My new Aldens just arrived!!!

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My new Aldens just arrived!!!

Post by IndianaChris711 »

Hey guys, just wanted to express my joy over my new aldens, what a great boot/shoe. \:D/ \:D/ When I tried them on they fit like a glove to my foot pretty much. Are they suppost to be like that to your foot? I got a 9D, and I usually wear a 10 in Addidas or Nike. When I talked to Aldens when I was making a purchase they said a 9D because when I got my foot measured I was a 9 1/2 and in between a C or D in width. Right now the leather is a little stiff where my toes are and that is the area where is fits like a glove the most, I can feel the side of foot there when I touch the sides. I am thinking this is normal, and I am going to get some Pecards to protect and soften the leather up some, and here is a picture or two, I did not know how to actually import a picture into the post so they are on Flickr, enjoy. :D
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Post by Canyon »

Gosh, those Aldens are beautiful! :P Congrats on your latest purchase! :D
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Post by Indiana Max »

The same as my new pair, as always great shoes/boots :D
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Post by ydam »

yup...those are definatly new. Now it's time time get em nice and broke in...what type of trip ya planned for em first?
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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Thanks guys, I just ordered some Classic Pecards leather dressing so as far as wearing them out I probably won't wear them until I put a least a coat of Pecards on them to keep the rain/snow from damaging the leather. Here in Indiana the weather has been cold and rainy and probably snow the next few day. I am probably going to wear them to work. I probably won't go any real adventure until it is much warmer, or maybe I should visit a warmer climate. Yes they are great boots/shoes, just got to get a good trip in like ydam mentioned. Probably could do some hiking with them I guess, we have a few trails around here. Thanks again for the comments and I am using Classic Pecards for now, is there another type of Pecards I should consider?


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Post by Michaelson »

No, classic Pecards is the best way to go on first application.

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Post by indy89 »

Beautiful boots! Make sure you post pics of them all broken in.
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Post by Dostacos »

every time I think about getting a pair of close enoughs I see a picture of Aldens :cry:

and that is why I don't HAVE any boots :shock:
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Post by The Pilot »

You know, I came upon this place not because I'm a huge Indy fan (I like the films -- except for ToD), but because I have an interest in firearms that happen to have been used in the films. And I have a propensity for hats.

Since I've been here I've ordered a Magnoli bag (I have an original Mk.VII -- yes, I collect militaria too), and a holster for my Webley and/or HE2. And I've re-watched the films twice.

Yesterday I ordered the Aldens. (Hey, my Timberlands are 15 or 20 years old and want replacing.)

You lot are sucking me in and costing me money!
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Post by KingNothing »

The Pilot wrote:
You lot are sucking me in and costing me money!
Join the club! I think I've spent a little over $1000 from reading things on here in the last three months! Stupid addicting ultra cool hobby. :P


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Post by IndianaChris711 »

I just put a coat of Aldens on the boots now and wow does it make the boots/shoes give that dark color. I plan on removing the Aldens probably sometime tomorrow. I think 2 days should be enough soaking. How long do you guys let the Pecards soak in?? I heard someone have it on there for 4 days, I think that is a little excessive.

Sorry I am sucking people into buying these boots, but hey I was stunk in too when I was looking at them too :wink: So I guess were in the same boat.

I don't know how to post any pics in this thread, as I said when I first posted, I tried and I don't know how, I am kind of new at this KingNothing, unless you know and can help me out. :) The pics are on the flickr site so you can look at them there. Unless someone can help me get pics on this thread, there probably won't be any.


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Post by Michaelson »

Chris, it all depends on where you have your boots sitting soaking in the dressing. If it's in a warm area, overnight is all they really need, as once they soak in and you still see product sitting on the surface, they've taken in all they can take.

If they're sitting in a cool area, it does take a bit longer as the pores in the leather haven't opened as much as they could in a warm room. That said, you should be good to go now. Wipe the boots down with a clean, dry old cotton tee shirt, and buff to a dull shine.

You're ready to go on your first adventure.....

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Post by KingNothing »

IndianaChris.... just click the button on the reply marked Img. Then paste the link from the flikr photo and click Img again. That will allow you to post. Or if the images are too big, do the same with the URL button. :)

Can't wait to see them!
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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Thanks Michaelson, I figured they were taking up the dressing already pretty good this morning, probably about 12 hours, since I did them last night around 7pm. I will wear them in tomorrow, I have to get a soft shoe brush from somewhere tonight and cloth I am pretty sure I have around the house. Its been about 66-68 degrees inside that should be warm enough right? They have been in the warmest part of the house for a while since my room is upstairs so it could even be warmer. So I should be good to go for tomorrow.

Thanks KingNothing, I was not sure how to do it, all I knew is I could not upload them directly from my computer. I will post the pics in a while here and I will post some pics with the Pecards on it, hope that give people the process it takes. Really these are great boots/shoes and I cannot wait to wear them tomorrow. \:D/ They are definately worth the 300 bucks.
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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, they should be just fine for the final buffing now.

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Post by IndianaChris711 »

here are the pics, I will have a few pics of the boots with Pecards on them later.



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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Here is the boots/shoes with the Pecards dressing for 24 hours


Here are the boots after removing the excess Pecards and buffing with a nice 100% Horsehair shoe brush. :D


Hope you guys like, Going to wear them at work tomorrow to give them a little wear, and maybe a little bit over the weekend. The Alden 405's are worth every penny. :D

Last edited by IndianaChris711 on Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KingNothing »

WOW! :shock: I can't get sick of those!

That's it I need some.

Congrats on the purchase!
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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Wow :shock: I guess that is all it takes to get some Aldens, just by looking at them. I hope you get your foot measured KingNothing because the shoes/boots are made a little larger than your regular size. I was measured out a 9, really 9 1/2 if you include my big toe. I wear a size 10 in addidas. Once I mentioned to one of the guys working at Aldens what my feet were measured it took them a little bit to figure out what size I would be, he said a 9D probably would do. When you get the Aldens, mine fits like a glove, it is taking getting used to and it feels more comfortable than my tennis shoes or any dress shoe I have worn. Anyways good luck with your purchase and don't forget to order some Pecards too. You can just go to That way it gets there about the same time your shoes/boots do.


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Post by The Pilot »

Oh, my...

Association Christmas party tonight. There must have been a rumour of a stalled car or something, because it was a three-hour trip down to Tukwila. (Washington drivers tend to slow down or stop for no discernable reason. Weird.) Anyway I was wearing my black Rockport shoes, which are sorta-kinda dressy. When I got home at midnight there was a box at my front door. Checking carefully to determine that there was no growling or hissing coming out of it, and finding that it was not too heavy for its size, I brought it inside.

My new Aldens have arrived. I'm wearing them now. And right out of the box they're more comfortable than the Rockports I took off. Lighter in weight than I expected as well. There is one part that's a little uncomfortable. You know that bony part on the top of the foot... the arched bit? A little tight on my left foot. But I've had that in other boots -- or even trainers -- and it tends to wear in fairly quickly. Overall, these are some of the most comfortable footwear right out of the box I've bought. Can't wait to break them in.

And then there are those dark brown Alden 'chukka' boots I tried on for size... I have a feeling they'll be next.
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Post by Mola Ram »

IndianaChris711 wrote:Thanks guys, I just ordered some Classic Pecards leather dressing so as far as wearing them out I probably won't wear them until I put a least a coat of Pecards on them to keep the rain/snow from damaging the leather. Here in Indiana the weather has been cold and rainy and probably snow the next few day. I am probably going to wear them to work. I probably won't go any real adventure until it is much warmer, or maybe I should visit a warmer climate. Yes they are great boots/shoes, just got to get a good trip in like ydam mentioned. Probably could do some hiking with them I guess, we have a few trails around here. Thanks again for the comments and I am using Classic Pecards for now, is there another type of Pecards I should consider?

Don't go on any real hikes with them. They aren't built for that.
The Leather welt gets torn apart easily by rocks, and you just might slip and fall.

When you first get them they cause you to falsely think they can do anything and, feel amazing, but that's not true. My self included, I just wanted to think that because I just spent 300$ on a pair of shoes. They are extremely comfortable on my feet, but because of the way I walk they make my knees and ankles feel terrible. (I walk on my heels) The Flat soles and heels don't help either. That's why I'm having the soles on mine replaced with Vibram lug soles. Hopefully that will be a lot better than having rock hard rubber heels.
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Post by Indiana MarkVII »

Don't go on any real hikes with them. They aren't built for that.
The Leather welt gets torn apart easily by rocks, and you just might slip and fall.
That was my first impression when I got my Alden 405 boots, too. The sole needs to be more rugged for an adventure into the wild, or some excavation. I'm really drawn to the pair offered by Aldens of Carmel, but they don't stock the wide variety of width sizes without a special order. If you happen to have an average width foot, then you are probably OK. I think they told me that my order just missed the boat for their winter order, so I'd be looking at next May to get my order in. I wear my Alden 405s in good, usually dry weather, walking on asphalt or concrete. I don't trust them to hold firm in any kind of wetness, if it happens to rain (a welcome rarity in Phoenix).

And after wearing them all day one day this past week, I too, noticed a tightness in my left boot, on the top of the foot Where that high bone seems to stick out. But I keep wearing them once in a while to get them a little more broken in each time.

If you have them, enjoy them.

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Post by IndianaChris711 »

I don't plan on going on any hikes till warmer weather, and I hope not to cross any rocky paths. I probably would slip and fall on some rocks. I have worn them in the house a bit and took them for some wear to a party dressed as Indy with what i have so far. It will probably be more like walking down trails or I guess you could say hiking down trails. Totally agree on the sole, totally no grip there. Can slip and slide kind of easily on a nice waxed floor. Well I am enjoying my shoes/boots so far.


Last edited by IndianaChris711 on Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Corith »

I normally wear a size 11, and I am about to order one of the Alden's in 11D.
I've never bought shoes that had a width on them, so I'm not sure if thats right.

I've done the measure bit, and my foot measures a tad over 4" at the widest point.

I tried to find a place to have my foot measured, but all the quality men's shoes stores are gone, replaced with swap malls, footlocker, and payless stores.
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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Corith, that is a same that the nice shoes stores are gone among where you live, you don't even have a Men's Warehouse? Florsheim? That is kind of where I would go to get a foot measured or a foot doctor. I would talk with the people at Alden's when you order, they really helped me figure out what size I was pretty much right on the nose, and if they don't fit you can always return them, just make sure you don't wear them outside, and make sure you walk on carpet or some clean surface when you first try them on. Hope that helps some. Hope your purchase turns out well, and don't forget to order the Pecards as well.

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Post by TonyRush »


Would you mind posting some recent pics of your Aldens? If I'm reading the date stamps on these posts've had them for not quite two months and I'm curious to see how broken-in they look.

Thanks for your assistance!

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Post by IndianaChris711 »

TonyRush, if I posted some pics they are not very broken in because I have not had the greatest weather outside to wear them in the past two months. In Decemeber, it snowed pretty bad so I did not wear them in the snow even though I already had the pecards on them. That and the fact that I havn't been wearing them too often because of it being fairly cold up here. There is not much grip on the bottom so if I was to slip on some ice, I probably would hurt myself. If the weather gets better sooner, maybe I could go on some trails with them or something eventually. The only time they have been outside was when it was very light rain. So maybe give me another two months and see what I can do once the weather warms up. I wear my shoes in the house sometimes, but that just gets some general wear, doesn't look any different. I also am tying the strings a bit more lower just like Harrison does in the movie and is a bit more giving now. I am wearing the boots/shoes as I type. Thanks for just reminding me Tony Rush, that eventually I need to get these boots/shoes worn in. Hopefully in the next couple months things will get a little warmer and I could start wearing them more often.

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