New Wested Order - In Time for May 22 Delivery? - YES!!!

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New Wested Order - In Time for May 22 Delivery? - YES!!!

Post by IndyFilmmaker »

I've just joined the Club, so first let me tip my Akubra to all the Indy Gear peeps--I feel like I know you, and not just because I've read so many of your postings. What a treat to discover an entire community of Indy fanatics just as obsessed as I am! Thank you so much for this website and this forum!

Now then, here's my question:

On Saturday (5/3) I placed an order for a Wested ROLA special offer combo. Will it arrive in time for the premiere of CS? According to the delivery FAQ on the website I should be okay, but after reading some of the postings about long delays with Wested deliveries and knowing how busy they must be right now, suddenly I'm worried. Am I snoozing in a poultry plane with no pilots?
Last edited by IndyFilmmaker on Sat May 17, 2008 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mal »

It's possible that with the film's release nearing, Wested is swamped with orders. Best thing you can do is stay in contact with Gemma and get updates on the order status.

Oh and welcome to the party, pal. 8)
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Post by Cole »

I've read a lot of negative feedback about the current delivery times in a local Indy-Forum lately. Seems like Wested is indeed swamped with orders which leads to very long waiting times at the moment.

If I where you I wouldn't bet my money on an arrival before the premiere. :(
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Post by Risu »

An off the rack jacket probably would arrive on time, but from what I've heard the shirts and pants are way behind schedule.
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Post by Holt »

Mal wrote: welcome to the party, pal. 8)
you know I want to make a comment on that again dont ya jack?hehe,(roy)

welcome to house for the insane :D you'r in good company 8)

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Post by Mal »

Indiana Holt wrote:
Mal wrote: welcome to the party, pal. 8)
you know I want to make a comment on that again dont ya jack?hehe,(roy)
I know you do, Holt, haha.

What can I say, it's my tagline, my trademark, my calling card 8)

I was the only kid on the block who idolized John McClane (and Indy) while the rest of my friends were playing with lightsabers and X-Men.

But yeah, Risu's right, an off-the-rack shouldn't take long at all.
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Post by Holt »


I was the only kid on the block who idolized John McClane (and Indy) while the rest of my friends were playing with lightsabers and X-Men.

HA! :shock:

me too what a coincedende!

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Post by Kt Templar »

Hi IndyFilmmaker,

Now is an extra-ordinary time for all ouf our vendors. The otr jackets order may be easier to fill than the pants and shirts as all 3 are outsourced, the jackets form a much bigger supplier apparently....

It may be that to get the jacket sooner you forgo the small discount and ask them to ship that first... paying the £20/$40 to do so.

It may sound like a lot but it's a fraction of what US vendors charge us to send to Europe.
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Post by Argonaut »

I was pretty big on both really. Indy and McClane that is. Don't think I could choose between the two. They're both awesome.

Anyways, welcome IndyFilmmaker. I hope that means you're a filmmaker. Good for you. I do some of that myself.
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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Thanks fellas for the warm welcome, and for the support and the suggestions. I've got an email in to Wested, but haven't heard back yet. I've got my fingers crossed...

I'm sure that lots of last-minute types like me are wondering whether it's too late to place a Wested jacket order so as to receive it by the 22nd. It would be a good idea for Peter and/or Gemma to post order deadlines on their website or in this forum, but I'm sure they're way too busy packing and shipping my order for that... :)
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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Today I got an automated email from Wested saying my order status has been updated to "PROCESSING" which seems like a pretty good sign. Danny, based on the timeline it seems like you should have gotten something similar by now, but really who knows? I have not received a personal response to my email inquiry. I have a hunch that right now Wested is just focused on getting as many OTR orders shipped as possible, and that all customer inquiries for information or special services have been deprioritized until after the premiere.

I knew when I placed my order with Wested on such short notice that I was rolling the dice--especially now, as the Indy frenzy reaches all-time peak. But I have faith! After all, if ya don't make the leap from the Lion's Head, there's no getting to the Grail, is there?

I hope you get yours soon, Danny, and I hope I get mine too!
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Post by Rom Hunter »


My custom special Raiders jacket went into 'Processing' on March, 27th and I received it today.

BTW: I live in the Netherlands.

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Post by Indiana Strones »

I heard that they are out of trousers. A friend ordered a pair 1 month ago and still waiting. :roll:
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Post by ztmario »

I ordered on the 16th and I got the processing email on the 17th. it's been '21 days' as of today, but not 21 WORKING days. whatever, I emailed regardless to check what the status was. can't hurt to ask. they've been VERY good about emailing me back so far.. I'll let you know what they say.
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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Thanks for chiming in, boys! The consensus seems to be that I am not likely to receive my Wested order before the Big Day. :cry: I have reluctantly let go of the dream, and just finished ordering a back-up set of shirt n pants from L.L. Bean (I've already got a passable Indy jacket). If the Wested order somehow miraculously arrives in time for the premiere, I will be delighted--but I'm not counting on it.

Someone really needs to crack the whip over these Wested people. Anyone'round here know how to do that? :whip:
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Post by ztmario »

Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 08:18:12 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
From: "Westedleather" <> Add Mobile Alert
To: "Mike Iacono" <>
Subject: Re: >>>>>>>>>>>> New Order 7573 <<<<<<<<<<<<
Dear Mike
Your order was dispatched yesterday with parcel force.,on a 48 hour delivery.
Cheers Gemma
That was in my mailbox first thing this morning. and it's pretty sweet, if I might add. that also means it took EXACTLY 21 days for them to finish the jacket, and now I SHOULD be getting it by tomorrow. honestly guys, I don't know why you all have such a hard time getting in touch with wested. maybe you should make your subject headers more bold.. or consider that it's going straight into their spam box? I use yahoo mail, so I don't really know. I'm #### excited though!!
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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Congrats Ztmario! Hope you'll post some pix when you get it! And not just pix of the jacket--pix of you *wearing* the jacket...
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Post by ztmario »

well I got the jacket today... so that's certainly not a bad turnaround time. I'm sure I'll take some "adventure" pictures when I go out this weekend...
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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Yesterday I returned from a short vacation to find a parcel from England at my desk! Enclosed I found my new ROLA special, with a hand-written note saying "Shirt and Pants to Follow." This is exactly what I'd hoped for, and I am so very pleased! I gave the new jacket a quick distressing with sandpaper and a razor, then took it for a full gear test drive. Check it out!


Wested comes through! Thanks Peter and Gemma!
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Post by Risu »

Every time somebody posts pics of their Raiders Special jackets I get real psyched about ordering mine. I can't wait, just 1 more week. That jacket looks perfect, congratulations.
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Post by indygr »

Great jacket!!

Can you post some close ups?? Don't forget when you receive the shirt and pants to post some pics if you can. I would like to know if there is any difference in the cut of the current production pants.

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Post by Indiana Strones »

Has your jacket the shoulder pads? :?: :?:
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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Here are those close-ups you requested. I've still got a lot more distressing to do...


The jacket is an ROLA special offer Off the Rack 42R, which is my sport coat size. I find this jacket to be snug in the shoulders and upper arms, but rather too voluminous through the mid-section. Tightening up the action pleats helps make up for this (though I wonder if the 80s cut wouldn't suit me better), and a little weight in the front pockets helps the jacket drape in an Indy-like fashion. There are no shoulder pads.

I will post pix of the shirt & pants when they arrive.
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Post by indygr »

Thanks Indyfilmmaker!

That's a valuable purchase you made!! I would recommend you to distress this jacket only slightly in order to remove the shine only...After 2 months of usage it will be great!

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Post by Indiana Strones »

No shoulder pads uh? Hey, I like this jacket very much!! And a very good distressing job too! :D
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Post by Tron7960 »


I know some here are skeptical of the special offer jackets from Wested, but outside of Todd's, I don't think you will find a better value.
Not to mention the Wested pedigree!

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Post by Mississippi Jones »

Beautiful jacket!
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Post by coronado3 »

And lookie there.... they nailed the collar/stormflap placement perfectly!

Right in the middle where it is supposed to be!8)

Why can't this happen on every jacket they make?:-k

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Post by Pilot99 »

Its always fun looking at people's jackets and how diverse they are. I am new to the club as well and I just got my jacket from Wested Leather, its such a fantastic jacket, I couldn't ask for more.
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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Thanks guys! I agree with Tron7960: if you can wear off the rack sizes, this jacket is a great value. And there is definitely something to be said for Wested bragging rights. \:D/
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Post by Rom Hunter »

Looks great on you, Filmmaker.

You're ready for it.

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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

I've just spent the last couple hours further distressing my Wested lambskin. I started with sandpaper and a boxcutter, which I used to dull the shine and to scuff the seams, cuffs, and corners. The color of the leather beneath is grayish, not the brown we expect in an Indy jacket. So in between rounds of sanding and scuffing I applied brown shoe polish, careful to hit the scuffed areas and turn the gray patches brown.

Next I went outside and thrashed the jacket on the street (much to the amusement of passersby, who laughed at my scolding cries of "Bad jacket!"). The street actually proved to be my favorite distressing agent: I dragged, whapped, whaled, scraped, twisted, and ground my jacket into the pavement. I'm happy with the results, which are understated but convincing. It's hard to capture the subtleties of the distressing job in pictures (even for an IndyFilmmaker), but I think you can get a pretty good feel from these:

Let me know what you think!
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Post by Holt »

I think it looks great...I would try to get a little more of the shine of it.

let it hit the shower.....wrinch out the water wear it until it dries.(airdry)no heating then it will shrink.bunch up the sleeves once in a while to get the nice wrinkled sleeves when dry you will notice the water took of the shine and the jacket has some really nce caracter to it.

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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Yes yes yes! Thanks Indiana Holt! I had read some other postings about wetting and wadding jackets that didn't sound like the best idea to me. I can't afford to have this jacket shrink at all--it's already a bit tight across the shoulders.

But I've also read enough of your postings to know that Indy Jackets are your specialty, so I immediately followed your advice and gave my jacket a shower (I did not let it soak all the way thru). Wearing it while it dried was a genius idea, and you were spot-on with that arm-bunching trick! I never woulda thought of that...

I must say, since distressing it, I have really warmed to this jacket. On the Wested website I didn't like the look of the Raiders jacket in the photos: it looked new and stiff and weird, and the color was hard to gauge. The jacket I received looked and felt just like those photos. Even after the street distressing, it still wasn't quite right, yet I would have been hard-pressed to say what was wrong about it.

But after the shower, as it dried on my body, I worked and stretched across the shoulders and arms where it's tight, and found that it loosened up a bit. Now it fits me perfectly, and shows all the character you promised it would. Look!


Thanks again, Holt! And thanks again to Wested for getting this jacket to me in time not only for the premiere on Thursday (to which I am going in full gear, natch), but also for the Indiana Jones costume party I'm thowing this weekend... :D
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Post by Neolithic »


That looks great!
Nice work, IndyFilmmaker!
:tup: :tup:
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Post by Pilot99 »

As far as the shower part goes, you mean you want to get the outside as well as the inside wet right? Also when air drying, "wrinching" means twisting to get the water out correct? I'm thinking about doing it to mine as well, but don't wanna screw it up and kill my jacket.
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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

I did not get the inside wet--in fact I zipped it up first. In the shower I didn't let it soak through, so no wrinching was necessary.

If I were you I would start by merely moistening it, then wearing it to air dry and see what happens. But if you let it get wet through and through, I think you run the risk of having it shrink significantly, which could be disastrous...
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Post by Pilot99 »

So temperature of the water I would assume should be cool, and for moistening it, just get a washcloth or something and wipe it down? And its also important to roll up the sleeves a few times right? Also, I really like the look of your jacket, any tips on how to use a razor/sandpaper and then covering with shoe polish. Like ive said, Ive never really distressed before and am interested in doing so, just want to get it done correctly.
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Post by Holt »

looks great Mr.filmmaker.

let me just say this once like indy says in LC......I told you!!!...hehehe.

looks great and those sleves are very Indy

your ready for the premeire

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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

It just keeps getting better! Today I received the remainder of my special offer combo: the Wested pants & shirt. Having resigned myself to the very real possibility that none of these things would arrive in time for Thursday, I am especially pleased that I got them all well in advance--with time to distress my jacket and even get the pants hemmed.

Remembering Indygr's request, I snapped some quick pix before dashing off to the tailor for the aforementioned hemming. Check them out!


My gamble has paid off! I'm happy with everything I purchased from Wested (and from Todd's too!). I finally have the Indiana Jones costume I've always wanted, and I can't wait to wear it to the premiere on Thursday night. For more on where I stand on this subject, see my posting here: ... &start=100

Best wishes to all my gearheads for an epic Indy weekend!
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Post by indygr »

Thanks Indyfilmmaker for posting the photos!

Indeed, some terrific gear. One question for the pants if you allow me.
What size did you order? Do they fit you well?

I am asking because from your pics it seems that Wested changed a bit their cut. Maybe is the posture or the angle that the photos are taken. I might be wrong.

In any case...nice acquisition!!

Regards and best wishes for a good premiere,
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Post by Marv »

Jacket looks good, quick question....which leather did you go for eg. Cow, Horse, Lamb, Goat etc. and which colour, authentic or dark brown
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Post by Holt »

Marv wrote:Jacket looks good, quick question....which leather did you go for eg. Cow, Horse, Lamb, Goat etc. and which colour, authentic or dark brown
that is a Lamb.(thin) authentic brown. cut in the 80's cut.(special rotla SA style)

and yes for you other question in the other thread.all pocket flaps come with snaps :wink:

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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

the pants are a 34 and the shirt is a M. both fit just as they should for the size. the pants are a little tight on me, but that's my fault, not the pants! :?

i like the fabric and craftsmanship of both items. I wish the shirt were an SA color--it's more creamy than grey--but to me this is a minor quibble. All this gear is far more SA than any Indy stuff I've ever had before (with the notable exception of my David Morgan bullwhip, which I've had for 25 years!).

i think i can expect to wow the guests at my upcoming Indiana Jones costume party, which is gonna be a blast. here's the graphic i put together for the invite:


I will definitely raise my margarita-filled Grail in a tomb raider toast to the Club Obi-wan!
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Post by Jens_Hoppe »

IndyFilmmaker wrote:But if you let it get wet through and through, I think you run the risk of having it shrink significantly, which could be disastrous...
That's what happened to my goat, at least. (Well, one can argue the "significantly" bit, but it did shrink noticably). There is a big difference between soaking it completely and merely showering it on the outside...
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Post by Bardoon »

Congratz and it all looks great!

I too got my Wested "Special Order" Raiders in time for the Premiere but decided not to wear it because I'm was questioning whether I should order a size up.

I got a 40R (no shoulder pads) as that's about my chest size...however, since I work out my shoulder and arms feel somewhat tight within the jacket due to the 80's cut. However the rest of the jacket fits great...the arm length is perfect, etc etc.

I decided to order a 42R and I'll wait for that one to come so I can do a comparison. I'll try them both on and then perhaps sell the one I don't want here or try and return it.
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Post by ShawnMcD8 »

Congrats IndyFilmmaker on that amazing jacket,

I really like the color of your jacket. I want to order a Raiders lambskin for myself but want to make sure that i am ordering the correct color. If i am correct from reading above yours is an authentic brown lambskin?

Also is the color of the jacket in the latest picture pretty accurate and did you do any color changing to the jacket as a whole or just to the parts that you distressed?


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Post by scot2525 »

I am a little concerned myself. According to email I recieved from Gemma this morning my jacket was shipped 18 days ago. I thought once the jackets shipped they were only to take two or three to arrive.
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Post by Terrasolo »

Danny Dravot wrote: Step 1: hem trousers.
Step 2: tie shoes
Step 3: launder shirt, and let it get good and wrinkled
Step 4: put in contact lenses
Step 5: ADVENTURE!!!
lol you really go me chuckling with steps 2 and 4. The gear looks great, glad to see I am not the only one who takes pics in "action pose"
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Post by Herr Doktor »

Danny Dravot wrote:* Wested ROTLA OTR "special combo"; Jacket is a 44R in authentic lambskin
Great pics and nice gear!!

How did you pick the size you ordered from Wested... your normal suit jacket size? I wear about a 46R, and I'm concerned about the tightness in the shoulders I've heard about (I have broad shoulders). Can you fill me in on your impressions on the fit? The sleeve length looks pretty good!
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