


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