Lambs Touch Cow Hide

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Lambs Touch Cow Hide

Post by RossLangley »


I bought a Brown Wested Raiders Goat around 5 months ago, which I am very pleased with. So pleased that I'm thinking about a second jacket, this time in lambstouch cow hide. Has anyone got a lambstouch jacket already, and if so what do they think to it? I was tempted by the lamb, but I have read that it can fray very easily on things like car seatbelts. Will the lambstouch do this or is it fairly durable?


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Post by Ken »

Not sure the Lambstouch is still available - would check with Wested.

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Post by RossLangley »

It is still available, but in black only. As I have a brown jacket already I thought I might go for the black.
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Post by Michaelson »

And, yes, the lambtouch cowhide is VERY durable. Very nice material for a jacket. I had one. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by RedburnIV »

anyone have pictures of theirs? I was interested in seeing what they look like.

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Post by Indycraze71 »

I have a lambstouch jacket for over a year now, its the dark brown color. Personally its the leather I would always get. I really like it! :D Brett
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Post by Shiva »

I have a dark brown Lambtouch and its an incredible leather! Beautifully soft to the touch, like butter! A relatively lightweight jacket compared to standard cowhide and it has a very soft drape as well compared to the standard cowhide which holds its own shape more. I have found the dark brown Lambtouch to be unresponsive to Acetone distressing which is really no problem. It is pretty much my favorite Wested except for the fact that I bought it on ebay and so my custom cowhide jacket is a slightly better fit. I would highly reccomend it if still available.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

A black lambstouch cowhide...SWWEEEEEEEET!
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Post by prettybigguy »

Here is a pic of my brown lambtouch before distressing.
No disrespect intended to Shiva, but I was able to distress mine with acetone. It dulled the jacket more then anything, but it certainly removed a lot of pigment and made sandpaper distressing easier. I have yet to take any pics of it since it was distressed, but if any one is interested, I'll post some.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Has ANYONE ever posted pics of a distressed lambstouch cow hide? Go for it, Dan, it'll likely help someone w/ their decision to buy.

Eh...of course, if there's only black now available...does anyone distress black?
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Lambtouch cow

Post by deckard »

Its been an age since i logged in on site but i posses a dist! lambhide.
4yrs old and in great condition.
Got it when the authentic lamb was`nt option, I think most would agree that its a firm favourite given the chance, Iff yougeta shot at one go for it with the full cotton lining you`ll be a happy chap. :)

I`m not too #### hot on the computer but if i can get a little help soon I`ll post some pics :w
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Post by Shiva »

I wonder if different dyes were used for the Lambtouch. The acetone easily took dye out of the standard cowhide Wested that I treated but just didn't seem to work on the Lambtouch. Its puzzling to me that it worked for you. Please post pictures if you can as I am curious. Must be a different leather run or something.
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Post by deckard »

The lambhide is`nt the easiest to distress but it takes a bit of perseverance.
You see when you use the acetone A.k.a nail varnish remover! its pretty #### quick drying so its going to take a bit to work .
I used cheap nail varnish remover & kitchen roll wipe on, wipe off, it takes a little confidence & it can tend to look a little pink to begin with but
after a short while it`ll start clearing up . :wink:

The tip is don`t think you`ve done too much cos after you can seal & feed it with a very light addition of leather dressing :tup:

Didn`t want this to seem like it should be at home on the distressing forum.
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Post by Shiva »

I have distressed a standard cowhide wested as well as a gotaskin wested. both responded very easily to acetone. the lambtouch is different for some reason
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That #### Lamb

Post by deckard »

Agreed! its a bit of a nightmare to get instant results from the lambhide
I tend to think that this hide is a little more vunerable to the treatment process that they undergo. Could be that when the hide`s stretched & whatever that it makes it a little more poruos & the colour gets a deeper grade, But hey what do i know :roll:

Just don`t be too scared to give it a plenty of elbow grease cos like i say the leather feed will fill in neatly when you seal it afterwards :whip:

Use the force kid!!!
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Post by prettybigguy »

Okay I took some pics today. It was late afternoon so the pics turned out pretty gray looking and the jacket looks REALLY light. Those of you who have seen Peter's brown lambtouch jackets know that they almost look black in low light.
I'm just posting them so you can see the distress. This was done with a ton of acetone (with the help of Dr.J) and sandpaper. I'll take some better pics when its sunny out.


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Post by Indiana Jerry »

prettybigguy wrote:Okay I took some pics today. It was late afternoon so the pics turned out pretty gray looking and the jacket looks REALLY light. Those of you who have seen Peter's brown lambtouch jackets know that they almost look black in low light.
I'm just posting them so you can see the distress. This was done with a ton of acetone (with the help of Dr.J) and sandpaper. I'll take some better pics when its sunny out.
Nice job, PBG. :tup:
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