(hey! i just posted reply number 1000 on this thread! Go me!

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
LOL...makes an 8 month wait look like a nothing at all!!!binkmeisterRick wrote:Wow, Steve the wait time on YOUR hat beats all!![]()
Nebraska Schulte wrote:Indy Kev and Indy Johnson, those are fine-looking hats!
Not wearing the hat for a few days after shaping it, to allow the felt to set, was a simple solution that worked for me. Wetting the areas you want to change, shaping the hat and then allowing it to dry is another method. Adding stiffener may help, too, and steaming is a last resort that has always worked but sometimes shrinks or tapers the crown.Strider wrote:Anyone have any advice on how to get my center dent deeper? I never seem to have this problem with my beaver AB, but the rabbit AB I have just won't hold a deep center dent at all. My head pops it back up every time. Tips, anyone?
I did this, and it seems to have worked. The hat now has the same problem I originally had with my first beaver AB shortly after I got it, which is my head still pushes the dent up, but not enough to push it out. Instead, there's a lump in the middle where my head is pushing, but since it was shaped while wet, the shape put into it isn't coming out. Rather unsightly from the top, but not a big deal over all.eazybox wrote:Wetting the areas you want to change, shaping the hat and then allowing it to dry is another method.
Ha ha. Thanks. Sometimes you've gotta grab life by they root. Of course slippage often occurs. Whoops.Red Dust wrote:hunter Jones.... your top picture reminds me so much of the shot when indy's holding onto that root in raiders when he hanging over the edge... theres a pic on the home page of this site... "Hang on"
Ah, you mean the captain of the Red Dwarf Frank Hollister played by Mac McDonald.Red Dust wrote:No worries Hunter... hey you remind me of someone from Red Dwarf (a uk sci fi comedy series).. the actor had an American accent..
I believe I remember seeing him in the fifth element as one of the cops who orders McDonald's and as bruce willis' car bashes past him he spills his drink over himself "No license, he's a car thief blast him"
Red Dust