So, my run down....
The The TODDs standard I've lightly distressed and given a good soaking in conditioner and I think the colors came up very nicely. For anyone who cant necessarily aspire to an AB and are on a budget, for a $30 holster, this is great! Its well stitched, and is made from thick leather.
Now, the AB!
This holster is awesome! Im yet to distress her a little
Firearms laws are odd here in Australia. theres only a few states that allow replica pistols. As for proper licensing, I have a Category A and B which allows rifles, shotuns, lever actions, your not allowed .50 cal or 12guage in a pump (as for a lever

Once again thank you to Todd and a big thankyou to Marc for those who an AB! or it really is nice to have both...when you go adventuring you need options!

Sorry the pic quality is %100. the last repaint I did I took photos of the car with overspray still in the air and its got on the lense