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New? First jacket order? Read more....

Post by Texan Scott »

If you are considering buying a faithful reproduction of the "Raiders" jacket, consider a G&B goat, as it was made per the specifications of a stunt man's jacket who worked on the Raiders set. This jacket is a good choice because not only is it built to last, they are made in the US, at El Cajon, CA. Also, a few of the 'Gear' members who are in the know, and 'the knowers of things', offered advice and suggestions to insure that the jacket would be as accurate as possible.

Other helpful tips include gathering accurate measurements, especially jacket and sleeve length. For jacket length, find a good fitting jacket, and measure from the bottom of the collar stand to the end of the jacket. Next, measure the length of the sleeves from the end of the shoulder seam, the point where the shoulder seam and sleeve meet, to the end of the cuff. Some are comfortable with the cuffs around the palms, while others like the end of the cuff to fall at or just below the wrist. This is a personal choice, so size accordingly.

Also, with G&B you have a choice between dark brown lining and black lining. The dark brown lining is more screen accurate, while the black lining provides a novel contrast to the dark brown leather. Again a personal preference.

Jacket size...find a good fitting suit coat and size accordingly. If you like a bit of roominess, order one size up from the suit coat.

Lastly, if you catch Michaelson on a good day, he might float you a loan to help finance your Expedition, or pun intended! Right? Mich...Mich....(Michaelson has just left the forum!) See what happens when you don't read Chapters 4 and 5?.....

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Post by Raider S »

G&B has hired you as their new ad exec!
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Post by Indiana G »

to play devil's advocate, if you are in the market for the closest thing that you see on ford's shoulders, the g&b imo falls short. remember, the raiders jacket was a costume jacket, not meant for everyday wear.....that's why they made and used more than one :wink:

the g&b owners will bank heavier on the jacket's durability and quality than its screen accuracey...and unfortunately, unless you know someone on the inside, they won't do any mods for you outside of sizing.

don't get me wrong, the g&b from what i've seen and heard is one tank of a jacket......but i've got other jackets to fit the bill for that.


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Post by CM »

I actually think the G&B looks better than the jacket in the movie (but it must be worn in) - not only that, it's tough.
Last edited by CM on Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by delfloria »

While on my quest to find a "Raiders" style jacket I looked and tried on a G&B. While it was a sturdy jacket, with accurate patterns and very well made it didn't seem to move and drape like the thinner costume jackets seen in "Raiders".
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Re: G&B

Post by CM »

delfloria wrote:While on my quest to find a "Raiders" style jacket I looked and tried on a G&B. While it was a sturdy jacket, with accurate patterns and very well made it didn't seem to move and drape like the thinner costume jackets seen in "Raiders".
That's exactly why I prefer the look of the G&B. The movie jacket has a great design but it looks quite flimsy. Mind you some of the USW jackets look great too. Not sold on the Nowak yet.
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Re: G&B

Post by Raider S »

delfloria didn't seem to move and drape like the thinner costume jackets seen in "Raiders".
Costume being the key word. For a jacket you really wnat to wear everyday and abuse over a period of many years, G&B or USW would be the way to go. If you want something more casual or just for looks there are better sources. Not that other jacekts won't hold up, it is a different level of durability.
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Post by PSBIndy »

I would say that a good Wested custom, like my Novapelle, is as good as any G&B or USW out there as far as durability and workmanship is concerned for an everday you get a customized fit second to none. Of course, I would rank a custom Magnoli right up there, too. The best "costume" jacket right now is the Todd's Standard....despite some quality control problems, the Standard seems sturdy enough to wear in all but the most demanding conditions.
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Post by jacksdad »

I have a wested goat off the rack and it's held pretty good so far and drapes nicly. I have an A-2 from Wings and US Authentic, and I compared the three and the Wested I got the stiching looks just as tight,as the wings or us authentic. I think in terms of jackets durability it really depends on who is making it at the time. you could have a great sewing person at wested and at g&b but what if either have a bad day and the jacket slips thorough quality control. I wonder if the ones that have had jackets fall apart are the ones who the person was having a bad day? My friend has an uncle who works for a car plant and he said if you buy a new car find out what day it was made,and he said avoid the Monday and Friday cars. so I wonder if jackets fall into that realm as well.
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Post by Raider S »

Where's the emoticon of the little guy smashing his head against the brick wall...?
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Post by Texan Scott »

Let's consider a few things, since this is a forum ,and level with each other here....the only TRUE screen accurate jackets, or other gear are those articles of clothing, props, etc., which were made for and used by Harrison Ford and his stuntmen in the four movies. Everything else that has been produced later was/is a faithful fan/vendor reproduction. Why are the jackets screen accurate, because they were actually used in the filming. It is my understanding that the Raiders, screen accurate jackets, actually used by Harrison Ford in the filming, were size 40 regular, almost paper thin lamb, cotton silesia, aluminum zipper (painted), and loops (painted). It is also my understanding that as of today, there are only 5 true screen accurate jackets left in the world. Does ANY member own one of, I don't think so? Does anyone even own a jacket cut from the same lot or bolt of leather that these Raiders jackets were made from? So who can really say they have a 100% true, screen accurate jacket? Practically all of us own reasonable likenesses or faithful reproductions.

What is being produced today is the next best thing. Some noted experts borrowed a Raiders stunt jacket, measured it, took photos, etc., and from the fruits of their labor, a faithful reporoduction was born....out of facts, and not from a man's best recollection. These experts were also reacting, and were proactive to people's persistant concerns and complaints that the jackets then produced and offered for sale on the market, were somewhat sub-standard, in terms of their durability and possible quality. So the next step was to attempt to have a jacket mass produced that was both durable and as close to being a "faithful reproduction" as possible, accessable to fans.

Guys, I am not here to debate you on every nuance of these jackets, let's leave that to the noted experts. What I have attempted to do is appeal to the first time buyer, whose budget may support his buying only one jacket. The G&B goat will last for decades, if cared for properly, and since IJ is an American concept, being mindful of internet ordering, shipping, exchange rates and transaction fees, etc., a quality issue can be ordered right here at home. We have gown up with a mindset in the US, that if we buy something, such as a jacket or shoes, we want them to hold up for awhile, and rightly so. If you pay, $300-$500 for a jacket, you should be able to get what you came for! This offering will more than fit the bill, as will others out there.

I want to encourage those of you who have greater knowledge of the Wested lamb, washed lamb, Novapelle, Pre-distressed, Nowak, Todd's, US Wings, etc., etc., to post some 'How To' threads in this forum so the first time buyer can make a better informed decision. It depends on what the buyer is looking for, as to choice and preference, but rarely does a day go by that someone doesn't post a 'Help Me' question in this forum.
Last edited by Texan Scott on Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CM »

Texan Scott wrote:Let's consider a few things, since this is a forum ,and level with each other here....the only TRUE screen accurate jackets, or other gear are those articles of clothing, props, etc., which were made for and used by Harrison Ford and his stuntmen in the four movies. Everything else that has been produced later was/is a faithful fan/vendor reproduction. Why are the jackets screen accurate, because they actually were used in the filming. It is my understanding that the Raiders, screen accurate jackets, actually used by Harrison Ford in the filming, were size 40 regular, almost paper thin lamb, cotton silesia, aluminum zipper (painted), and loops (painted). It is also my understanding that as of today, there are only 5 true screen accurate jackets left in the world. Does ANY member own one of, I don't think so? Does anyone own a jacket cut from the same lot or bolt of leather that these Raiders jackets were made from? So who can really say they have a 100% true, screen accurate jacket? Practically all of us own reasonable likenesses or faithful reproductions.

What we have being produced today is the next best thing. Some noted experts borrowed a Raiders stunt jacket, measured it, took photos, etc., and from the fruits of their labor, a faithful reporoduction was born....out of facts, and not from a man's best recollection. These experts were also reacting, and were proactive to people's persistant concerns and complaints that the jackets then produced and offered for sale on the market, were somewhat sub-standard, in terms of their durability and possibly quality. So the next logical step was to attempt to have a jacket mass produced that was both durable and as close to being a "faithful reproduction" as possible.

Guys, I am not here to debate you on every nuance of these jackets, let's leave that to the noted experts. What I have attempted to do is appeal to the first time buyer, whose budget may support his buying only one jacket. The G&B goat will last for decades, if cared for properly, and since IJ is an American concept, being mindful of shipping, exchange rates and transaction fees, etc., can be ordered right here at home. We have gown up with a mindset in the US, that if we buy something, such as a jacket or shoes, we want them to hold up for awhile, and rightly so. If you pay, $300-$500 for a jacket, you should be able to get what you came for! This offering will more than fit the bill.

I want to encourage those of you who do have greater knowledge of Wested lamb, washed lamb, Novapelle, Pre-distressed, Nowak, Todd's, etc., etc., to post some 'How To' threads in this forum so the first time buyer can make a better informed decision. Rarely does a day go by that someone doesn't post a 'Help Me' question in this forum.
Sure - but as I said - I think a G7B looks better that teh movie jacket.... so there! :wink:
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