Banned & Suspended Member Policy

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COW Admin
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Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:36 pm

Banned & Suspended Member Policy

Post by COW Admin »

Club Obi-Wan does not allow the talk of, posting for, or advertising of anything for banned or suspended members.

We feel that in some cases, tensions still remain high and eventually lead to arguments and/or flame wars. Some actions taken by certain banned members have been deemed reprehensible by the administration of this board, which also prompted this action.

So in order to avoid anything being said that may lead to suspensions of existing members, or worse, a threat of legal action, we no longer allow mention of banned or suspended members or even reference there-of.

It's also been COW policy when a former member has asked to have his/her posts removed that we do not discuss the previous member out of respect for their request.

These posts will be deleted without warning.

Members get banned or suspended for very particular reasons, and as such, they should not be given the benefit of participation in the forum, in any means. It is not fair to those who play by the rules.

All members are subject to these rules.

Those returning from suspension will not discuss or reference their suspension in the future.

We ask very little of you to keep this forum a friendly environment.

We remind you to re-read Club Obi-Wan - Registration Agreement Terms.

The suspension process is as follows: 3 suspensions first (each suspension based on 3 warnings). Next major warning/incident is grounds for removal.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

COW Admin