LL Bean shirts are back!

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LL Bean shirts are back!

Post by shadwell55 »

Folks, the LL Bean field shirts are back. You have to search for them. They also appear prominently in their new fly fishing catalog, which I received yesterday.

Of course, the bad news is they are no longer 18 bucks. Back to 39.
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Post by J_Weaver »

If the new shirts are the quality of an old one I have they are well worth $39! :)
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LL Bean Shirt?

Post by Capt_Zak »

Isn't the color wrong on the LL Bean? I thought that was what was concluded. I did just pick up a great shirt today at Wal-mart. Pleated pockets, stone color but no chest pleats or epaulettes.
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Post by J_Weaver »

I can't say about the new ones, but the one I have is the perfect color IMO. However, its about 20 years old. :wink:
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wal mart shirts

Post by shadwell55 »

what is the brand and style name for the wal mart shirts?
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Post by Sergei »

Good catch shadwell55!

Here is the url:
http://www.llbean.com/webapp/wcs/stores ... ch&feat=sr
The item # is : TA53647

The color is a little dark - but can be knocked down a little, w/ persistence by bleach. Remember these shirts are built tough. A good combination of tough and yet, relatively light weight and more breathable than the Cabellas. The Cabella's are a good alternative, but in the summer - forget about it.
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Post by Zach R. »

Just how much bleach we talkin' here? :P

I did the RIT color remover method...nada
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Post by Sergei »

I need to defer to my esteemed colleage from Massachusetts - Dalexs. I have had my LL Beaner since 2000. It's starting to break down to a lighter shade. But my colleage - esteemed, colleage ..... I believe ran his through the washing machine around 15 times. I believe it started to release it's dye job to a slighter lighter shade.

The color is the slight downfall for this excellent example of an alternative. But my shirt was acquired when it was still manufactured in the US. They later switched to Canada and then I heard to China.

But I would be interested in getting this version and see if the dye is still durable like the older model. The advantage about this shirt from LL Bean is that it is so comfortable and durable at the same time. It's double stiched. I am picky on my gear. I avoid the costume quality and stick with the high quality durable items. When I go out in the backcountry, I have ZERO tolerance for my gear failing. I just had a good mountaineering boot (10 year old) fail on me on a climb down from 3000 feet elevation loss. Fortunately I had good old duct tape that saved me.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Couldn't you just soak the shirt in bleach and it would turn white?

It's a nice looking shirt but the price is a little on the high side for one shirt.

Why don't they offer these shirts in stone or white? It's kind of frustrating when you find the right shirt but it's the wrong color.

I wonder if this shirt is a "better fit" than the Cabela's shirt. I wear a large and the shirt fits fine but seems to want to balloon out at the waist and makes me look like I've got a beer gut.

Now I know these shirts are true white in color but I found them during a search and thought the "pilot" one wouldn't make a bad alternative Indy shirt and their only $18 bucks.


To me Indy's shirt was always white but because of the sweat and dirt it through the color off.

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

I know the "pilot" shirts might be a little bit to dressy looking but I also found this shirt.

I know someone else suggested security shirts but this site actually offers kaki or white. It's also only $18 bucks. The only slight problem I see with this shirt is the small holes for the badge. They might not be that noticeable though.


http://www.automotiveworkwear.com/Merch ... _code=SP56

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Pitfall Harry wrote:Couldn't you just soak the shirt in bleach and it would turn white?
In the most extreme outcome, you would end up left with nothing but buttons.
Pitfall Harry wrote:The only slight problem I see with this shirt is the small holes for the badge. They might not be that noticeable though.
If you were having pleats sewn on to make it more accurate, then I think they'd be hidden perfectly. But I understand that blows the whole point of buying a CHEAP close-enough, as putting effort into it drives the cost up again. Just thinking.

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

With the jacket on you wouldn't even see the holes and even without it off I'm still thinking they wouldn't be that noticable.

My whole thought on going cheaper with the clothing is because of the regular wear and tear of everyday use and washing them. Plus, I would really be ticked if I spent $90 to $100 for a shirt that someone might accidently spill something on or mess up some way. If that happens with these shirts your out $20 and you can buy more.

I'm thinking with a little wrinkle and wear the pilot or security shirts might not be so bad. Especially if your planning on getting into a rumble over a scared artifact or the last beer in the fridge! ;)

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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Pitfall Harry wrote: I'm thinking with a little wrinkle and wear the pilot or security shirts might not be so bad. Especially if your planning on getting into a rumble over a scared artifact or the last beer in the fridge! ;)

The only problem with those shirts is that they are utility shirts and as such, they have all of the comfort of a shirt from a McDonald's uniform! They are meant to last and would be tough, but they would feel cheap and scratchy next to your skin. Personally, I am a bit of a shirt snob, Oh well, I'm just a snob in general :)

The LL Bean shirts are really tough and really nice. If you could buy two other shirts for the price of the LL Bean, it is because the LL Bean is worth the two shirts! :wink:
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Post by J_Weaver »

Indeed Hemingway! The Uniform shirts are also likely a polyester(sp?) blend. That maes for a really uncomfortable shirt in hot weather. I'll take the all cotton any day. :)
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

I might buy one anyway. The LL Bean shirt is a nice shirt but it's to dark. If the had it in white or stone it wouldn't be a problem. Plus, I've got litte kids that love to mess up anything nice I have. :)

I also think if I was going to spend $60 on a shirt I might as well save up the extra $30 or $40 and buy the Wested or Magnoli shirt.

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

J_Weaver wrote:Indeed Hemingway! The Uniform shirts are also likely a polyester(sp?) blend. That maes for a really uncomfortable shirt in hot weather. I'll take the all cotton any day. :)

Here's what the shirt above is made of.

Long Sleeve Basic Security Shirt
4.25 oz. Poplin, 65% polyester/35% cotton, permanent press
Precure durable press w/soil release & wickable finish
Seven button w/ vertical button holes
Two piece color, lined , banded, w/color stays
Two hex style pocket w/center pleate, button flaps and left pencil pocket
Funtional epoulets
Badge tab, buttonhole eyelets
Manufactured by Horace Small, a divison of V.F Workwear (Red Kap).

I know the type of shirts you guys are referring to. I've had some uniform shirts that I had to wear that were like that. I've also had some that were really nice that were almost the same.

The shirt above is the only security shirt I've seen with pockets in the same shape is the Indy shirt. Most of the other security shirts have the police officer style pockets.

If I get one I'll give you guys a review. It's either that shirt or the pilot shirts I may order.

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Re: wal mart shirts

Post by Capt_Zak »

shadwell55 wrote:what is the brand and style name for the wal mart shirts?
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Post by Sergei »

If you can't get a 100% cotton shirt, you might as well go with the Cabelas shirt. For $25 you can't beat the color, the pleats, epaulettes and the great customer service from Cabelas. The only downside is that it is a 65/35 cotton poly blend.
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Post by Dalexs »

The LLBeans are my choice for most comfortable/durable close enoughs.
The color is a bit dark, but with enough persistance, ou can get it to lighten up.
My shirt has only gone thru the bleach once or twice. It has been thru the dye remover bath a number of times though. The color faded a bit.

The shirt I'm wearing in this picture is the LLBean.

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Sergei wrote:If you can't get a 100% cotton shirt, you might as well go with the Cabelas shirt. For $25 you can't beat the color, the pleats, epaulettes and the great customer service from Cabelas. The only downside is that it is a 65/35 cotton poly blend.

Oh, I do own the Cabelas shirt also. The problem I'm having with that is that it balloons out at the waist. I bought the right size it's just that you have to keep tucking it in and mess with it if you don't want to look like you've got a beer gut.

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Post by J_Weaver »

Pitfall Harry wrote: Oh, I do own the Cabelas shirt also. The problem I'm having with that is that it balloons out at the waist. I bought the right size it's just that you have to keep tucking it in and mess with it if you don't want to look like you've got a beer gut.

Ah, yea I know what you mean. I have that problem with everything except fitted dress shirts. Most all shirts anymore have about a half mile more material in the body thans needed.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

I almost sent it back for a size smaller when I got the Cabela's because of the waist ballooning out BUT I didn't and I don't think it would have made a difference anyway.

I was checking out the security shirt info and it's the same blend as the Cabela's shirt. Now I have some issues with the Cabela's shirt but I still think it's a nice shirt and very well made.

I'm wondering though if I order the other shirt if it's going to do the same thing in the waist?

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Post by Sergei »

Guys... this is an LL Bean thread...
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Post by Pitfall Harry »


Then has anyone every contacted LL Bean and asked them why they don't offer this shirt in more colors like white or stone?

It just seems to me that although this is probably a very nice shirt that the price is over halfway to buying a more authentic shirt like the Magnoli or Wested and the color is too dark also. So you then buy the shirt and have to put some work into fading the color just to get the desired look.

My opinion would be if you want a nice shirt buy it but if you want an Indy shirt skip it. There are so many more available now to choose from that look more like the shirt.

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Indy Shirt

Post by Capt_Zak »

I just picked up a shirt from "Express" yesterday that is a great "close enough" shirt. I'll take some pics and post them tomorrow. The only thing wrong with it is that there are no pocket buttons or pleats and the buttons are wrong. BUT, it has faux epaulettes AND the pleats running the length of the shirt.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

How much?

Is Express a national clothing chain?

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Post by Rusty Jones »

I love my LL bean shirt, and as mentioned, it did baloon some, however I darted the back of it to get a tighted fit and that worked well, here's a thread with more detail on that...
I'm planning to do the same to my wested shirt...
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Re: Indy Shirt

Post by Pitfall Harry »

Capt_Zak wrote:I just picked up a shirt from "Express" yesterday that is a great "close enough" shirt. I'll take some pics and post them tomorrow. The only thing wrong with it is that there are no pocket buttons or pleats and the buttons are wrong. BUT, it has faux epaulettes AND the pleats running the length of the shirt.

Well, I kind of answered my own question. I found your shirt online.

http://www.expressfashion.com/styles/me ... groupId=17

It's not a bad looking shirt. I can't tell but our the epaulets sewn to the shirt?

I may go check it out at the Express here in town.

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Rusty Jones wrote:I love my LL bean shirt, and as mentioned, it did baloon some, however I darted the back of it to get a tighted fit and that worked well, here's a thread with more detail on that...
I'm planning to do the same to my wested shirt...

So the LL Bean shirt does the same thing as my Cabela's where it ballons out in the stomach / waist?

I followed the link to the other thread explaining how you took care of the problem but I'm still a litte fuzzy on how you sewed it in the back. Was it difficult?

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Post by Rusty Jones »

not too difficult... the sleeves are still a bit off, but the balloon effect is gone and it fits nice and tight across the stomach/chest.... I'll post a pic of the back of the shirt to show how I stitched it...
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Express Indy Shirt.

Post by Capt_Zak »

Yes, the epaulettes are sewn on.
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Post by Prof. Ed »

Pitfall Harry wrote:Couldn't you just soak the shirt in bleach and it would turn white?

It's a nice looking shirt but the price is a little on the high side for one shirt.

Why don't they offer these shirts in stone or white? It's kind of frustrating when you find the right shirt but it's the wrong color.

I wonder if this shirt is a "better fit" than the Cabela's shirt. I wear a large and the shirt fits fine but seems to want to balloon out at the waist and makes me look like I've got a beer gut.

Now I know these shirts are true white in color but I found them during a search and thought the "pilot" one wouldn't make a bad alternative Indy shirt and their only $18 bucks.


To me Indy's shirt was always white but because of the sweat and dirt it through the color off.


Bleach often tends to make khaki turn a pinkish tan, I've found.
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Post by Indakin »

If i didnt order my shirt from WPG i would have gotten an LLBean. Might get one anyways in the future, depends on how i like the WPG.
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Cabella shirt.

Post by Capt_Zak »

I just wore my Cabela shirt for the first time this weekend at a Reenacting convention and I have to say that wearing it was like sitting in an oven! I was soaking with sweat in about 10 minutes. I am going to go ahead and get an LL Bean. Ironically I met two "Indys" at the convention. I sold one a Webley holster & one was a forum member here and for the life of me I can't remember his board handle. He looked great thought, decked out in an AB fedora, Wested, and all the rest of the gear. I sold him some K98 pouches...so if you read this...what was your board handle again? :lol:

PS - I was a vendor at the convention and went as a 40's era "war profiteer". I was decked out in my riding breeches, riding boots, Cabela shirt, suit jacket, fedora, and my Todd's belt with my S&W Victory model revolver. All in all, a great time. :D
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Post by Forrest_Bell »

My new llbeans just showed up in the mail
They are very different from the one I received a while back before they disappeared.

These have the same great construction and they feel a little bit softer than the older I have.

The older one I have was made in Canada and is a very nice light color.

And this newer one was made in Macau.

And it is obviously a alot darker and tan-er

Heres a comparison shot

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LL Bean Shirts

Post by Capt_Zak »

Wow, that's a pretty significant difference. Guess I'll pass on the LL Bean and stick with my Cabela. :cry:

Let's hope they offer this in a "stone" color down the road.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

That's a shame. I don't know why they don't offer these shirts in a larger varity of colors.....especially white or stone!

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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I'm surprised at that tan color. I ordered one of these last year and it came in as a stone color. Oh well, hopefully, they'll bring them back.
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Post by Dalexs »

Geez, that almost looks like boy scout green, not tan...
That shirt could use a bath in some Rit Dye remover!
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Post by Skippy »

####! :( Ugly colour.

Glad I bought 4 of these when I had the chance. Can understand why they have to mess with classic items like these & the chinos being taupe :?
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

They had this color pictured on their website for about a year, but everytime I ordered one, I got a light tan one! I was hoping they would never come out with this shade, but they did. I must have gotten their older stock.
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Post by Forrest_Bell »

Well I got two of this color but im not two worried, I dont think the color is terrible. Im going to wash them a billion times tommorow and see what happens, and if i dont start to take the color down a tad, ill probably hit it with color remover!
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LL Bean shirt color.

Post by Capt_Zak »

I don't think the shirt color is terrible. I will order one but not wear it as an "Indy" shirt.

Please let us know what the color remover does Forrest_Bell. If it works...then perhaps mine will become an Indy shirt. :D
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Good luck with that Forrest. One thing about the LL Bean shirts; they are tough. Ask Dalexs what he went through to dye one!
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Post by Dalexs »

For the record, I never actually dyed one, just tried my hardest to lighten it up!
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Dalexs wrote:For the record, I never actually dyed one, just tried my hardest to lighten it up!
Oh, yes, I meant to say bleach! 'Sorry about that. :wink: :D
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