Well, I was fighting to get my new PB straw Indy into some sort of shape I could live with. It started to seem beyond my grasp, and I sort of lost it. In a fit of creative rage, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, this is what I found...
For reference, here's what it looked like two days ago...
I think the result looks good. Exactly what was the problem you were having with it originally? It looks like it may have been a bit too tall and perhaps listing a bit to port in the before pic. Was that it?
Ron, you got it, mostly. The packing deformed the hat, and I needed to make it shorter. It looked more like Barranca's hat when it arrived. For whatever reason, I couldn't get it back to the normal shape. It just refused to take the Indy shape. The "before" is the best it looked until I went all caveman on it. Now it reminds me of Ken's Remington c-crown, which I've always liked.
Chewie, I think the hat looks good. I agree with Ron, it does look like the original crown was a tad high so I would have done the same thing. Other than that how hard was it to re-bash the straw hat verses a felt one? Did it take the form easily or did you have to use elbow grease to keep it there?
It's a bit more ornery about holding a shape as you want it but I think some stiffener would help that. The PB straw is very soft and floppy. You don't want to ove-do the "elbow grease" because it is straw, but don't be afraid to show it who is boss. Tycoonman suggested I use a little water to help me shape it, and it has worked... without damaging the straw. I was floored by that! Anyway, this is the only straw hat I've ever tried to re-shape, and the softest, so I wouldn't try it on another hat without asking people in the know.
Chewbacca Jones wrote:Ron, you got it, mostly. The packing deformed the hat, and I needed to make it shorter. It looked more like Barranca's hat when it arrived. For whatever reason, I couldn't get it back to the normal shape. It just refused to take the Indy shape. The "before" is the best it looked until I went all caveman on it. Now it reminds me of Ken's Remington c-crown, which I've always liked.
If it were yellow, it would be a Curious George Man in the Yellow hat!!! It looks great either way to me. Wear with pride Chewie...Cowboy
The hats looks great! I was just wondering is it the same consistency as a panama hat or thicker being that it is milan straw? If I am even correct in that.
Indycop wrote:The hats looks great! I was just wondering is it the same consistency as a panama hat or thicker being that it is milan straw? If I am even correct in that.
It is Milan Straw... the softest I've ever encountered. I would say it's not any thinner than a panama straw (at least a Cuenca type), but it's lighter and airier (if that's a real word). It's a completely different experience compared to a panama hat.
Indycop wrote:I would say it's not any thinner than a panama straw (at least a Cuenca type), but it's lighter and airier (if that's a real word). It's a completely different experience compared to a panama hat.
And that's where people have problems with the hat. It's very different from most the straw hats seen today. Many people expect either a Panama straw. It is a hole different animal...javascript:emoticon(':-k') straw.
Nice hat bash, too bad you couldn't get your desired bash though. The stiffener will work miracles on the brim and front pinch.
I believe Scouts is specifically for use on felt. At least there's no mention of use on straw on my bottle, and I'd be a bit leery using it anyway, as stiffiner is activated with heat. I can see steam being used on straw to mold it to shape, but not heat.
Chewie if or when you try the stiffener will you post it? I am definitely curious how it will turn out! I am going to get rid of my panama and get one of these before next summer. After I get my camptown, federation, and order an AB.
I didn't use Scout, I used Bickmore's. I let it sit in the sun on one of the blistering hot days we have been getting. It's pretty stiff now, at least to a point that I am comfortable with.
I havent posted here in a long time, I visit almost everyday but....
anyway here is a shot of me in my Peters Brothers Indy straw,
I really like this hat, all I did was tighten up the front pinch and turn down the back of the brim. It has served me well the last couple of weeks here in the arkansas heat.
Thanks Indycop, what I did was wet the pinch down good and held the pinch in with a clip for about 10 minutes. This straw is tough but I did not want to abuse it too much. Wetting does not seem to hurt it at all, I did not wet the whole hat just the area I was working on.
Arkansas, did yours come with a liner installed or not? Mine did, and I finally removed it so I could get some heat OUT of the hat in this wild hot summer in Tennessee. (we're the ones you've probably seen in the news experiencing the 'extreme drought' and have had Federal Disaster assistance applied for by State!) It looked nice, but the lining defeated the intent of this hat to be a cooler wearing hat in the heat. I understand Joe is looking into an alternative liner for next year that will provide the interior crown protection, but allow air to pass through. Should be interesting to see next summer.
Like YOU said, GREAT hats in this heat this year!!
For those who missed it in the Events section under 'DragonCon, 2007', if all the planets are in alignment (and from an email I received from Joe this morning, they should be), you can see one of these hats on the head of D.Jones at DragonCon during the Indy fan/COW gearhead lunch get-together.
Arkansas, did yours come with a liner installed or not? Mine did, ..
No, mine did not have a liner, but like you I think I would have had to remove it to get the air flow.
This hat is surprisingly light and cool.
I also seem to think the crown may not be as tall as the one you recieved.
I believe you were one of the first to have this style straw.
Mine is around 5 inches tall, I know DanielJones bashed his down to a c type of crown, but mine seem fine with the height it is.
That's probably why mine had the liner. I hadn't thought of that.
I do know Joe and I talked about the crown height being just a bit TOO tall, and he shortened it a bit. I've gotten used to mine now, so I don't even notice it anymore....