Hey gang. I said a few weeks back that I would have a new replica soon that would be the most accurate and highest in quality ever made and I have it finally. I have one on ebay. I am really excited about it. I think it came out just like I wanted it to. It really completes my Indy Outfit.
Details, man! Details! What's it made of? How much did it run you? Can we all get one? What's your favorite color? What's the average airspeed velocity of an unladen [European] swallow?
A sweet price for such a great looking replica. I wonder if he has had to go through any legalese, like Todd did, or if he can ship anywhere he wants. Artsee, can you send your gun replicas anywhere, or just to select places?
Thanks guys. Gee you must all be on this board 24 hours a day. ha ha, I totally understand. I just posted late last night and you are already all on here. I thought this was a board where you just reference occasionally. Thanks. I am really happy with it. I jumped the gun, Ba dump ba, initially several years back with my first one cus I needed to suit up in time for an event but on this one I took my time and made it right and made it as good as I could. I had had many ask me to do it right so I had them in mind this time and not just me and my immediate needs like before. I can not ship out of the US through Ebay though.
I believe I can ship if not through Ebay to other parts of the world but I honestly do not know anymore what the deal is. Email me at artsee1@earthlink.net.
Just noticed the gun on ebay and I was about to post about it until I saw this post.
You know I had some complaints about the first one, even though it was still the best available, but this one looks to be the best one anyones seen yet by far. I also noticed you sent me a mail about the old one a while back which I never respondsed to, although I have no idea why. I don't want you to think I intentionally dissed you.
In any case, the new one looks amazing. Great idea about the lanyard. The upgrades look and sound fantastic. It looks very real, especially compared to the old version, or any other version out there, hands down. Glad to see these since nobody else seemed concerned about doing them. Looking forward to being able to afford one soon and seeing it up close.
Best replica HANDS DOWN! Good for you for having the foresight to make them and the persistance in seeing it through! Can't wait to gather the funds to buy one!
No problem agent five. Like I said the first one was rushed and just good enough to get me by at the time for an event. I never claimed it was the all and end all. This one is a whole other animal and I am very happy with it after learning from the first experience and correcting and adding and improving.
Wow, Paul...just...WOW. That looks great! I keep NOT buying one, so I've dug around quite a bit on the replicas that get offered - this one looks real to me!
I went through your site exhaustively before when you posted about those pistols, and the parade you and your friends dress as the Mummy cast for...great stuff. Is the weapons roll new, or just a new picture?
Amazing stuff. Your work on the double-holster is VERY impressive.
Thanks. Between Indy and the Mummy I do not know what my favorite is but I like the Mummy because no one does it currently except me that I know of. The weapons pack was just for fun and the only one I did for me. I actually have added another row of shot gun shell holders to it so I should take another picture. You know- funny thing. A bunch of those items are not near as heavy in prop form as they should be and I can barely carry` the pack.. In reality it would be way to heavy to carry as casually as he does in the movie.
Paul, what is the weight of this replica? Can it be made as heavy(or close) to a real gun? It helps to have the counter-weight on the other side of the whip.
The real gun is more than two pounds and the prop is less then one pound.
I can do some custom work for you possibly and bring it up a bit but if you carry gear in your bag like I do you are always gonna be heavy on the left side anyway.
Really great work. Simply the best I have seen. I love the Mummy stuff too. Fortunately, I live where we can have and carry the real thing but I can't help but think what a great wall display these replicas would make.
To tell you the truth I did not know there was a law and still do not. I know ignorance is not bliss but it is a piece of plastic. If Ebay allows it I do not see why I can not ship there either.
I can do some custom work for you possibly and bring it up a bit but if you carry gear in your bag like I do you are always gonna be heavy on the left side anyway.
Actually, it's not the bag I'm countering, it's the whip. I carry a real gun hiking, so it helps. But when I carry an empty holster for costume, it *****! The whip is too heavy on one side. Just my personal preference. If you could make a heavier one, that would be awesome! How heavy could you go and how would you do it?
My replica Smith & Wesson from Artsee1 showed up in the mail today! It's AWESOME! It looks just like the photographs posted above! The attention to detail is amazing; It is an perfect casting of a Brazillian Contract Smith & Wesson. The bullets and grip screws are painted brass. The grips have a muddy wash over them (making them look like wood). They aren't flat brown like some replicas. The finish has a lot of silver in it which makes it look like it's seen plenty of action! It's cut out in front of the cylinder (unlike Western Stage Props offering which is solid resin) which makes it even more realistic! In all, it's a great prop and I'm glad to finally have something to display in or out of my Raiders holster. My real 1917 usually stays in a gun-rug in the safe!
Dr._J wrote:
What a coincidence...Yoda went into hiding and so did PrettyBigGuy.
(Although Yoda's two feet tall and PBG could use him as a 25 lb. arm weight.)
Yes well, I'll admit that I'm more of a lurker these days. I do pop in in almost every day, but I don't post as often as I used to. You know how it is, the more time you spend at COW, the more money you want to spend!
I look forward to seeing your comparison pics, even though one of them is a Bapty and the other a Stembridge.
Alright, here are the pics of the prop gun vs. my real Smith. Obviously one is the Bapty and the other, a Stembridge, but you can still compare and contrast.
GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY!!!! That repro holds up very well against the real thing! Well done, indeed! The repro looks like it's seen a ton of action. I like it. Thanks for posting the comparrison shots, Dr._J!
That pistol looks so good Dr.J I had to contact Artsee and request my own:) Although, I have asked him to bring the weight up to a more realistic level:) He's a very accomodating guy. Great to deal with:) For the price I don't see how it can be beaten:) It's going to look great in my Deluxe TODD holster:) He he
Dr.J...any chance of some rear shots + top and bottom? I'd love to see the back of the rounds:)