Well, as luck would have it, I DID get my hands on the returned jacket that Tech sent back.....today, no less!
Scary fit too! Regarding sizing, I think Sonny and I were twins, separated at birth, as the fit in the shoulders was practically tailor made for my frame. That's REALLY unusual for me! SUPER comfortable too.
You know me....I'm all about comfort and initial fit first and foremost, and this one is REALLY comfortable. You can be SA out the wazoo, and still have an EXTREMELY uncomfortable piece of clothing. What good is that, I ask you?:-s
Everything about it seems to have had really good QC throughout the entire assembly process, and that's lacking in a LOT of jackets we're getting from our vendors these days. It didn't used to be that way, but things change I suppose. Prices go up, and the quality goes down.
So far the only comment I would have is that, at least on me, the side straps could have been about an inch longer, but it's not that HUGE a problem. It's just how it appears to my eye and the balance of the end of straps to the the jacket. Remember, the straps are to keep the pleats from gapping, and NOT as a sizing adjustment. That's how they get torn out of jacket seam....using them the wrong way.
First jacket I've had in YEARS that the action pleats really work the way they're SUPPOSED to.
I haven't had THAT much time to look at it in more detail, as I had to head to work right after the try-on, but Tech, you really let a nice one get away is all I can tell you!!
More later, if you're interested in my opinion.
Regards! Michaelson