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Congrats and all of that.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 1:04 pm
by IndianaMontecristi
How about I smuggle some Cubans up from Ecuador????? Probably not, but it is a thought.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 8:08 pm
by Renderking Fisk
Last week, the wife made T-shirts for her parents which we were going to give them for Christmas with the secret message. The T-shirts had prints of Coppertop’s hands and feet with the words “We Love Grandma” or “We Love Grandpa”.

As soon as we got to the in-laws house we had them open the gifts and they just thought they were pretty cool. But they didn’t ‘get the message”…

As a side note, this is one of the reasons why I’m annoyed with people calling their dogs “Children”. My wife insists that our dogs are our kids… so that when her parents saw the message, they didn’t get the “We” part of ““We Love Grandma”… they just thought it was also “from the dogs”.

I’m sure I’m going to get trashed for saying this… but our dogs are not “our children”. They are our dogs. Our kids are our kids, our dogs are our dogs… not to diminish their rolls or to put them in a different class, they’re the same but different. [although… if tomorrow was the ‘end of the world’ and I needed something to feed my family- those mutts would look mighty tasty!]

It took them about two minutes for them to figure it out. I got the biggest laugh.