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AB in South America

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:02 pm
by Fedora
Just got these pics in from South America. I made two hats for this trip. They are doing some sort of documentary. Needless to say, these hats have been through some rough stuff. Just look at how distressed they are, and I just made them last month!! ... rica5.html

More can be found on their site. ... index.html
regards, Fedora

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:15 pm
by J_Weaver
Wow, those are some absolutely stunning photos! Yes, thats right, those are photos, not pics. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:29 am
by Marc
Great pics buddy!

Thats what those hats are made for.



Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:21 am
by binkmeisterRick
Fantastic! It's great seeing these hats in action!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:57 am
by Hemingway Jones
Awesome pictures and your hats look fantastic. It makes me want to get out there! Awesome!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:19 pm
by Fedora
Thats what those hats are made for.

Yep, I agree Marc. I just love seeing our hats in the open air, especially when you are on an adventure!! :D These folks here told me that the hats would get really beat up, and it sure looks like it. The wide ribboned one was the YIJ fedora, but hard to tell now except for the ribbon. The hat the lady is wearing was a full fledged Raiders version, but it looks like she personalized it. They are going to send me a copy of the documentary film they are making, with Adventurebilt listed in the credits. Guess, that will be a keeper!! :lol: Thanks!! Fedora

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:35 pm
by ShanghaiJack
Steve those hats look nice. I'd even say that the Adventurebilt looks better the more you beat it up! By any chance is that fellow a member of COW or a gearhead? In a couple of photos I thought I spotted a MKVII. It's always nice to see the AB in its native habitat!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:43 pm
by Fedora
Yeah, that is what I like about good beaver felt. It just ages so well, and looks better with time. Just gets softer and mellower. And, you can reblock it many, many times. It will not disintergrate. Takes a lickin', and keeps on tickin' :lol: Fedora

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:59 pm
by Kaleponi Craig
Great to see another Adventurebilt out on an adventure!...KC

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:26 pm
by Indiana_Zach
Great pic's I like them, where were you in south america?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:53 pm
by Strider
Steve wasn't, those pictures are of some of his customers wearing hats he's made whilst out in South America. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:34 pm
by IndianaGuybrush
That guy is definitely a gearhead. He mentions in the journals that he got some whip cracking in, that is almost certainly a MKVII he's got, he's replaced the bag strap with a screen accurate one (buckle looks good too) and he might be wearing a screen accurate shirt, it defnitely has the pleats on the pockets. ... -full.html

My guess is he's one of the many lurkers who gleans what he can from the awesome resource that is COW... he ordered 2 ABs didn't he?

I envy those two to an almost unhealthy extent... they're living my dream.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:27 pm
by Strider
Well, Steve's site also comes up on internet search engines, and usually in the first few hits. So the fellow could have just searched out Indiana Jones Fedora on Google or some such, and been linked to Steve. However, it's a nicer thought to think that they're lurkers here, and got their info from us. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:37 pm
by Fedora
it's a nicer thought to think that they're lurkers here, and got their info from us.
I have sold more Abs to lurkers than members!! And I have made quite a few for us. :D Somtimes I try to entice them to join, just to receive the discount. Some say that they do, but I never follow up on it. I trust them.
envy those two to an almost unhealthy extent... they're living my dream
Yes, and mine as well. Boy, what I would not give to be that age again!! Don't waste it guys and gals. You only live once, and ain't nobody gonna live forever. Cram in as much as you can!! Getting old ain't all its cracked up to be! :wink: Fedora

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:52 pm
by Kaleponi Craig
They have been in some of the same places I was in a few weeks ago in Peru. It would have been fun to run into another guy wearing an AB!...KC

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:29 am
by Indiana Jerry
Fedora wrote:The hat the lady is wearing was a full fledged Raiders version, but it looks like she personalized it.
I know she personalized the heck out of it, but somehow it just works on her.

Thanks for sharing, Steve. ;)


Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:07 pm
by Obiwampa
Say What? Members get a discount on AB's? Did I hear right? :-k

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:09 pm
by Michaelson
Yes. Contact Fedora for details.

Regards! Michaelson

Re: !

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:09 pm
by Indy_Railok
Obiwampa wrote:Say What? Members get a discount on AB's? Did I hear right? :-k
I was suprise the first time i heard it too. :wink: You heard right, Discount on AB's.

Re: !

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:42 pm
by Antone
Obiwampa wrote:Say What? Members get a discount on AB's? Did I hear right? :-k
As if it wasn't a great enough deal at the regular price to begin with!

I felt a great if a dozen people's willpower all gave out at once...

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:51 pm
by Michaelson
Oh. Good. I thought my stomach was growling again! #-o :wink:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:51 pm
by Indy Magnoli
IndianaGuybrush wrote:...and he might be wearing a screen accurate shirt, it defnitely has the pleats on the pockets.
He's wearing a Magnoli Clothiers shirt! ;) And... he's recording his adventures in a Magnoli diary. It looks like Fedora and I will be appearing in the credits together. :clap:

Kind regards,

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:35 pm
by Oklahoma Jones
The hat the gentleman is wearing has a YIJC feel to it, IMO, while the young lady has turned hers into a reverse pork-pie look. Both hats look smashing if I do say so myself, and I hope to see them wear them on many other adventures!!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:35 pm
by binkmeisterRick
...and I'll be in the credits as the guy who stole their wallets! :lol: I think it's great that our wonderful vendors get some good recognition. :wink:


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:39 am
by Indiana Jerry
binkmeisterRick wrote:...and I'll be in the credits as the guy who stole their wallets! :lol:
"Load lightened by BinkmeisterRick"

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:15 am
by Andiana
Those photos are awesome! I really envy those guys, it looks like they are very adventureous. The AB looks great in the pics, and it is neat to see one in those types of environments.


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:01 pm
by indijana
Hi gang!

Thanks for all of your comments about our website. We're having a blast! You can also check out a video I cut together a few days ago of our horse ride through Cordillera Negra near Huaraz, Peru.

The photos are all taken by Jana and she thanks all of you for your kind words. She's a natural. And, believe me, she makes everything her own! That hat has been shoved into every bag and tiny space imagineable and it looks great! Mine is indeed a Young Indy model and I love it. I love the old world feel that the wider band gives it. It has a bit of a "floppier" look, too. I'll be ordering a Raiders model when I get back. Best hat I've ever owned, hands down!

The bag is indeed an MKVII and the shirt, as Mr. Magnoli pointed out, is one of his fine creations. Easily one of my favorite shirts and it fits beautifully. I can't recommend Steve and Indy's items enough. They are the best! And, yes, Indy, you'll definitely get a mention in the credits.

We are shooting a lot of video to piece together into what we can only describe as an improvisational documentary. We didn't come here with an angle in mind, but rather hoping it will present itself to us. It's risky and, admittedly, I'm not sure what we've got at this point.
What I do know, however, is that I'm having a #### of an adventure here and there are more to come!

We're in Bolivia now (near where Butch & Sundance bit the dust) with about 2 weeks to go. I hate to see it end.
Turkey and India will be next, with Africa to follow, I think.

Thanks again, guys!


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:11 pm
by Michaelson
You're living our dreams. Keep us in the loop!

High regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:11 pm
by J_Weaver
Welcome to COW Travis! Your a very lucky man to be able to do what your doing! :tup:

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:23 pm
by indijana
I couldn't agree more.
I am very lucky to be doing this and I hope the luck continues.

Take Steve's advice and do these things while you can! South America's a great place to start as it's quite cheap here.

You could stay in a hotel for a month in Bolivia for about $50-$60 and travel all over the place!

When we arrived at the border of Bolivia from Peru, immigration was closed, so we just crossed anyway. Good times!
We returned in the morning to get our Passports stamped and ended up having to bribe the officers as they figured out we had snuck in the night before.

And I snuck over the border in my AB!


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:29 pm
by Michaelson
Well, if push comes to shove, you could play the old 'Bogart' part and try to bum change off of tourists to 'help a fellow U.S. citizen in need'. You have the hat for the attempt!! :D :lol: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:37 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Welcome, Travis! Your pictures on the web are amazing! I'm jealous! I think it's great you're having such a fantastic adventure. Sieze the day! ...or the idol, whichever comes first. :wink:


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:40 pm
by indijana
I might give it a try, Michaelson! Nobody cooler than Bogey.

Hey, Fedora, Jana just pointed out to me that your photo site, Fotki, is the Czech word for photo. She's from Prague, and it got me wondering if you're also Czech.
Or is it just a coincidence?


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:42 pm
by Michaelson
Considering Fedora is in Mississippi, that would be one interesting coincidence!!! :wink:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:42 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Just a coinkidink. I use it, too, to host photos. It's a freebie a number of us use around here. :wink:


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:31 pm
by Indiana Jess
indijana wrote: ... ended up having to bribe the officers as they figured out we had snuck in the night before.

And I snuck over the border in my AB!

You mean there's another way to travel? ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:11 pm
by Raider
indijana! Watch out with these pics, brother - they can influence a few people's life. Absolutely stunning.

By the way - the word "Fotki" is used in Polish for "pictures", too :)


:junior: Raider

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:22 pm
by Strider
Hey Travis & Jana,

Glad to see you've come to join us! Love the pictures, and can't wait to see everything when it's all done. Michaelson said it, you are living our dreams! Welcome to COW, both of ya! :)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:59 pm
by The real Henry
Wow that some very nice hats! :clap: But.... well... you should see my Akubra and I even wasn#t in South America! :roll: :wink: