jrzjoe 10 plait whip

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jrzjoe 10 plait whip

Post by IndianaJack91 »

its a 12 footer and i want to know if it was a good choice :)
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Post by IndianaBogart »

IndianaJack91, it depends on what you are using the whip for. I don't claim to be a whip expert, but I should be able to point you in the right direction. First off, I DO NOT own a Jrzjoe whip. I was on the verge of getting one a while back, but after doing a few searches on here I decided against because most of the reviews I have read on here suggest that his whips are not all that they are cracked up to be (no pun intended). If you are wanting a whip because you really want to get into whip cracking and plan on cracking the whip often, most of the people here have said that the whips will not last. For occasional cracking, then my understanding is that they will be fine. However, if you simply want it as a costume piece or belt hanger, then you will probably be happy with your whip.

If you are wanting to get into whip cracking and do so often then let me say that Gus Caicedo is a GREAT guy to deal with and makes FANTASTIC whips. :) I only have one real whip (I've had a few cheap swivel handle whips in the past. :oops:) and it came from Gus. It's an 8ft. 8plt. and I love it. I can't recomend his whips enough and the price is VERY reasonable. Especially for the excellent craftsmanship that goes into them. They are great. :D
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Post by IndianaJack91 »

About how much do Gus's whips cost? And also what colors do the whips come in?

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Post by Herr Doktor »

All information on Gus's whips can be found on his website here:


He uses cowhide, not roo, but the prices are excellent. For those of us on a budget, and from what I understand, Gus has a truly excellent product.

I'll be ordering an 8 foot 12 plait soon. Can't wait. :D
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Post by IndianaBogart »

For those of us on a budget, and from what I understand, Gus has a truly excellent product.
Again, I'm not a whip expert, but I'm VERY pleased with my whip from Gus. Herr Doktor, whenever you get yours I hope you're as pleased as I am.

By the way, welcome to COW IndianaJack91. I'm a newb too and I'm glad to get to talk to other new members. :)
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Post by IndianaJack91 »

sounds like i will be giving Gus some business!!!
Thanks a ton!!! :D
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Post by IndianaBogart »

What do you think about the whip you got from jrzjoe? Just out of curiosity. I don't think I've ever heard a review of one by someone who owned one.
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Post by IndianaJack91 »

Well for starters its a 12 footer and i am used to an 8 footer. Its leather seems to be good quality. But it does seem to be a bit heavy(probably because of the length. I do very much like it and i got it on ebay for a decent price. I do definitely want one of Gus's whips now though.
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Post by IndianaBogart »

If you like it that's all that matters. Again, I've never had or used one, I've just listened a lot to what was said on here about them and decided to go with Gus. A decision I don't regret at all.

Can you crack the whip very easily with it being 12 feet? I've only cracked 6 and 8 foot whips. I feel like a 12 foot would be some what difficult.
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Post by IndianaJack91 »

it is difficult but i think i am finally getting used to it. it seems to crack pretty easily.
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Thats good. I was just curious. Well, good luck. Let me know if you decide to order a whip from Gus.
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Post by monolith21 »

I bought one of his twelve foot ten plait whips a while back. It looks great and in the hands of a more experienced whip cracker...it might do better, but for me it was #### near impossible to crack!

I'll admit that this may simply be due to my inexperience. I've been shopping for a new whip and I plan to go for an eight foot this time around! My brother has been looking for a belt hanger and I think he'll be pretty happy to get my old whip!
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Post by IndianaBogart »

I noticed you're new, monolith21, so welcome to COW. If you're looking for an 8ft. then (in case you hadn't noticed from my other posts) Gus Caicedo makes great whips and at a great price. I highly recommend him.
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Post by IndianaJack91 »

how long does it take gus to get you the whip?
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Post by purewhips »

hi thanks right now I am looking at 6 to 7 weeks for whips.

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Post by IndianaJack91 »

you can bet i will buy one pretty soon from you Gus! :D :D
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Post by IndianaJack91 »

Ihave been practicing more and i am liking the 12 footer :junior:
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Post by monolith21 »

IndianaBogart wrote:I noticed you're new, monolith21, so welcome to COW. If you're looking for an 8ft. then (in case you hadn't noticed from my other posts) Gus Caicedo makes great whips and at a great price. I highly recommend him.
Thanks for the welcome! This place is great! I've been hanging out on ASAP for so long wondering why the Indiana Jones only see action every once in a while...no I know! All the best stuff is posted here!

I've had my eye on Gus' whips for a while now! I think when I get the cash together he's who I'll go through!
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Post by Luke Warmwater »

I have a jrzjoe whip and it looks ok hanging on your belt and that's about it. If you want to whipcrack get a real one.
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Post by Indywanabe91 »

I have a jrzjoe whip and it looks ok hanging on your belt and that's about it. If you want to whipcrack get a real one.
but can it be cracked? and are they as strong as jrzjoe claims they are? by claiming to swing? cuz im looking for the strongest whip!
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Post by Indiana »

Jrzjoe whips are mostly for looks only. And they really don't look much either. His whips do not look to have much to them. A good whip has a couple of bolsters (which is basically a whip inside the whip). You are not going to get a good whip that you can swing on and not ruin it. The simple fact is that whips are NOT made to be swung on. You will stretch the leather and ruin the whip. Whips are for cracking. And if you want to crack the whip you need a good whip. So if you are on a budget go with Gus or the IndyonaBudget. Great whips at a great price. If you have more to spend, go for a Strain, Jacka, Morgan, or any of the other great makers.

Whips are strong, but leather stretches. You may want to consider a paracord whip.

"A whip is like a man... no guts, no good."
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Post by Luke Warmwater »

Indywanabe91 wrote:
I have a jrzjoe whip and it looks ok hanging on your belt and that's about it. If you want to whipcrack get a real one.
but can it be cracked? and are they as strong as jrzjoe claims they are? by claiming to swing? cuz im looking for the strongest whip!
It takes way too much force to get it to crack, and then it's more of a "pfft."
As far as his claims of strength, that you can swing on one, well, :roll: I don't think so.
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Post by IndianaJack91 »

once you break in the whip it cracks very easily without a lot of effort
that is what i have noticed
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Post by IndianaJack91 »

i have really broken it in now and it is pretty easy to crack but it doesn't make the whoosh sound
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Post by techrtr »

I've had an 8 foot, 12 plait Jrzjoe whip for a couple of weeks. Now that I'm starting to get the hang of it, that thing cracks like a gunshot. I can do all of the basic cracks without any problem. The plaiting seems really tight and the whip makes a very nice wooshing sound as it comes around. I've been beating the #### out of it owing to my bad technique (which is getting better, I'm not trying to muscle the whip as much as I did at first) and there's no sign of anything falling apart.

I have a Winrich and a Caisedo on order right now so when they come, it will be really interesting to do a side by side comparison.
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Post by Cracker »

I believe your going to see a HUGE difference.
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