Wow, back in the saddle. Great pic! He's got his gunbelt on the other way around, though. And like you said, the bag over the jacket. These things don't bother me, however. Looks to me like he still has his Webley. Great find!
Canada Jones wrote:These are great shots. Wow. Is that a larger Webley than before? The Holster looks huge.
Ps. Oh yes, the hat looks fantastic....
When I first saw the picture I thought he was packing a S&W model 29
(Dirty Harry) 44 mag.
First photo looks phenomenal to me, even in spite of the bag strap being on the outside of the jacket (I hate that - it must look horrible from behind and ruin the look of the jacket).
The second photo though just doesn't look so great to me - it feels like its trying to recreate the iconic pose I remember from one of the Raiders posters or somewhere. But the bag strap seems too obviously wrong here, his pants pulled up too high, the jacket too new... I dont know it just feels off to me.
But since the first photo is a better example of what the gear and Harrison look like on film I am not worried - I love that first photo
Indiana Neri wrote:Anybody notice that his MkVII is empty? They used to fill it with foam or cardboard to give it some "personality" in the previous films, didn't they?
Never thought about this. Good observation. It would seem that he is carrying another bag as well. Some kind of backpack perhaps? LOoks to be some kind of leather bags.
I agree, his "satchel" seems empty whereas in the other movies it always seemed to be "full". Not to mention the strap is black instead of a worn brown.
Maybe Indy, acquired some new gear/replacements between Crusade and HAS been over a decade in "Indy" years.
His pants do seem high, but it is set in the 50's and whern't the pants fairly high then?
looks like a stock 5 inch barrel and the bag strap looks like a very old used brown strap that has been oiled more than once.
Reminds me of the color of some cinch straps from my youth and all but 1 of our saddles was some shade of brown. notice the difference between the holster that does look black and the strap
as always my opinion and 89cents will get you a large coffee from 7/11 if you bring your own cup
The hat looks great. Nothing whimpy about that hat. Looks like he wears it tilted back, because the brim flips down a lot in front. (They should have turned it ) The big black Webly reminds me of the double action Colt Rick O'Connel toted in "The Mummy Returns". Ford looks serious and kick ### in both these pics, which is good.
Last edited by 3thoubucks on Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
My complaint is about the shirt... looks horrible. The leather satchel, on the opposite, is a very intriguing new item. I already fancy one
Can't wait to see this film
In the shot with the gun, his pants do really seem to be pulled up too high. If you count the buttons on his shirt (now you guys have got me doing it) the other outdoor shot the pants are one shirt button lower and seem much more of a comfortable position.
Oh my God! This IS Indiana Jones - I mean, I don't see Ford playing a role there, I see Indy! Great - I love those new pics, and personally I have no problem with the "bag over jacket" thing or the high waisted pants - the overall look still puts a smile into my face. With these pics they got me - Indy is back!
I am really waiting for more shots of the bag / backpack ...
And I am now looking for a "screen accurate" flashlight (thanks to Michaelson - a "end 40s / early 50s" model).
Still unbelievable to me, that just 3 pictures could make me that happy.
Edit: Concerning the "bag over jacket", the "empty bag" and the "blackish bagstrap" my girlfriend just said, that they possibly do that on purpose - just to keep us discussing this and that.
Are we nutty fanboys? Yes!
Those pics look awesome – the man in the hat is back indeed! These pics must be from early on in the story as his gear looks too clean and he lacks the signature Indy stubble. Definitely a different look. The anticipation mounts…
I do personally think the 1st photo is the best at capturing harrison at his best, but i'm just trying to keep in mind that a photo can be scrutinized for a milenia "who knows, in a thousand years even you might become priceless" with this film its the 1st time ive seen photos of indy before seeing the film, so any worries i have about "the look" of indy will be swept away when watching the film because of other factors like character, story, dialog, etc. I guess i'm just trying to detract from the superficial point of view of just "the look" (but hey that is all we have got to go on right now) and trust that the loveable character of Henry Jones Jnr will shine through making us feel guity for ever doubting the man. lol
Since this thread is in the Fedora section, let's try to keep it hat related to avoid repetition. There are several other threads with the same photos where folks are having general conversation (with the same array of comments ) about the gear. I know we want to nit-pick every detail of these images (I know I do!) but it'd be nice to keep it hat related in here if possible.
The man with the hat is back, and this time he's wearing an Adventurebilt, which was made by one of us-- something not too many believed would really happen. That's cause for celebration indeed!
Hey, I'm pretty new around here and am no expert, but, to me, the hat definitely looks the best of the new gear. It just looks right on Ford's head, even without the "turn."
Adventurebilt really hit the ball out of the park with their work for this film. The subpar hats of TOD and LC already seem like distant memories.
I know this is about the hat, but the high waisted pants may be period accurate. Alot of guys here are too young to recall(I wish I were in that group) but even when I was a kid, men wore their pants high. It looks odd today, especially when you compare them to the saggy, dropped to the knees pants the kids are wearing. But, I remember those high waisted pants, like it was almost yesterday. Back then, it was normal, today, it looks odd. With that said, I bought 10 pairs of Bills Khakis recently, and got the old model with the higher waist. I love em. My teen years took place in the 60's when waists dropped down to the hip huggers, and stayed low ever since then. Not hip hugger low, but still lower than what men used to wear. Off topic, but I just had to throw this in. Fedora
For high waisted pants check out Robert Mitchum in "The River of No Return" Frankly, I was amazed that Indy's pants rode as low as they have. It's not period correct. I have pictures of my Dad. Also, the new shirt still has the pen pocket.
Indiana Neri wrote:Anybody notice that his MkVII is empty? They used to fill it with foam or cardboard to give it some "personality" in the previous films, didn't they?
It HAS to be empty. He needs room for the Crystal Skull!
Well - with what happened in Last Crusade when he got caught on the barrel of the tank, he probably figured out the bag is less a hinderance on the outside of the jacket.
Speaking of the jacket (hat forum I know...) but it looks like cow-hide and doesn't drape nearly as nicely as the ROTLA looks too new as well.
The hat, while the crown looks good the brim comes down waaaay to far in front in these pics.
Are these production stills or just continuity/press release poses?
nope....don't like the hat one bit either....not a chance in h - e - double hockey sticks would i ever get one of those......never.....i would never put that on my head.....steve, don't ever make me one of those cuz i just don't agree with that look at all.........
.....well then, hopefully that post will get this thread back on the rails
Fedoraman wrote:The hat, while the crown looks good the brim comes down waaaay to far in front in these pics.
Barring the fact that this hat is definately not a Fed... and the pinch is slightly different, when I hold my hat at the same angle as the picture it looks remarkably similar to the way I have mine shaped. So to me it looks just about right, not too far down... But I wasn't going for 100% accuracy when I got my hat a few years ago either. Just my $0.02
I really like the first picture
The second one shows a bit too much the (in my opinion) bad parts of his new gear I agree what some of you said about the bag, it reminds me heavily on the bag, sold on ebay, made in Asia What do you think about that comparison :
My biggest lack of understanding is true for the jacket...why did they forget how to distress a jacket : : :
The rest is pretty ok I think, especially the Adventurebilt, the Aldens and the new gun plus its holster
Canada Jones wrote:Am I wrong or is this the first time we see Indy with a flashlight? I think that is a great shot.
Well it does take place in the 50s after all, no more burning torches.
Wonder what kind of flashlight that is??
I am sure we will see threads on this soon enough. Hard to tell from that photo though. I remember seeing flashlights in Cameron's Titanic which was 1917 so I am surprised it took that long for Indy to pick one up.
I have one of those old vintage flashlights (the second picture shows mine), got it last year in England. I think it is quite similar to the one he uses in this scene. What do the specialist think about it :