Resizing your hat for a good fit

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Resizing your hat for a good fit

Post by gabrielle »

Hello COW members. I was just recently reading that you should always buy a hat a bit too big rather than a good fit right from the box. Mainly because after some wear the hat will shrink to a perfect fit. Also the sweatband should be snug not tight.

I found a great place to get hat resizing foam in a nice 12" roll size instead of cut into 2 or 4 small strips. Also the price is just $1.99, I ordered 2. Here is the link. ... ucts_id=35

Just cut this to size and place behind the sweatband for a good snug fit, once the hat shrinks from use you can take them out.
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Just in spots, or everywhere?

Post by Alathea »

I realize this is probably a subjective question, but my Fed del. catches my head on the front and back, but the sides are a bit wide, but not a thumbspace. Im right between 58 and 59 and I have a 59. Does shrink occur naturally, or is the 'wet the sweatband' technique in order? When using foam blocks ( I bought some window tape) do you just put it whereever you need the adjustment? Will the hat still shrink a bit if you leave the blocks in?

Thanks, all-wore it in the rain in NE today and it took about 5 minutes for one of my coworkers to say "Nice hat!" and then assume the 'whip' position. We then had a nice 5 minute talk about his hat collection and some of the Vint shops in Lincoln that I didn't know about. All in all a pretty good day, so far.

Raiders pinch all the way!
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