my first HJ was a whole size too big. i wore it on my wedding day and had lots of pictures taken with it. every picture i saw myself in showed me that the current HJ from todd's CAN make a decent raiders hat but i wanted to see if it can be done with one that fits.
with that in mind, i ordered another one in the correct size and open crowned, and got the kettle going again. i bashed her in the 'idol grab' bash because this is where i feel the raiders hat started out as and then can transform herself into SOC and WOS over time.
i thought that i got pretty close:

and a side by side:

though the brim could be matched easily to the screen hat, there's just not enough "junk in the trunk" in the crown to get that nice deep pinch, the nice camel humps, and the nice gradual side profile that slopes back to the rear kicker slant.
i am quite happy with the outcome despite the crown. today's HJ block can still make for a decent raiders hat IMO if you are not too fussy with the crown.
the whole project has made me realized that i look better in the TOD fedora though. i am considering selling this. i have only worn the hat twice. if there's any interest, i can let her go for $200 plus shipping. lemme know.