In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by Alathea »

I went to lunch yesterday at work, hat and coat hanging in my cubicle. I came back, got busy again (didn't take my hat to lunch because of 40mph winds). Got up to leave at 1730, turn to my jacket-no hat.


Mass email to my side of the building (all 20 of us)

WHERE IS MY HAT!!!???(*&%(*@&^$(*)&^#)&$(*^#%(^
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

That stinks...There seems to be a rash of this sort of thing lately. And as the film approaches, it's only gonna get worse....

Maybe that's why Indy ALWAYS has it on his head....Of course, it's not befitting of a gentleman to wear a hat indoors...So, what's a guy to do?

What a shame. Hope it turns up...I'd be whip-crackin' mad if it was me...:evil:
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Post by Ozraptor »

Wasn't an AB, was it? That would inhale water or air bigtime. What sort of job do you work? Is it worth complaining to a boss?
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Post by Mulceber »

Oh I would be murderous if that was an AB. Hope its not [-o<

Good luck finding your hat, I hope one of them is responsible and forks it over. :junior: -M
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Post by Darth Indiana »

His fedora was stolen; OF COURSE it's worth complaining to the boss. and the police, the mayor, the FBI, and the hobo in the alley. If he works in a cubicle, chances are there are cameras in the building; maybe one of the cameras spotted the ***hole who made off with the lid.
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Post by Mulceber »

OOH, good thinking, DA! Also, if he works in a cubicle, it *likely* was an employee as well, so you should be able to track this thief down. :junior: -M
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Post by Cassidy »

What if it's your co-workers just having a laugh?

You know, "Hey, that guy that's always wearing his hat? Let's hide it and all have a chuckle."

Joke or stolen, it's not cool at all. Hope ya get it back.
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Post by Montana Plains »

I think you should take your whip to work now.
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

OK, so if they're just having a laugh...Then they won't mind (AFTER they return the hat, of course) you having a little laugh of your own as you go all 'Blood of Kali' on them....Or 'Enslaving children really ticks me off' on them... :lol:

I think posting a sign that reads "This hat protected by trained Asps" might be in order....
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Post by thatguyno1 »

Mulceber wrote:OOH, good thinking, DA! Also, if he works in a cubicle, it *likely* was an employee as well, so you should be able to track this thief down. :junior: -M
Not necessarily an employee, delivery people are in and out of our building all the time and things left out in the open, especially in a cubicle environment, are vulnerable. We have actually had purses taken when they were in a desk drawer in a cubicle. However the camera idea is certainly worth pursuing. If there isn't a camera covering the specific cubicle or area there may be one in an elevator area or reception area that might have caught an image. Also, heaven forbid, if it was an AB there is a strong chance that Steve numbered and dated it on the inside of the sweatband. There was another case of an AB missing and that kind of information would be good for the police report. Anybody with an AB should right down the number for reference in cases like this. Good luck - I hope you get your hat back whether it's an AB or not.

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Post by Alathea »

I work for a small Software company-testing, support, data manipulation-stuff like that. Lots of geeks here-the origin and/or significance of the hat was not lost on some of them. No AB-thats going to Steve next month. It was a Fed Deluxe that I recently creased and was so

I found it-it was someone that works over near my supervisor. Well, she has a foam pig on her desk (a small family, 3-4, about large fist sized, that get used as ammo during nerf dart fights....) so I collected one that had been tossed at me yesterday, and ....

Quartered it with a sharpie-hock, ham, loin, foot, ribs, etc. And left it on her desk after I collected my hat. I left a little note that said "He has a little red on him......"

*grumble grumble* Two people can have a laugh.....
Last edited by Alathea on Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Michaelson »

Glad it turned up! You had better luck this week than some of the rest of us have with missing hats.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I'm not kidding or joking here - there was a time in American history when you would have been shot or hung if you stole a man's horse, dog, wife, firearm or hat.

... I want those days back.
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Post by Montana Plains »

Renderking Fisk wrote:I'm not kidding or joking here - there was a time in American history when you would have been shot or hung if you stole a man's horse, dog, wife, firearm or hat.

... I want those days back.
Well somebody has to get the ball rolling. Who's first?
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Post by Luke Warmwater »

Renderking Fisk wrote: there was a time in American history when you would have been shot or hung if you stole a man's horse, dog, wife, firearm or hat.
Horse, dog, gun, hat, yes. Wife, maybe not.
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

I got in trouble once for suggesting they bring the whippin' post back.

Not touchin' this one with a 6-kadam pole.... :roll:
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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

Someone needs to design a "LO-HAT" so missing hats can be quuickly located by the police. :)
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Post by Montana Plains »

We need a hat like Indy's so that it finds us!
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Post by Alathea »

I really like it that Steve numbers/monograms the hatband. That really is something I should look into.
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Re: FOund

Post by Piker »

Alathea wrote:I work for a small Software company-testing, support, data manipulation-stuff like that. Lots of geeks here-the origin and/or significance of the hat was not lost on some of them.

*grumble grumble* Two people can have a laugh.....
Want me to trash them on ValleyWag?
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Post by Alathea »

NO.. don't do that. We are in NE and really small, anyway. I don't think they would every be on ValleyWag. It was all in fun, just that my wife allowed me to spend the money on it and rearranged our budget a bit to allow for it right after we paid the remaining money to WD World in Orlando for our trip in June. That was most of our tax return, and about 200 a month in savings since January, so it was a bit of a stretch.

I guess it was more the fact that I don't wander in and start messing with things on people's desks, or eating candy out of their bow_ls, or whatnot. So, that someone would take my hat of its hook where my coat and messenger bag are sort of floored me.
Last edited by Alathea on Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

PyramidBlaster wrote:I got in trouble once for suggesting they bring the whippin' post back.

Not touchin' this one with a 6-kadam pole.... :roll:
For a punishment to be just and fair - death must come quick. That whole provision about cruel and unusual punishment thing written in the document those radicals signed just before the first American Bar-B-Que and fireworks dispay day...

There was a time when wives, dogs, firearms, horses and hats were essential to life.

Men and women worked together to provide for families...
Dogs to be... well... watch dogs...
Firearms to protect the home and gather game...
Horses to pow the feilds and transportation...
Hats to protect your head and neck from Sun and Storms.

In "Hatless Jack," it was written that a hat was a part of a man's identity, too.

Taking someone's hat is a slap in the face and an insult once upon a time. Today it's just an article of clothing to some.

Who ever took your fedora should be forgiven though. Invite them to the opening of "Crystal Skull" or these forums. Hats AND friends are hard to come by and this might have been just a friendly gesture.
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Post by Ozraptor »

Alathea wrote: I guess it was more the fact that I don't wander in and start messing with things on people's desks, or eating candy out of their bowels, or whatnot.
Yuk! I wouldn't eat candy out of anyone's bowels. Ergh…
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Post by Michaelson »


Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Alathea »

FIxed that....

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Post by WeeMadHamish »

I actually laughed out loud at that one. :lol: Thanks...
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Post by Argonaut »

I'm with Ren on this. Stealing a man's hat is just totally uncalled for. This one kid used to steal my Greek fisherman's hat a lot in grade school, right off my head. The other kids had the respect not to, but he didn't. So one day when he took it I tossed him over a line of desks. Little punk sure deserved it, but it was still the wrong thing to do. Anyway, I know how that feels. Stealing someone's hat isn't genocide, but it sure seems like a rotten and dishonorable thing to do.
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Post by Nicolas Jones »

I put a sticker (that I did myself) on my sweatband saying something like "reward in case of loss, please contact me : phone:XXX email:XXX

This could be useful for some of you to do the same...
In case of a real loss or in the case of a theft,
An honest guy would get his reward.
the thief would say that he found the hat in order to get some cash...

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Post by DanielJones »

Like Wild Bill Hickock said in "Wild Bill"... "NEVER MESS WITH ANOTHER MAN'S HAT!!". After shooting them of course. :wink:
My friends know better than to go messing with my hats. :wink:


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Post by Alan »

Argonaut wrote:This one kid used to steal my Greek fisherman's hat a lot in grade school, right off my head. The other kids had the respect not to, but he didn't. So one day when he took it I tossed him over a line of desks. Little punk sure deserved it, but it was still the wrong thing to do.
Did he ever grab it again?
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Ozraptor wrote:
Alathea wrote: I guess it was more the fact that I don't wander in and start messing with things on people's desks, or eating candy out of their bowels, or whatnot.
Yuk! I wouldn't eat candy out of anyone's bowels. Ergh…
Don't talk to my proctologist. "Hey, kids! Easter's come early!" :lol:
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Post by Argonaut »

Alan wrote:
Argonaut wrote:This one kid used to steal my Greek fisherman's hat a lot in grade school, right off my head. The other kids had the respect not to, but he didn't. So one day when he took it I tossed him over a line of desks. Little punk sure deserved it, but it was still the wrong thing to do.
Did he ever grab it again?
I think not, but I can't be sure. Surprisingly, he turned out to be an decent fellow after a few years.
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Post by Mulceber »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
Ozraptor wrote:
Alathea wrote: I guess it was more the fact that I don't wander in and start messing with things on people's desks, or eating candy out of their bowels, or whatnot.
Yuk! I wouldn't eat candy out of anyone's bowels. Ergh…
Don't talk to my proctologist. "Hey, kids! Easter's come early!" :lol:
ugh, where's the vomiting emoticon when you need it! :junior: -M
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Post by Bardoon »

Glad to hear you got your hat back.

Are you a serious guy at work? Or the type that people can feel comfortable joking around with?

Looks like they hit a nerve. :lol:
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Post by Indiana MarkVII »

OK, sounds like the fun is over. But you permanently tattooed one of her pigs? Not cool in my book. The hat didn't travel too far and wasn't damaged. I think you owe her and unmarked pig for her little family. That might help patch things up in the cube farm.

Also, it time to update the topic heading. Hat found.
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Post by Cassidy »

This is completely off topic, but I had a roommate in University that would routinely sneak into my room and put my action figures (Kenner Indy included) in...compromising positions.

Totally childish but I was angered more that someone was in my room when I wasn't there.

Not as angered as he was when he had to pay Blockbuster Video to replace rented video tapes that had become erased, possibly by a microwave.

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Post by Darth Indiana »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
Ozraptor wrote:
Alathea wrote: I guess it was more the fact that I don't wander in and start messing with things on people's desks, or eating candy out of their bowels, or whatnot.
Yuk! I wouldn't eat candy out of anyone's bowels. Ergh…
Don't talk to my proctologist. "Hey, kids! Easter's come early!" :lol:
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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Jokes or not................

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Post by Alathea »

The pigs were foam giveaways from a local bank where she has accts. They are already tattooed by the bank. They are routinely used as ammo when the developers run out of nerf darts-so on harm there.

I'm serious a lot of the time-I don't mind jokes, but it was hanging over my jacket away next to my bag. If my hat is gone, what else might be?I carry medicine(s) in my bag, and my coursework, 2 calculators, laptop, a partial change of clothes and money. Im a bit paranoid sometimes-if its not yours don't mess with it and all that.
Last edited by Alathea on Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

What's the lesson here?

You simply just don't mess with a man's hat, that's all... [-X
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