The lid I am looking into buying

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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The lid I am looking into buying

Post by RobbyT43 » ... g&color=41

OK. I am REALLY cheap so this fedora suits my budget. :D I really am not looking for an expensive Herbert-Johnson or anthing like that, just a fedora to wear when I want to (and to say that I have a fedora :roll: ) It is a Stetson so it cant be that bad of a fedora.

Just let me know what you guys think. If anybody else knows of a cheap (as in less than $75) post a link for me :wink:


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Post by Strider »

Well, be prepared for most of the people who respond to this thread to tell you to save your money and buy something else. The wool Dorfman Pacific Indy hat (which is what you're looking at there, it's not a Stetson) is not that great of a hat in terms of quality and screen accuracy, but you know what? If it fits your budget, and you think you will be happy with it, then pull the trigger. The fur felt Dorfman isn't as bad, but it's still not very screen accurate for its price, but it CAN be re-blocked, though it's about 100$. Even I'd suggest an Akubra Federation over a the fur felt Dorfman.

In the end, it's your money, and your head, so do what makes you happy! :)
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Post by ob1al »

Dude, an Akubra Fed is the BEST way to go for a first Indy hat on a budget - take it or leave it, but I have been there and that's my opinion.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Robby, first of all, you posted one of your most important considerations: your budget. Regardless of what you're looking for in a hat, it's important to have an idea of what you want, what you plan to use it for, and how much you have budgeted for a hat. Ultimately, the choice is yours, and yours alone, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. :wink:

For $40, it looks like a decent enough hat. If you read the product description, though, you'll notice one major thing which a) allows the price to be so low and b) may affect the overall quality and longevity of this hat: it's made from wool felt. If you plan on wearing this hat just once in a while, that may be fine for you. There's nothing wrong with that. But keep in mind that if you get caught in a downpour with this hat, the wool will shrink and cause the hat to taper. It's a natural characteristic of wool. (In fact, all hats have it in their nature to taper over time. However, a fur felt, as opposed to a wool felt) will resist this much longer.) The product description also describes a "leather-look sweatband." It's probably vinyl, then. Also, Stetson is just a name on this hat. Sadly, it has nothing to do with the quality Stetson used to stand for in the olden days. Now, it's just branding. But again, if you just want the occasional hat to wear, this may be absolutely perfect for you. Again, you need to figure out what's best for you.

Disclaimer: the following is not intended to tell you what to buy, rather, there may be some additional options, depending what meets your budget. And remember, you pointed that out from the start. :wink:

Okay, if you're after a fedora that you won't be afraid to get caught in the rain with, or you're looking for something you might wear out at least a couple times a week, you may want to consider a fur felt. Fur felt is generally more expensive than wool felt, but the quality is a big step up. Hats by Akubra, for instance, use rabbit fur for their felts. Other hatters blend rabbit and beaver, or even blend nutria. The top of the line, of course, is pure beaver felt, but with this usually comes a substantial increase in price.

Akubras have a long history of being quality hats. Usually made from rabbit felt, if they were made to withstand the Australian bush, you know the hat has to be built to take a lickin.' I've owned an Akubra or two and can attest to them being good hats. There are many Akubra fans around here. Hats Direct is worth checking out ... edora+Hats the Federation and Federation Deluxe were created with input from members of COW. :wink: David Morgan also carried a few good models: Expect to pay around $100 or so, but they are quality hats at an outstanding price IF it remains within your budget.

If you have a Burlington Coat Factory near you, you could always check to see what hats they have. Apparently, you can find Tonak hats, if you're lucky, for around $20, more or less. These are fur felt hats from Czecheslovakia (I have no idea if I spelled that right!) and some members, like Dalexs, have reblocked them with outstanding results. Do a search and you should be able to find threads on these hats.

Keep in mind that you can score nice vintage fedoras at great prices at thrift stores, antique shops, and even eBay if you keep an eye out. You never know what you can find when you start looking around everywhere.

I know Miller makes both a wool and fur felt licensed Indy fedora similar to the Stetson you were looking at. Check out this thread in the vendor section:
viewtopic.php?t=22455 I think this deal may put things within your budget.

There are some good options out there, but if you want a general hat to wear without going far outside of your budget, I'd look into a fur felt hat, as opposed to a wool. But again, if the wool suits you, that's all that matters. It's your hat, and you have to decide based on what your needs and wants are. Good luck!
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Post by ob1al »

Truly a post worthy of meter maid! :wink:

Seriously, some great info in the above post, but like I said, as endorsed by Bink..go for the Akubra! For just $25 over your budget, it's totally worth it.:D
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Post by Dr.Seuss »


Consider the above, all excellent comments. Over the years, I have tried that hat on, each time I walk into Sheplers; just something about the hat's name. Every time I put it on, I am struck by how different it looks, compared to my PBs or Akruba.

In short, it is an "okay" hat. IMHO, when considering price, longevity, style (and styling options) and the "priceless" feel when the hat is on your head, if "Indy" is what you are even remotely considering, Akruba is a better choice. (We are not addressing the world of "custom" hats. There, $$$ and wait time are amongst the greatest considerations.)

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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I can't really say this hat is a good choice. Honestly, there are better wool hats out there. If you really want to stay in that price range, try looking on e-bay. You can probably find that exact hat and pay less! I just don't think it's worth the price. But that is my opinion. I owned the actual Stetson version of this, before DP took over... and I've seen the DP. Pretty much the same. Even as a kid, I did not like it.

Bottom line, at $75, you could get an awesome hat on ebay, if you're patient.
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Post by Strider »

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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

If budget is the biggest issue along with quality, go with the Akubra federation. A wool felt and fur felt are world's different. My first Indy fedora was one like the one you're looking for. You will be unable to reshape the lid of it because it's wool. If you can, go for the Akubra Federation.
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Post by Strider »

The Federation also gives you the opportunity to give the hat your own personal bash, which makes the hat more yours, IMHO.
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Post by prairiejones »

Don't buy that hat. I owned one as my first Indy hat, and it was junk. Save a little more money and get the Fed. It is a much better fedora. The crown and brim are the right size and the quality is great. In the future, if you wish, you can send it to Steve for a re block.
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Post by Mulceber »

Yeah, don't give your business to Dorfman. There are far better hats out there for only a slightly higher price, and honestly, given the way they lie to you by calling it "durable and good-looking," this company doesn't deserve your business.

An Akubra would be a MUCH better choice. It looks better, it's more durable and for the price, it can't be beat. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Indiana »

I've had an Akubra Federation since 2002 and it has held up great. My only complaint is that my head has grown slightly since then! It's a tad bit tight now, but I have a beaver AB on the way to fix that problem! They are great hats and really worth the money.

It is a shame the US dollar has lost the value it used to have. When I got my Fed the exchange rate made it only around $50.
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Post by Doh »

I give the Jaxon Iconoclast high marks. It's a fur felt and mine has been in a couple of heavy downpours with no ill effects. It comes in a C-crown, though, so if you're looking for something closer to "the" hat, you'd have to rebash it into a center dent.

It's $60 right now; when I got mine it was on sale for $10 cheaper.
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Post by BendingOak »

I have to agrre with evryone here and save a little bitt more and get something that will last you more than a month or two. I had one just like that many, many moons ago and my seven year old son can't fit it. not only will it tapper but it will shink.

I still don't understand why it's a bad thing to give someone advice to save thier money for a better product. That will not only last longer but in the long run the person will be a lot happer that they didn't thow thier money away for junk.
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Re: hat

Post by binkmeisterRick »

BendingOak wrote: I still don't understand why it's a bad thing to give someone advice to save thier money for a better product. That will not only last longer but in the long run the person will be a lot happer that they didn't thow thier money away for junk.
It's not a bad thing to give anyone advice. No one ever said it was, my friend. The issue is that sometimes people forget that it IS the buyer's choice, even if it means he gets a hat the rest of us wouldn't. There's nothing wrong with making the suggestion of saving a little extra money for a different hat. However, sometimes even that's not an option for the buyer, and people still overlook that. We can give all the helpful advice we want, but we still have to respect Robby's decision. Besides, if one gearhead hates a particlar hat, there's always another who loves it just fine. :wink:
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Post by Michaelson »

I guess it's akin to walking onto a used car lot with $1000 in your pocket and wanting to see a particular car you spoted on teh back lot with $999 in the window.

You want to know what folks think of THAT particular $999 car that you can afford, or if anyone knows of any OTHER cars costing $1000 or less, as that's what I HAVE in my pocket.

Personally I don't WANT to know that if I had, say $5000 , I could afford THAT car on the front line.

Well, yes, I know, but I don't HAVE $5000 in my pocket. I have $1000, and that's not what I asked advice about. The other $4000 that you think I could be saving is probably earmarked for silly things like utility bills, kids school supplies or the like. Maybe in a few years, but now.......

It turns a lot of folks off from asking anymore questions or advice. I know it does me.

JMO, though.

Some folks DO want the extra input. That's what we're all here for.

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Post by Marc »

Well, here's my take on it. It's prejudiced etc. etc. etc. but it might be worth reading nontheless.

You said the max. is 75bucks right? - Ok, if I wanted an Indy Fedora NOW and only had 75bucks, I'd go check on that online auction site :wink: I know prices on vintage hats have gone through the roof over the years, but bargains can still be made. I just got a MINT unworn Stetson Open Road from the 40's last year for round about 40 bucks. The color didn't suit my face, so I gave it to my father, but that's not the point. Try to see if you can find anything with an acceptable brim width in brown. Whether the ribbon is too narrow etc. etc. ... these are things that can be dealt with later on, when you are able to invest into a refurb. But you'd have a good hat that could serve you well for many years AND be reblocked when needed.

Just my two cts.


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Post by BendingOak »

Bink, Michaelson. Very well put.

I just stated that what I thought of the hat. I don't think much of it and what I would do. I totally understand the idea of not wanting to spend any more money than you want to. I would never spend the $$$$ lets sat on a Morgon not because I don't think his work isnt worth what he is asking. It's because I can't justify it to myself for spending that kind of money on something I not really sure I would us.
On the other hand I would like to know from my fellow COW members if I was just thowing money out the window.
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Re: hat

Post by Michaelson »

BendingOak wrote: On the other hand I would like to know from my fellow COW members if I was just thowing money out the window.
ALWAYS valuable information for sure!! :D

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by RobbyT43 »

Thanks for the feedback guys :tup: I just wanted to know if this was a good buy or not. Obviously, I don't want to get caught out in the rain with this one, so I think I might wait until US Wings put theirs on their site.

Again, thank you to everyone who stated their opinion
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Post by Indiana »

The hat US Wings is going to be selling is essentially the same hat as you ar elooking at. I dont know what brand they are going to be selling (Dorfman?) but if it is an official Indy fedora, it is alrealy avalible elsewhere. And probably cheaper too. It will still be wool felt just from a different manufacturer of Indy hats.

Best advice is to stay away from wool all together.

But that is just my two cents.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Indiana, did you check out this thread I linked to above?

Even though they'll likely be the wool and fur felt Dorfmans, US Wings will be giving us a discount on them, likely making them the best place to get these particular hats if you want one.
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Post by Strider »

Michaelson wrote:I guess it's akin to walking onto a used car lot with $1000 in your pocket and wanting to see a particular car you spoted on teh back lot with $999 in the window.

You want to know what folks think of THAT particular $999 car that you can afford, or if anyone knows of any OTHER cars costing $1000 or less, as that's what I HAVE in my pocket.

Personally I don't WANT to know that if I had, say $5000 , I could afford THAT car on the front line.

Well, yes, I know, but I don't HAVE $5000 in my pocket. I have $1000, and that's not what I asked advice about. The other $4000 that you think I could be saving is probably earmarked for silly things like utility bills, kids school supplies or the like. Maybe in a few years, but now.......

It turns a lot of folks off from asking anymore questions or advice. I know it does me.

JMO, though.

Some folks DO want the extra input. That's what we're all here for.

Regards! Mark
I liked both of your responses, but this one is by far my favorite!
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

As I understand it, US Wings will be selling the fur felt Dorfman. For what it is, and discounted on top of that, it's not that bad of a hat. Will it be a great Raiders hat? maybe not. But I've seen and heard enough to say it's a decent budget hat, and it reblocks well by all accounts. It reminds me of a Stetson in many ways (mostly the better ways). Makes a good Last Crusade hat.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

The general consensus is there IS that okay hat at the price you see it, there's a nice hat we consider a budget hat for the 100-120 range you've heard a lot of above, the next commonly endorsed very nice hat is around 250, and then you've got other famous very nice hats at considerably more than that.

So, that's about it right now, aside from the random wildcard of ebay. I'd say scout around ebay for a few days, and if you can't find something in your <=75 range, and really don't want to go over, you found what you're looking for.

If that's all you got, then that's all you got. (but if you got more, let us know and we'll make this difficult all over again. ;))
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Post by Indiana »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Indiana, did you check out this thread I linked to above?

Even though they'll likely be the wool and fur felt Dorfmans, US Wings will be giving us a discount on them, likely making them the best place to get these particular hats if you want one.
Did not see that. Thanks for pointing that out, bink!
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Post by prairiejones »

I would like to weigh in one more time on this. The whole reason that I ended up on COW, two years ago, is because I bought a Dorfman. When I got home and put the movie in, I realized that I had not purchased "the" hat that I had wanted since the age of thirteen. I began Googleing like crazy and ended up here. Had I been here before, and received the info that you are receiving, I would not have made the mistake. I'm glad that you asked your question and are getting good answers.
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Post by indy89 »

That's the same reason why I joined the club.
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Post by Strider »

Same here. I wonder how many people bought Dorfmans, only to get home and realize their hats don't look too much like the sceen hats and googled their way here.
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Post by IndyChaos »

Count me in that number. I was actually told by a slick but very confused salesman that the ill-fated Stetson Temple was the exact hat used in the movie. When I started to realize that it wasn't breaking in anything like the hats in the movies, I began nosing around. That's how I stumbled upon this den of thieves. :wink:
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Post by Tycoonman »

binkmeisterRick wrote:The product description also describes a "leather-look sweatband." It's probably vinyl, then. Also, Stetson is just a name on this hat. Sadly, it has nothing to do with the quality Stetson used to stand for in the olden days. Now, it's just branding. But again, if you just want the occasional hat to wear, this may be absolutely perfect for you. Again, you need to figure out what's best for you.
Dorfman's are hit or miss when it comes to the quality of the Indy hats they sell. My wool felt fedora from Sheplers came fully lined and had a real leather sweatband, but it had a bound brim.



Now I have had 3 Dorfman's from Disneyland. My first was an unlined bound brim, made of Velt, and has a cotton sweatband. My second one was unlined and had some leahter look (but tore like paper) sweatband. My thrid was unlined and had a polyester sweatband. Dorfman's are like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get.

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Post by Dr.Seuss »

prairiejones wrote: The whole reason that I ended up on COW, two years ago, is because I bought a Dorfman. Had I been here before, and received the info that you are receiving, I would not have made the mistake. I'm glad that you asked your question and are getting good answers.
I am dating myself, so to speak, but imagine searching for "the hat," in 1983. At that time, there were few avenues to explore, other than dead alleys and dying hat stores.

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Post by prairiejones »

Dr.Seuss wrote:
prairiejones wrote: The whole reason that I ended up on COW, two years ago, is because I bought a Dorfman. Had I been here before, and received the info that you are receiving, I would not have made the mistake. I'm glad that you asked your question and are getting good answers.
I am dating myself, so to speak, but imagine searching for "the hat," in 1983. At that time, there were few avenues to explore, other than dead alleys and dying hat stores.

I started searching in 1981 at the age of thirteen, my search was short and ended with my older brothers brown cowboy hat. Thank goodness for the products and resources that we have today.
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Post by RobbyT43 »

Hey guys, a little update for yall...US wings has their official Indy fedoras on their site now. With the discount, the water-repellent wool felt fedora is only about $32!!! :D That is SO what I am going to buy!!! I think the clinching factor is the water-reppellent wool. That was what I was looking for 8)

Thanks for all of the help :wink:

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Glad you came to a choice which suits what you're looking for, Robby! Be sure to share a pic of you wearing the hat when it comes in! :wink:
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Post by RobbyT43 »

Samuel wrote:Why buy a Dorfman for 20% off when you can get an Akubra for just a little extra... and a far superior hat!
As I stated earlier, I am looking for a good fedora not a great one. I don't think I could stand getting a precious Akruba dirty. But with a Dorfman, I can pretty much roll around in mud with it :wink:
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Post by Mulceber »

I don't think I could stand getting a precious Akruba dirty. But with a Dorfman, I can pretty much roll around in mud with it
Oh don't worry about that! We're talking about an Akubra here, not a Montecristi. Akubra's are known for being some of the toughest hats in the business, not a luxury hat like an Optimo. Why else do you think Akubra is the premier hat of the Australian outback?

Ultimately, I think it's always a mistake to go for Dorfman. I know we aren't supposed to tell you what hat to get, but speaking as someone who has owned a dorfman, I truly think you're making a mistake. Do yourself a favor and invest the few extra dollars in quality. :junior: -IJ
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Robby, an Akubra WILL take any abuse you give it. You can roll around in the mud with it and it won't mind one bit. Heck, you can do the same with an Adventurebilt, or about ANY quality hat you get.

I know how it feels, though, in that the more you spend on any hat, the more you want to baby it. I remember getting my first AB and wondering if I wanted to take it on a trip to Mexico with me. I decided to anyway and while on the plane, a passenger next to me accidentally sat on it. My heart half sunk until I realized that this hat was MADE to handle the abuse, even though I had never paid that much for a hat before then. I figured over the hat's lifetime, it would see far more abuse than just a casual butt crushing, and believe me, it has.

Even though the Akubra will handle just as much abuse (mine I wore especially in heavy storms) if you've never paid that much for headwear before, it's natural to want to baby it. But it is true that an Akubra will last you much longer than the Dorfman if you plan on wearing a hat quite frequently.

Yet I stand by what I said earlier; you need to make your decision based off YOUR needs and budget. If you want just the ocasional hat to wear and you don't want to spend much money, you may be perfectly happy with the Dorfman. If you do decide to go with an Akubra instead, be sure it's YOUR choice to do so, and NOT because anyone forced you into it. We may offer our opinions and views, but again, it should ALWAYS be your decision. God luck! :wink:
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Post by Michaelson »

Amen. :?

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