A fedora on a lady?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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A fedora on a lady?

Post by Deneveon »

I've been lurking quite a bit on these forums for a while, and I've been considering getting an Indy-style fedora for some time now.

As I am a female student and I'm very much on a tight budget, the Fed Regular is my only option right now. However, I don't want this hat only as a costume hat. I want to be able to wear it regularly. However, I don't want to look ridiculous in it, either.

So, my question is this. Is the Fed going to look too big/strange on a lady? I'm worried most about the brim, and it being too large. Are there any ladies here who have managed to pull off an Indy-style fedora? And guys, do you think it's strange to see a woman wearing a mens' style fedora? I'm concerned about this because I really don't feel like dropping over $100 on a hat that I'm not going to want to use regularly.

By the way, I have worn fedoras in the past, but they've always been ladies' fedoras and womens' hats. I've even worn a Dorfman once, but I'm not a fan of those hats (obviously) so that didn't last too long.

Anyway, yes, any thoughts on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Post by whipwarrior »

Welcome to the club, Deneveon! I personally think that women look good in brimmed hats, provided it's not worn with contemporary clothing. You sort of have to have 'the look' to make it work. Canyon, Indiana Texas-Girl, or some of our other female members could probably answer your brim question better than I can, so I defer to them. But if you like the look of a fedora, then go for it! :-)
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

I think you may want to consider the crown height too. I have a 6 7/8 (size 55) Federation and it was too tall for my tastes. I'm almost 5'9" so you would think it'd be okay but really it was too tall for me. The brim wasn't as much of an issue for me but you can always trim it if it's too wide for your taste. But you might be able to get the hat reblocked into a smaller crown. You might also want to post your question over at the Fedora Lounge. We have a ladies section as well as a hats section where you can ask the same question and maybe get other people's feedback.


You might also consider searching ebay for a good vintage hat and getting it reblocked. I did just that recently with a Herbert Johnson and put less than $100 into the hat courtesy of Fedora who reblocked, shaved (it was furry), and cleaned it. Hopefully I can get pics up soon when I can find someone to snap some pics.
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Post by CHAUVEL »

Welcome Deneveon, if that is your pic in your avatar i'm inclined to think that perhaps you may be a little too dainty and feminine for an akubra federation, it's dimensions would make it appear a little too outdoorsy. A very close female aquaintance of mine here in sydney wears a few different akubras and an old stetson fedora but they are all dimensionally smaller than the federation. May i suggest a few of akubras that i feel look really quite elegant on a woman, the first would be the akubra "fedora", the akubra "swing", the akubra "sydney" and the akubra "bogart", on second thought the "bogart" may be my first choice on an elegant, attractive woman . Where to buy? Hatsdirect in australia may have some of the styles in question, check their website, likewise strand hatters in sydney will have others, bear in mind that not all akubras are sold by all retailers, many are exclusives for one shop alone, the federation is one such model. I dont have the exact web address for strand hatters, i suggest you go google. Hope you find something that appeals, cheers chauvel.
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Post by CHAUVEL »

Welcome Deneveon, if that is your pic in your avatar i'm inclined to think that perhaps you may be a little too dainty and feminine for an akubra federation, it's dimensions would make it appear a little too outdoorsy. A very close female aquaintance of mine here in sydney wears a few different akubras and an old stetson fedora but they are all dimensionally smaller than the federation. May i suggest a few of akubras that i feel look really quite elegant on a woman, the first would be the akubra "fedora", the akubra "swing", the akubra "sydney" and the akubra "bogart", on second thought the "bogart" may be my first choice on an elegant, attractive woman . Where to buy? Hatsdirect in australia may have some of the styles in question, check their website, likewise strand hatters in sydney will have others, bear in mind that not all akubras are sold by all retailers, many are exclusives for one shop alone, the federation is one such model. I dont have the exact web address for strand hatters, i suggest you go google. Hope you find something that appeals, cheers chauvel.
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Post by CHAUVEL »

Argh!, sorry for the double click, i just got in the door after a 650mile drive from a motorcycle race, it's after midnight and i'm going to bed, goodnight all.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

CHAUVEL, I believe that's a picture of Marion she's using for her avitar, unless.... :shock:

Welcome, Deneveon! I think fedoras can work very well on a womaan, though I think the same hat can look different on different women. If you're concerned about the brim width, you can always cut the brim down, though you'd want to do this VERY gradually and not cut too much off. But you may want to wear it around for a while to see if it grows on you before doing this.

Fashion is interesting. Women can generally wear men's clothing and not just look good in it, but get away with it without people commenting. Men's hats, however, seem to be a bit different. You don't see many women wearing men's styled fedoras (I'm not counting MTV wannabes) so it may depend on the rest of your ensemble.

Still, see if you can find any hat stores in your area and try some on to see what might work best for you in terms of style. The Akubras are great hats, though, and are a very nice value for the money. Good luck!

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Post by Canyon »

Deneveon, welcome to Club Obi Wan! :D It's always great to see more female members joining. :P

In answer to your question about ladies wearing a man's hat, I personally don't see it being a problem.

I own two fedora's. The Akubra and the Adventurebilt and I like to think that I pull of the 'Indy' style quite well. http://members.lycos.co.uk/canyon1899/h ... ilt.35.jpg (A picture of me wearing my AB).

All in all, I think its a matter of finding something that are happy with and you feel comfortable wearing :wink:
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Post by Kris »

One thing I find, a fedora looks great on a girl, as long she doesn't hide her hair. :D
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Post by Erri »

The warmest welcome Deneveon! :D

I think a fedora hat is something very styl-ish but also not very common in these "last" years.
If you're worried that a girl might look strange with a 30's style fedora... dont worry! Even us (boys) are stared most of the times just because a fedora is not a common element of nowadays fashon... but if one looks good with it.. who cares? :P

About being a girl... I swear that every girl i've seen on this forum with an indy hat looks really good in it!

I wear it a lot but luckly in Florence it's not so ABSURD to see fedoras. I've received many compliments about it. There are some places where it's completely out of setting, if you know what I mean. Could i dare asking you where you live?

Again welcome on board. It's always good to increase the number of indygirls so we're not accused of being pure chauvinists! :lol:
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Post by michaelb »

Hello Deneveon!

Nice to talk to ya. I just want to add that my wife put on my fedora, my new Herbert Johnson (Woo Hoo again!), and I think I fell in love with her all over. As far as I am concerned, a lady can always pull off ANY fedora. It's just such a cool look especially, on a female.

And my next will either be a Deluxe Federation or an Adventurebilt. If you are going the Akubra direction, why not go for the Deluxe Fed. It's just a tad more and gets a lot of positive reviews around here. (Also I think, many have said that the reg Fed turns greenish after awhile? Anyone?)

I don't know, but I would go with the hat you like the best and I'm sure you'll look stunning.

Michael B
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Post by Kaleponi Craig »

Welcome Deneveon. I say go for it!! The other ladies I"ve seen here at Club Obi Wan look fantastic. Maybe you'll help start a new fashion trend...KC
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Post by johnnycanuck »

Good day Deneveon
Fear not the hat. A few years ago my sister got me to get her a Akubra CEO from www.hatsdirect.com. She loves it because she gets complements about it all the time. I bought a Biltmore for one of my girlfriends back in the day and she loved it. A bit more then me, but that's another story. The only thing I will make comment on is do a little web searching for hats that fit your type of face (if you are concerned). I remember reading about some guidelines a few years ago. Round face short crown, that kind of thing. But in the end it depends if you like it and are comfortable in it. I have a beat up grey and black short brimmed, tapered crown Robert Hall fedora that I love..... no one else does.... they say I look like a 1960's banker....... but I love it and still wear it..... That's my story.
P.S. Chicks in Hats are hot.
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Post by Fedora »

I think this lady pulls it off nicely.


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Post by whiskyman »

I like the way she's wearing it backwards - pretty cool.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I don't think she is wearing it backwards. I believe she took her hat and made it her own! :wink:
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Post by johnnycanuck »

Could be backwards or it could be the way it is bashed. More like a homburg. If you recall in raiders, the Nazi the monkey saluted in the Cairo sequence did not have a front pinch to his hat. Looked like a grey indy-ish with only a top dent.
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Post by zeus36 »

Welcome to the Club :)

Watch Gwenneth Paltrow as "Polly" in: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. She wears a fedora the entire movie! And it's a great flick!
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

I didn't even notice that it was backwards! :shock: #-o
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Re: backwards

Post by Strider »

johnnycanuck wrote:If you recall in raiders, the Nazi the monkey saluted in the Cairo sequence did not have a front pinch to his hat. Looked like a grey indy-ish with only a top dent.
But we won't get into that right now! :lol: :wink: 8-[

Fedora, did the hat you supplied for the lady in the photo ship open crown, or was it bashed in any particular style (Indy or not)? The dent we're seeing in the back of the hat may just be the way she pinched it once. The felt looks wrinkled. Obviously, she sure wore that hat! :D Good to see it.
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Post by Michaelson »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:I didn't even notice that it was backwards! :shock: #-o
As I recall, it's NOT backwards, but was sent to her open crown by Steve, and she created her own block shape.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Jess »

Welcome Deneveon! If there's a hat shop close to you, I'll suggest going there and trying of a few fedoras to see if it's a style that you like, then purchase the Fed.
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Post by Doh »

Fedora wrote:I think this lady pulls it off nicely.

That lady could wear a dead rat on her head and pull it off nicely!
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Doh wrote:
Fedora wrote:I think this lady pulls it off nicely.

That lady could wear a dead rat on her head and pull it off nicely!
If I had a dead rat on my head, I would pull it off Quickly! :wink: :D
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Post by VP »

I was thinking of the exact same thing, TJS.
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Post by Prof. Ed »

whipwarrior wrote:Welcome to the club, Deneveon! I personally think that women look good in brimmed hats, provided it's not worn with contemporary clothing. You sort of have to have 'the look' to make it work. Canyon, Indiana Texas-Girl, or some of our other female members could probably answer your brim question better than I can, so I defer to them. But if you like the look of a fedora, then go for it! :-)
Welcome and I agree with the quote above, for the most part. Wear what you like. It is your hat and your style :wink: My Akubra Federation Deluxe just looks big. But, that is the way they are supposed to look. You get used to it and other hats seem small. It is all relative.

Best regards,

Prof. Ed
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Post by indijana »

Hi Guys.

That picture is of my best friend and travel partner, Jana.
We recently trekked through Peru and Bolivia together for 7 weeks.
That shot was taken by yours truly in the Cordillera Negras near Huaraz, Peru.

The hat was shipped with a Raiders Raven Bar bash, but Jana quickly made it her own. That hat was crammed into bags and tiny spaces in more ways than you can imagine. She is as unique a woman as I've ever met and she makes everything her own. Adventure is this girl's middle name, but it should be her first!
No one's inspired me to live out my dreams and adventures the way that Jana has. I'm blessed to call her my friend. I couldn't ask for a better partner to see the world with!

Our new website will be up soon with hundreds of photos and video from the trip.

Now be honest, fellas... how many of you have Jana as your desktop?

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Post by Erri »

indijana wrote: Now be honest, fellas... how many of you have Jana as your desktop?
The question is... who doesn't? :shock:
I'm kidding :wink: , she looks really cool with the hat :tup: you two surely had good and adventurous time together. :D
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

indijana wrote: Now be honest, fellas... how many of you have Jana as your desktop?

I'm not sure what my wife would think.... :-k :lol: :wink:

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Post by kalkamel »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
indijana wrote: Now be honest, fellas... how many of you have Jana as your desktop?

I'm not sure what my wife would think.... :-k :lol: :wink:

I can imagine it now:


Me (or any other married male COW member): Errr.... why honey, that's a picture of Indijana's... that is... a guy I met on my Indy forum... his best friend and travel partner, Jana... who he recently trekked through Peru and Bolivia with for 7 .... honey.... put down that mallet... relax now... HONEY.....


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Post by J_Weaver »

indijana wrote:Now be honest, fellas... how many of you have Jana as your desktop?

I never thought of it, but thats a good idea! Geez, I must be slipping in my old age. :wink:
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Post by BendingOak »

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:42 pm    Post subject:
I think this lady pulls it off nicely.

I don't know how I missed this one. I only got one thing to say.

giggity, giggity. :D
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Re: hat

Post by Dutch_jones »

jpenman wrote:
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:42 pm    Post subject:
I think this lady pulls it off nicely.

I don't know how I missed this one. I only got one thing to say.

giggity, giggity. :D
lol i just love family guy :)
its a darn shame they dont air it here in the netherlands :P
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Post by BendingOak »

dutch jones , sometimes a giggity say's alot more tham any words can.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Not only should more men wear fedoas... more women should, too.

I'm wearing mine now... cause with out it I'm naked from the neck up.
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Re: hat

Post by G-MANN »

jpenman wrote:dutch jones , sometimes a giggity say's alot more tham any words can.
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Post by BendingOak »

I'm wearing mine now... cause with out it I'm naked from the neck up.
as long as your dressed from the neck down......we're good. :lol:
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