Has this happened to anyone else?

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Has this happened to anyone else?

Post by Havana »

I ordered my Wested ToD on 12/10 and received a card in my mailbox telling me it had arrived at the local post office on 1/12. The P.O. closes at 5pm and it was already after 4 so I rushed down there. I had to wait in a very slow line. After reaching the counter, the post office people refused to give me the jacket until I paid $26 for customs charges. I knew customs fees might have to be paid but I didn’t know you paid them at the P.O. I’ve heard of others getting notices in the mail and of others never paying at all. I’ve order many goods from overseas and never paid anything before. Anyway, the charge was $26.37. I had only $21 on me. They refused to take a check or credit card. They insisted this charge had to be paid in cash. This was 4:38. I had no chance of making it to my crosstown bank and back in 22 minutes. I then left the P.O. and ran two blocks to the nearest ATM, the only ATM that I was aware of in the area. It was out of order. I could hear myself chanting under my breath, “I am not going home without this jacket.” Suddenly, I remembered seeing a sign for a check cashing service at a convenience store just two more blocks away. I dashed over there and was able to cash a $10 check for a fee of $3.00 plus tax. (It seems there is no money I possess that they cannot take away.) I was able to slip into the P.O. door at 4:59 just as the guy was walking over to lock it. I paid and got the jacket much to my relief. The jacket is a Wested ToD, dark lamb. Everything is like I ordered. I am very pleased with the jacket but not with the hold up at the P.O. Has anyone else been through this? PS: I’ve included a link to a very poor quality photo of me in the jacket.

http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-12/ ... G_2514.jpg
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Post by Michaelson »

Every time a Wested arrived at my house..... :? It's a standard situation with those dang custom charges that the post office has to collect when they deliver, and they can only accept cash. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by FLATHEAD »

My local post office will accept debit card payments. If you use a credit
card, a small percentage fee is applied. This is why alot of places only
accept cash, or debit because the money comes right out of your bank
account. There is no middle man to pay like when you use a credit card.

Also, since Peter has switched delivery people, you will have to always
pay the customs fees at the post office now, if you get hit with them.

Before, he used Global Delivery, or something like that, which in turn
used PBB for their carrier. It was PBB that would then charge you the
customs fees, and their extra shipping charge on top of that.

When I get my jackets from Aero Leather in Scotland, they ship their
packages via Express Mail from the Post office. Once the jackets arrive
in the states, I get a notice in my mailbox stating I have a package, and
I have to come and get it in person.

Then, I have to pay the customs fees, and I have always used my debit
card, as most of the time, I do not carry the cash to pay it. They have
never, ever refused my debit card.

You should as your post office if they will accept your debit card, and
just keep that with you.

Last edited by FLATHEAD on Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gater »

When I picked up my last Wested order (jacket, pants and shirt) the PO made me pay cash up front for the Customs, as opposed to previous times when I received a bill in the mail much later.
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Post by Michaelson »

I have found it most interesting how many ways this has been handled. I've never had any of the other ways offered or done...I've only been met at the door by my mailman with an outstretched hand, coin of the realm only. MOST interesting. :-k Regards. Michaelson
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Post by VP »

We don't have to pay customs for Westeds, because both Finland and the UK are members of the European Union.

But I had to pay 26 bucks for my Akubra. :x
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Post by WConly »

I can relate! When my horsehide LC arrived, I had to pick up at the PO and they couldn't remember how to take the payment -- I was there for 45 minutes while the postal clerk and two (not just one -- but two) managers tried to remember/find the correct codes for accepting customs payments! Wow! Reminds me of the old line, "...I'm from the Government ...I am here to help! Trust me!" :roll: All Regards: W>
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Post by RelicHunter »

When I got my Wested, they had me sign a slip. That was it. It's been about a month and I haven't heard anything else.
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Post by English Adventurer »

Obviously I don't get charged with fees, but I have to say, the jacket looks good on you!

Wear it in good health and on many adventures! :)

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Post by Crusader556 »

The USPS sure know how make simple things difficult!

When my Wested was came the Mailman hand delivered it to my wife and she didn't have to pay any customs fees. I've also heard that some deliveries will not have the Customs fee attached so mine will probably be coming in the mail...
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Post by Rixter »

This reminds me of a similar unpleasant experience with my local post office when picking up a package a number of years ago. How about showing FOUR forms of identification? ...I only had three at the time. I didn’t even get to the part of having to come up with the cash. It was during my “angry” young man period and I recall almost coming to blows with the guy over the counter and causing a near riot by holding up the very long line behind me as we ‘discussed’ the situation with chants of “give the kid his da*n package” or something like that.

Needless to say I was eventually escorted out, WITHOUT the package, and later feeling somewhat lucky I didn’t wind up with my mug on the Ten Most wanted poster hanging on the wall (I exaggerate of course). ;) I eventually went back for the package the next day, and cooler heads prevailed. Years later, I still am not proud of having acted in such a manner and remain constantly amazed that the post office can bring out such rage and exasperation in even the best of us. :oops:
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Post by Bjones »

Michaelson wrote:I have found it most interesting how many ways this has been handled. I've never had any of the other ways offered or done...I've only been met at the door by my mailman with an outstretched hand, coin of the realm only. MOST interesting. :-k Regards. Michaelson
So here in the US, the customs fee has to be paid when they deliver? That stinks...I could be mistaken, but some folks posted here in COW that they were mailed a bill later? Well if its former, I better have an envelope and tape it to my wife's head so she can actually recieve the package. :roll:
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Post by Flattery »

Mine was delivered right to my door, with no customs charge. Hmm. :-k
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