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Rubber HEs and Webleys

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 8:28 pm
by Glurrk
Anyone interested in getting a rubber Hand Ejector revolver or Webley should check out Western Stage Props. I just got their catalog and each sell for $49.95. (I can't find the props on their website, but they definitely carry them according to the catalog.)

The HE resembles the model Lee Kepler offers, and the Webley is all black and features a lanyard ring on the butt as well. They also sell a holster for the HE too. (I mentioned this in another post awhile back.) (again though, the replicas aren't on the site, as far as I can tell)
1-800-858-5568 (toll-free!)

Happy Hunting! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 11:58 am
by Michaelson
Thanks! That's been posted before, and I think if you scan WAY down in the guns section here, you can even see a scan of the ad from the catalog when it first came out. The revolver IS based on Lee's revolver as Lee had direct input to those items (the holster is his as well), but the Webley is actually based on the Mk IV .38, NOT the .455 Mk VI that Indy carried, so be forewarned if ordering the Webley. It's correct to the model, but not to what you're ordering it for. High regards. Michaelson

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 5:56 pm
by Henri Defense
I'm still a little confused, are the HEs actually $50.00 because I know Lee's are $80.00....


Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:20 pm
by sab04
The revolver and the Mk-IV are both $80.00. I called to make an order and they told me it was a typo.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 5:58 am
by Tannis
They actually have a listing on the site of hundreds of different guns & I think it's very odd indeed that only the two "Indy" guns had typos causing them to be $30 more than all the others. I understand supply and demand so if they want to charge $80 then go for it, but don't insult my intelligence by making up a "typo" ruse. Bait and switch much?


(I'm not really as upset as I am pretending to be because I know the Webley version I sell is the best baby!!!)