Hello all, I have a quick question about a hat I recently picked up as a place holder until my Camptown arrives.
I have obtained a cheap-o $40 wool fedora and wanted to know about rain care. I have no delusions of this hat taking any type of severe punishment at all and was wondering if wearing it in the rain is going to completely wreck it.
Obviously one of the reasons to buy/wear a hat is to protect one from the elements and I'd like to be able to do that with this hat, however it is kinda nice looking and I don't really want to ruin it completely. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
And here is a pic of the lid in question for giggles..
Thanks for confirming my initial instincts. I didn't think this would put up with the rain. I believe it is more of a summer lid. I used cold water to fix the front dents initially and it changed shape really easily when it was wet. This is why I started to think it might not like the rain.
I was impressed to find it as it had an Indy type bash on top instead of the typical tear drop on all of the other hats that were there. I like the pattern as well, the colour of this hat really jumped out at me.
Venkman, if that's the Sears hat, then I have the exact one and have worn it in a severe Ottawa winter, and it is my 'rainy day' fedora, as well as..well...every other day.
The wool is actually a blend with materials designed to keep you cool in heat, and attract moisture (humidity) away from your head.
Wear that sucker in the rain with pride! I had mine on last Thursday in a torrential downpour and it came through unscathed!
Thanks, Gater, That is great to hear. It is one of the Sears hats. I'm so glad to hear that it will endure the rain. For an inexpensive hat it's actually not bad. Did you leave the bound edge on the brim of your hat or remove it? I have left mine on there as it seems to help with the shape and rigidity of the brim so far. However, I've been wondering what it would be like with out it.
I left it as-is. I was quite pleased to find a centre-dent fedora with a turn for under $50 - and I really wanted a grey lid w' black band. I don't know how it would turn out to remove the bound edge brim, but since I like it as it is, I haven't really thought about it.
Thanks again, Gater. I think I'll leave mine as is. This way it will keep its distinction when I get my Camptown Legend. For my first Fedora in quite some time I have to admit I love it. People really do treat you differently when you wear one, not badly, just different, it's funny.
I brought a $50.00 indiana jones fedora hat off the web. I have been in several rain storms and it has held its shape fine. In fact it fits better now. When I want to change the hat shape I simply wet it and adjust it to the shape I want and let it dry.
Does that gray wool fed happen to be made by Capas? I found a wool fedora called a Blues Brothers made by Capas on Sears.com in the 'States. I also found it for less at Bencrafthats.com and another center dent wool fed. The only two in wool felt I've ever seen with center dents.