Here's some leather comparison pictures for your perusal.
No Flash
Strange how the authentic Goat is kind of greenish. Dark goat is really dark! I think I like the Dark lamb the best, which is what the jacket they are laying on is (pre-authentic brown is apparently dark brown). Cow is really dull and grayish really. Now these colors aren't nearly as dramaticly different when you look at them in person. I don't know why the camera does that, even w/o the flash. They are all brown looking to the eye.
I was thinking of getting the dark goat before I got these, but I may stick with the lamb as I don't like the texture of the auth. goat and don't like how it showed up on camera at all. (I would like the durability though) I really like the dark lamb while I had it, though I'd like to see a full jacket of authentic though.
I may try some other photos later to try and get something more like the eye sees them. I don't have that jacket any more though. These came the same day I sold it! (what luck)
Ragingblues wrote:I agree, the more comparison pics like this the better. Outdoors, in sunlight would be great too. Of course, I know you have a life, and don't need suggestions on what to do with it!
Nice job. Thanks,
Maybe some one will send me their Horse hide and I can put these samples on it and take pictures so all leathers would be accounted for.
I'm supprised no one has done this before. It might be sticky worthy if I put up some more pictures. (or might be good now) It might be a while till the weather is nice enough to take outdoor pictures though.
Actually that's true. In certain light or certain angles the cow piece does look greyish. That's why I said, [the] "Cow is really dull and grayish really."
A little update. I was compairing the toughness of these samples tonight. I wanted to see some "distressing" on them so I went out and rubbed part of them on the brick on the house.
I found the Dark Brown Goat sample was VERY tough. I could hardly scratch it at all. Amazing. (with some what heavy rubbing, more than I did on the others) The rest came out very similar, even the Authentic goat and Cow hide. Actually, the Auth. Goat was the most damaged for some reason. Even more than the Lamb samples. Go figure.
I haven't tried acetone on them yet. I might do that later. I'm still trying to decide between the lambs on which to get on my new jacket.