My AB & TODDS std holster 23/3 now with distressed pic

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My AB & TODDS std holster 23/3 now with distressed pic

Post by starks_6 »

Thought Id throw the pics up! I think it needs to be done if for no other reason than to thank the vendors, especially Marc as for being such a busy man, you've had all the time in the world for me and I cant thank you enough.
So, my run down....
The The TODDs standard I've lightly distressed and given a good soaking in conditioner and I think the colors came up very nicely. For anyone who cant necessarily aspire to an AB and are on a budget, for a $30 holster, this is great! Its well stitched, and is made from thick leather.

Now, the AB!
This holster is awesome! Im yet to distress her a little :wink: but in my opinion its worth every cent of what I paid for her! Again really well stitched, the leather (while thick) is a little thinner than the TODDs but is a much higher quality leather and the most important thing, I can fit a replica in it!

Firearms laws are odd here in Australia. theres only a few states that allow replica pistols. As for proper licensing, I have a Category A and B which allows rifles, shotuns, lever actions, your not allowed .50 cal or 12guage in a pump (as for a lever 8) ) but a pistol license is hard to get and then you have to do recorded range hours and attend so many competitions per year and even then your not allowed a .45cal unless you do western shooting or own thousands of acres in which you can justify the need for, The closest thing I can find to an idyish style of revolver in a replica is a colt 45...and that fits straight in the AB!

Once again thank you to Todd and a big thankyou to Marc for those who an AB! or it really is nice to have both...when you go adventuring you need options!

Sorry the pic quality is %100. the last repaint I did I took photos of the car with overspray still in the air and its got on the lense :roll:
Last edited by starks_6 on Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Marc »

Thank you for the comparison Josh!

I think both Todd and I can be very happy with your review and - as far as I understand Todd's business - both holster seems to fit the bill EXACTLY where they're intended to.


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Post by starks_6 »

Another comparison shot with the Distressed AB holster! The colour comes up perfectly with distressing, Im really impressed with the quality of this! What do you guys think?
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

Very nice!
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Awesome :!:
I have to place an order 8)
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