Bufflehead Jones wrote:Well Rob, if you have to have someone draw a picture for you, then here it is. All those shirts that you speak of, are shirts that were made as casual clothes by the manufacturer with no thought of Indiana Jones whatsoever. They were made to sell to people that are not gearheads. They were found at the mall or in catalogs or at Walmart.
Yes, I'm well aware of this, but you want to be patronising (probably because you are one of the people who has criticised the pleat the most, so probably feel my words are criticising you), so go on...
Bufflehead Jones wrote:That is definitely not the case here. This shirt was made for one reason and one reason only. It was made to be a replica of Indiana Jones' shirt... Adding a pleat in the back, no matter how unobjectionable it is to you, makes this shirt a failure in it's quest to be an Indiana Jones shirt.
A failure? Right. So given that I have never, ever, ever, ever, seen any of the replica shirts universally praised (heck, people can't even agree on the what colour they should be, let alone the details), can we use such emotive language to describe Wested shirts? MBA shirts and so on? Are they all
failures? They must be, in your world.
Personally, I'd prefer this shirt with something small to worry about, like the pleat, than (I think) the MBA shirt which looks far too pink for most people's tastes, even though we're assured that it's the right colour for the shirt, and it supposedly looked different onscreen.
Bufflehead Jones wrote:As it is, it is just a nice shirt at a premium price.
So at about half the price of the Wested, what should the Wested be referred to as? A super-duper premium price? See, this is the thing which people have pointed out across numerous threads.
For its price, this shirt is quite amazing.
You, meanwhile, seem to have a huge problem with it. It's a shame you have to drop into people's threads when they are quite happy with their purchase, and bang-on about it in such disparaging terms.