Best way to go?

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Best way to go?

Post by IndyFan89 »

Well, X-Mas is coming up and i'm gonna buy my second whip. My first whip was a IOAB so this time i'm going to buy one around the $400 range.

I'm a SA Nazi and i like everything to be Accurate to the movies. I mostly stick to Raiders but with the whip i'm having trouble deciding between Raiders and KotCS.

What are the big diffrences? Where should i buy the whip? What style do you guy's suggest? What size should i get? How many plaits?
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Post by Mulceber »

Well if you're looking at a KotCS whip, why not go to the source, Joe Strain? You could get an 8ft Indy IV whip from him for about $400. :junior: -IJ
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Post by McFly »

You mean Terry Jacka? He made the Indy IV whips, and think his are priced around $800-900.

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Post by IndyFan89 »

I think i want to go more in the 10 to 12ft range. How big is the screen used KotCS whip and the Raiders whip?
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Post by McFly »

Generally 8 or 10. 10 looks better on your belt and 8 moves faster! 12 footers are much more difficult to learn to crack on (they're quite weighty) and are much slower. However, they're probably louder. It's all preference. I like my 8 footer - but I could go for a 10.

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Post by IndyFan89 »

I already have learned to crack on my IOAB so thats not a problem.

This one is strickly for style 8) :lol:
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Post by Mulceber »

You mean Terry Jacka? He made the Indy IV whips
Nope. Do your research. Jacka made the hero whips, Strain made the stunt whips. :wink: :junior: -IJ
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Post by McFly »

Great leaping salamanders! You're right! I must have skipped that part when I read the "press release" on the site here! :shock:

I'm putting that on my list of things to dream about buying...

Indyfan89 - go Strain!

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Post by IndyFan89 »

Do you think it would throw my Raiders look off?
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Post by McFly »

If you go Natural Tan... I don't think so. :D



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Post by IndyFan89 »

I think i like the dark color of the KotCS whip! Whats the best way to get ahold of Strain?

I have tons of Raiders stuff, for the whip i'm gonna go KotCS! :D
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Post by McFly »

Tell him I sent you (no discount given), and that he should send me a copy of the whip he makes you.

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Post by VP »

Yeah I recommend Strain. Cracks like a cannon with tight and smooooooooooth plaiting. If you want a KotCS whip get a Strain, if you want a 100% SA RotLA whip get a Bernardo or a Pagey. is the only way except second hand to get ahold of a Strain.
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Post by coronado3 »

The strain whips do not look like the hero whips in KCS... Jacka has his own style when it comes to the knots and the handle, etc. Plus the ones Jacka makes for the CS are a dark brown.

However, strain could make you one of his in dark brown as well.... His is more of a Morgan clone - think Raiders.

I would recommend bernardo for a raiders whip.

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Post by McFly »

I've only handled one of Bernardo's whips in the past, and I remember feeling it was very light - it may have just been a request made by that one owner though. I can't speak for all of Bernardo's whips (which are gorgeous), but that has been my experience.

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Post by Bernardodc »


Well, this is the first time I hear a negative comment about one of my whips, but the thing that surprised me the most is that it refers to lack of weight. All my whips are on the heavy side, and they are at least as heavy as a Morgan. Even the kip whips have a substantial weight. (kip is less dense than roo).

The only whip that I ever made that was on the light side, was one made for Nick Lang, who specified a kip Raiders whip with a very thin thong.

May I ask what whip of mine have you seen/handled?

As for your sugestion that there's not much inside them, for all my roo whips, I follow the Morgan contruction strickly, with a core, 2 bellies and two bolsters, and this in turn gives the whip the good weigth I talk about.

Many members here at COW have my whips, so perhaps they can say if they also find my whips light, and a letdown. To date, I never ever had a whip return for ANY reason. I can prodly say ALL my customers are happy with my whips.


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Post by IndyFan89 »

What price does Jacka charge and how can i contact him?
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Post by VP »

BullWhipBorton wrote:The Australian Stock Saddle Co. is now offering replicas of the Terry Jacka Indy 4 bullwhip for $895.00 for a 10 ft model, it can purchase on a made to order basis at
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Post by WhipDude »

Jacka and Strain are both amazing whipmakers. Either way, you'll end up with quality. However, as far as Accuracy then you'll get that with Jacka for the new film but for other films Strain will most likely provide better accuracy. Jacka's whips tend to be much bigger as far as the handle goes.
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Post by McFly »


PM Sent! :)

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Post by Nebraska Brad »

Joe Stain does indeed make an excellent whip. I am loving my 8'. Go for his saddle tan if you want a nice dark brown. I should be getting my 10' Del Carpio in the next few days and I will post pics and a review. So stay tuned for a side by side comparison of my Strain, Morgan, and Del Carpio

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Post by McFly »

Greatly looking forward to your review, NB!

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Post by thefish »

You don't contact Terry Jacka. He only does wholesale anymore. You can get the Indy IV whip through Aussie Saddle out of California. I think there might be plans for it to be sold through Western Stage Props too, but not yet.

Either way, it comes in one length, (10') one color and one price: About $800.

Now, don't get me wrong, Jacka makes a heck of a whip, (got one...Not the Indy, but I have a Jacka.)

But, you're much better off, I think with one from Strain or Bernardo. Truth be told about Bernardo's whips. They're about as close as you're going to get to a Morgan without buying a Morgan. If you're going for that "Raider's Screen Accurate Nazi" (SA Nazi's....I hate these guys... ;-) ) then the Bernardo whip is probably the way to go.

Strain just makes a great whip. Hands down. Strain's whips look VERY different from Morgan's. Joe has his own distinct whipmaking style, and in my opinion, his work is cleaner, sharper, prettier, and nicer than Morgan, and while I've seen some whips of varying quality coming from Morgan lately, (once again, my opinion,) I have NEVER cracked a whip from Joe Strain that wasn't absolutely beautiful and arrow straight. The man is like a machine!

Just my two cents!

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Post by IndyFan89 »

I think i'm gonna go with the Strain, it's more in my price range.
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Post by CarolinaQuirk »

As the owner of an Bernardo 8ft Raiders I can say that he creates a fantastic bullwhip. I found the weight to be distributed properly, with appropriate heft in the handle, and a nice distribution through the entire length, with a smooth and predictable roll, producing excellent cracks and easy transitions. I have received many complements on it, and consider it a prized possession.
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Post by kriegfeld jr »

I own/owned whips from all three(Bernardo,Morgan,Strain) and hands down I would choose Bernardo for price and look. To me it is far and above the most screen accurate whip on the market. I only wish he would have been making whips when I shelled out $750 for my 10' Morgan.

The first pic is a Bernardo 8', and the second is a Morgan 10'.
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Post by Indiana G »

i have both a 10' morgan roo and an 8' bernardo kip.......nothing light about the bernardo that i have. after owning the morgan, i wouldn't hesitate buying another bernardo whip now that i could compare it to 'the real deal'.......just wish i had a reason to get another whip :D

in the price range you speak, bernardo will definitely make you something nice and top quality.
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

IndyFan89 you won’t go wrong with one of Joe Strains bullwhips. I own a couple of them and echo everyone else’s comments about them, they are really great whips. In my opinion, His Indy Style bullwhips remind me a lot of what David Morgan’s bullwhips used to be like years ago, only a bit more refined. They really do almost look machine made and they are very moderately priced for that high quality of a whip. You also get the benefit of knowing that Joe supplied some bullwhips for the stunt personnel in Indy 4, which as a fan is always a nice plus.

Bernardo del Carpio makes great bullwhips too though for a great price. As far as screen accuracy on the older Indy style bullwhips go, He really seems to nail it.

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Post by IndyFan89 »

I just keep faling more and more in love with the dark color of the KotCS whip. It seems Jacka's whip is made out of a diffrent hide, am i wrong? It has a dry look to it.
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

It seems Jacka's whip is made out of a diffrent hide, am i wrong? It has a dry look to it.
No its made out of Kangaroo hide too, just a darker brown. The Saddle tan will turn that color over time, but Joe can make them in dark brown too. The reason for the dry look is most likely a combination from a lighter coating of shellac put over Terrys finished whips, and from the weathering process done by the prop guys.

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Post by coronado3 »

Are any of our Whip making greats here on the forum planning on making an Indy 4/Jacka style whip? bernardo? pagey?

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Post by dr. tyree »

I have a Joe Strain Indy whip and it is absolutely terrific, as good as any Terry Jacka whip I own if not better by a nose.
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Post by whiskyman »

coronado3 wrote:Are any of our Whip making greats here on the forum planning on making an Indy 4/Jacka style whip? bernardo? pagey?

Not me at least.
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Post by Bernardodc »

First of all, thank you coronado3, VP, Dan (thefish), CarolinaQuirk, kriegfeld jr, Indiana G, Dan (bullwhipborton) for the kind words and support. It is much appreciated.

As for the KOTCS bullwhip, as far as we've seen in the photos, Harrison Ford is carrying the Jacka bullwhip. Who knows, maybe in some scenes (like when he's swinging) we'll see a Morgan, or we'll see some stunt guy use one of the beautiful 10 footers that Joe supplied.

But, I'm assuming Indy will be using the Jacka, and yes, I will definitely offer my version of that whip. And I can asure you guys that it will cost far less than $895! Right now I am at the development stage. Stay tunned!

Regarding the color, it seems to me that is the "whisky" color, because it is a redish type of brown. I saw that color of leather in some of Terry's stockwhips, along with the "chocolate" brown that he normally uses while I was visiting David Morgan. Obviously the whip has gotten somewhat darker due to use. Here's a close up:


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Post by thefish »

Not to put words into anyone's mouth, but:

I doubt Joe Strain will. He seems more concerned with turning out a quality product that is all his own, (and I applaud him for that,) than doing something to emulate someone else.

I also doubt Bernardo will, as his Morganesque skills have been polished to such a degree, (and Jacka's a SO DIFFERENT from Morgan' night and day!) But, the completist in him might decide to give it a shot for the sake of being able to offer whip replicas from ALL 4 MOVIES. Hard to tell. But, if I were him, I'd stick with what I'm doing. His stuff is fantastic as is, and I look forward to doing business with him.

I don't think Adam Winrich will, just as he likes to make whips that he would himself use, and I seem to recall him not caring too awful much for my Jacka. But, as Adam likes a challenge, and has worked on the guts of Jackas before, he might give it a shot.

Paul Nolan might try it as well, just because every time I see him, he's always tinkering with some new design or other, experimenting with different combinations of construction designs... The new Jacka whip has some rather unique features, (at least it seems to. It might just be a standard 10 foot Jacka, with the standard 12-13 inch handle core, and he just started the herringbone pattern 6" up the handle and put the transition knot there. I haven't seen one up close, I don't know.)

Any of you guys want to either confirm or deny my suspicions?

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Post by thefish »

JINX! Bernardo posted while I was posting about him! Well, that's one out of my four that's shot me down! ;-)

But my regards to Bernardo for rising to the occasion and being a completest about this! I look forward to seeing the results!

All the best,

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Post by winrichwhips »


Above is a cowhide whip I made that I think looks similar to the KotCS whip pictured in this post. At least the color seems similar. This whip will be going into the Cairo Bazaar momentarily.

I kind of thought about making a Jacka-styled kangaroo Indy whip for myself, just because after spending time with Chris Barr, I think I could do it, and I don't want to pay $900 for a Jacka whip. Of course, I don't think any of us has a Jacka-Indy whip to study, so who's gonna say what the characteristics of a SA Jacka whip are?

Of the newer Jacka whips I've handled, I didn't like how heavy they were, and I'm pretty sure they all had steel cable in them for the first couple feet. I liked his earlier stuff better, which was lighter. Chris Camp has a Jacka whip that I like.

Anyway, the orders for IOAB whips keep coming in, and I'm still behind with those, so I'll probably be sticking with making my 4-plait whips for a while, at least until I get my turnaround time down.

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Post by whiskyman »

Nice looking whip - is it a 10ft?
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Post by winrichwhips »

Yup, 10 ft.
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Post by coronado3 »

Bernardo wrote:
But, I'm assuming Indy will be using the Jacka, and yes, I will definitely offer my version of that whip. And I can asure you guys that it will cost far less than $895! Right now I am at the development stage. Stay tunned!
Bernardo, as soon as you have this Indy4 whip's design worked out, put me down for one in 10 '!!!

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Post by VP »

Another closeup of the KotCS whip:

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Post by Indiana G »

But, I'm assuming Indy will be using the Jacka, and yes, I will definitely offer my version of that whip. And I can asure you guys that it will cost far less than $895! Right now I am at the development stage. Stay tunned!
i guess thats a good enough reason for me to get another whip :wink: :D

keep us posted on your progress my friend.


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Post by Shtick »

Hey! Looks as though my rigid cracker is finally screen accurate! Too bad it's attached to a Mexican 8 footer...
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Post by Bernardodc »

coronado3 wrote:Bernardo wrote:
But, I'm assuming Indy will be using the Jacka, and yes, I will definitely offer my version of that whip. And I can asure you guys that it will cost far less than $895! Right now I am at the development stage. Stay tunned!
Bernardo, as soon as you have this Indy4 whip's design worked out, put me down for one in 10 '!!!

Will do! :-)
Indiana G wrote:
But, I'm assuming Indy will be using the Jacka, and yes, I will definitely offer my version of that whip. And I can asure you guys that it will cost far less than $895! Right now I am at the development stage. Stay tunned!
i guess thats a good enough reason for me to get another whip :wink: :D

keep us posted on your progress my friend.


Thanks G! I will

Here's another closeup of the KOTCS whip:

You'll notice the thong bends right after the end of the handle, which indicates that Terry didn't either add the steel cable or didn't do the heavy reinforcing he normally does in his whips.

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