Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
That's still a pretty fantastic lookin' snapshot, Geert!gwyddion wrote:I'll be sure to have some pics taken of it while wearing it during the shut-down. I'm pretty busy right now and only had time for the above snapshot, but better pics will come!
Oops, forgot this in my replyTexan Scott wrote:Very nice, Geert! Merry Christmas!
I'll have my Washington suit next month. As soon as I have it I'll post a good picture! But for the matching hat I only own the Hero Raiders, not the Seaplane. I think I could match the suit well with the CS travel anyway.DarenHenryW wrote:Hey, Steerpike, any pics of you wearing your Magnoli Washington suit and tie?
SpeedRcrX wrote:And it's really pleasure to wear this hat, John!
Hey John, only you could give the answermcmanm wrote:Oak,
Was wondering if you remember what block you used for Steerpike's hat. Looks more like a CS Hero than a CS Train Traveler to me. I sent my CS Grey to be reblocked on the Hero block and was wondering if it was the same.
And you did it very well my friend!BendingOak wrote: I use something where I think it looks close and then do the rest in the creasing.
crismans wrote:So how weird am I for liking it snowing so I can go out in my Penman and get that "Nepal" snow on the hat look?
Luke Warmwater wrote:A gentleman complimented my Penman at the store tonight and said he'd never seen such a nice 30's hat and where did I get such a thing? I wrote the Penman URL for him, so John may have another customer.