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Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:37 pm
by thefish
Peter Jack! Duh! Sorry, I was just distracted by all the JPEGS full of supersonic goodness!

Anyway, thanks for the info and the review!

Happy cracking! (or rather WISHES of happy cracking. Currently 26 degrees outside. Which I suppose is a good thing. It had been raining here for about a week straight, and I couldn't get to work yesterday because I was stuck in about 4 inches of mud. Now that the mud is frozen, it's easy to drive over.)


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:57 pm
by whiskyman
Half of Boggstandard's pics don't show up for me. I'd particularly like to see the Morgan whips.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:10 pm
by Boggstandard
Yes, for some reason my pictures are not showing up for me either.
I will try to send you an email with the morgan pictures.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:18 pm
by WhipDude
Pictures werent showing up for me either.... :D

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:17 pm
by BullWhipBorton
Bogg's original pics seem to be coming up now for me with out any problems, but thanks for reposting them Paul.

Ok so I just wanted to add a picture too, here are some of my current whips, nothing too fancy but enjoy.


Top row: 4 miscellaneous cowhide bullwhips, 10ft, 6ft another 10ft and 14 ft latigo. 3 Indy Style bullwhips. A 10ft Morgan, a 6 ft Morgan, a 6 Ft Stain and a 6 Ft cowhide Bucheimer bullwhip from the 50’s

Bottom Row:
An 8ft Black Australian Bullwhip, Another 8ft dark brown Australian bullwhip and a 5 ft “Cat” style bullwhip all 3 by Terry Jacka. A 5 1/2 ft competition stock whip by Terry Jacka. A Matched pair of white hide stock whips by Rodney Botfeild and a 3ft stock whip made by yours truly.


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:24 pm
by Boggstandard
Hey Dan,
I like your whips, especially the Terry Jacka's.
What do you think of his stock whip? I have never seen one up close.
Thank you for sharing.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:47 pm
by midwestwhips
Hey Dan,

Great whips! How are the Rodney Botfield stockwhips?


Paul Nolan

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:22 am
by BullWhipBorton
Thanks Boggs’s. Its a great whip! Its one of my favorites and gets used all the time. Terry always does a great job with his whips, this one no exception. It’s a very traditional stock whip, 12 plait, finished with 8 plait point. It lays out very smoothly, straight and cracks fast with ease. My only regret was not getting another made at the time for a pair so hopefully sometime down the line i'll do that. Here are a couple more pictures that I had, to give you a better look.



Thanks Paul, The pair of Botfeild stock whips are actually very nice whips . You know sometimes you don’t know what you can expect from white hide whips as many are made more for work then for sport cracking. But these two where made with sport cracking in mind. They taper nicely to a small point, have a good weight, balance and fall quite well. They feel pretty good in hand while throwing too. One of there sale points was that they are supposed to be able get you though all the fundamentals of two handed whip cracking and let you venture into the more advanced stuff with out a problem with the quality of the whips. Another plus is that very hard wearing so you don’t have to baby these babies too much. Heres another close i though you might like to see, The thongs are 4 plait, The handles are 8 plait black roo.



Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:11 pm
by Canasta
Sorry it took so long for me to post. I've just woken up from a shock induced coma. Dang that's a lot o' whips. Good going Boggs.
I love some of the color choices on the two tone stuff.

Those are some great photos of amazing collections. I love seeing the work of people that I've never heard of before like Greg Fiebach.
I wouldn't kick any of those out of the old whip bag.

Borton, I love the look of that old Bucheimer. I really need to get myself some white whips.

Paul. Someday I'll send you some more pics to post.

Dan. I should have guessed that you would have gotten the Berlin reference. Good job and a wink to ya. Just remember... "Anything I can do YOU can do better." There's a couple more days for ya.

Whip stitch and away.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:00 pm
by rebelgtp
:shock: oh man so many beautiful whips...hehe seeing this just proves to me that only having 2 whips is not enough :lol:

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:07 pm
by WhipDude
Oh, I 2nd that big time rebelgtp. All these whips are making me thirsty for more crack. These stuff is an addiction.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:29 am
by Canasta

I'm gonna try this imagshack stuff.
If this works, this is a photo of my newest Joe Strain purchase made back in August. The 3 whips in the photo are as follows.

6 ft lonestar
12 ft Indy Style
25 ft style Indy (the newest addition)

I'll write more after I find out if this works

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:30 am
by Canasta
I'm gonna try this imagshack stuff.
If this works, this is a photo of my newest Joe Strain purchase made back in August. The 3 whips in the photo are as follows.

6 ft lonestar
12 ft Indy Style
25 ft style Indy (the newest addition)

I'll write more after I find out if this works

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:48 am
by Boggstandard
Hey Canasta,
You certainly have good taste in whip makers.
Joe Strain is a terrific whip maker. As you can tell from my pictures, he is one of my favorites.
But, 25'? How in ***'s name do you manage that? You must be a body builder or something. My hat's off to you.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:29 am
by winrichwhips
Hey Chris!

So YOU'RE the guy who bought the 25 footer pictured on Joe's website. Holy cow, what a big whip!

How do you like cracking it? Are you doing targeting with it? Body wraps?

After going to the DFW Whip Enthusiast weekend in 2005, I saw that most people cracking whips over 20 ft (and there were a few) were cracking nylon whips. There was one guy with a 20 ft Murphy whip done in black kangaroo, and kangaroo whips that long are really expensive. That's why most go for nylon.

I can't wait to see that whip at the WWAC convention.


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:33 pm
by WhipDude
That 25 ft. whip is a killer. I tried using it and thats when you really gotta know use the arm strength. (and ouch for the back of your legs when its going foward.. :shock: )

Oops..forgot to add..hey Chris..if you dont mind...I could add 2 of those videos of you cracking the 25 footer that I took, if you want.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:43 pm
by thefish
That's INSANE Chris! Beautiful, but insane!

That'd be fun to use in shows, but you'd only get one trick in.

You have the person hold the target, get 25 feet away from them, throw the crack...

Go out for lunch...

Run a couple errands...

Read anything by Thomas Pynchon...

And then get back to the stage in time for the whip to crack, take your bow, and go on home.

Hope you get to Annie Oakley this year so I can get a closer gander at that thing!

All the best, and happy crackin'


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:48 pm
by midwestwhips
BullWhipBorton wrote:
Thanks Paul, The pair of Botfeild stock whips are actually very nice whips . You know sometimes you don’t know what you can expect from white hide whips as many are made more for work then for sport cracking. But these two where made with sport cracking in mind. They taper nicely to a small point, have a good weight, balance and fall quite well. They feel pretty good in hand while throwing too. One of there sale points was that they are supposed to be able get you though all the fundamentals of two handed whip cracking and let you venture into the more advanced stuff with out a problem with the quality of the whips. Another plus is that very hard wearing so you don’t have to baby these babies too much. Heres another close i though you might like to see, The thongs are 4 plait, The handles are 8 plait black roo.


Hey Dan,

Thanks for the review of them, they look really nice! Whenever I'm learning a new routine I always tend to reach for my pair of 4 foot Maurice Doohan whitehides, after I get the routine down decently, I'll move to my 6 foot Roo Hide Janine Fraser's to work on perfecting it.

White Hide stockwhips are excellent, and tend to be very cheap. What does Botfield charge for his whitehides? Great pics!!!


Great pic of the 25 foot, and good idea to put the 12 foot and 6 foot in there for comparison! I'm glad you finally posted a pic of it. :P


That 25 foot whip is AWESOME!!! I got a chance to crack it, and WOW! It is somethin' else. I think Chris did a couple wraps on me with it, and I'm sure he's target cutting with it too. Joe did an EXCELLENT job with it. What a great whip.


Paul Nolan

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:59 pm
by Canasta
You will love it and I can't wait for you to try it.
That 25 foot whip is a lot of fun.
I'm doing both targets and wraps.
I'll try to take a photo of me holding it while its coiled up. If you coil it like you would any other whip, you can hardly hold it in your hand. If you coil it loose, it looks like a monster.
It's really an outdoor whip but I do use it in my show as a joke.
The first trick I do with an audience member is a body wrap. As I'm explaining what's gonna happen, I'm usually holding a 6 foot whip.
I then say something like "Don't go anywhere. I'm gonna get a little bigger whip." I have this sitting behind my stand with all the other whips.
As soon as I pull it out you hear people start to laugh a bit. Then I throw it out overhand so it rolls end over end and makes that little whistling sound. Then lots of laughs and a few gasps. I let the volunteer of the hook by saying something like "... maybe a bit too much." and pick up an 8 or 12 foot.

Yeah, Joe's had the pic up on his site for quite some time.
We talked for a couple of months off and on while I tried to make up my mind what I really wanted. We toggled between a 20 or 25 foot stockwhip and a 20 or 25 boot bullwhip. Double bellies or triple.
The decision came to bull. The two things that made me jump were the fact that Joe had gotten some really good black skins in, and the fact that I wanted it for the Illinois State Fair. Joe, if I remember correctly, started it on a Monday, finished it on that Friday. I got it the first day of the Fair.
Joe emailed my that pic before he sent it off. He called and was really excited. He said it rolled out really smooth and fast. This was the first non stunt whip that he had made a this length. The strands for the overlay, if I remember correctly were around 45 feet long.

It was meeting old guys at the fair that really got to thinking about having a whip this size made in the first place.
Over the past 3 or 4 years I would have these ol' timers come up to me after my shows and proceed to tell how when they were kids the remembered a guy at their local fair who would cut an apple of a kids head with a 20 or 30 foot whip. That was the one thing they remembered after all these years.

Now. Regarding the whip itself.
It's really an Indy stlye with a 10 inch handle. The next one I buy will most likely have a longer handle. I think 40 feeet sounds about right.
Just kidding.

The taper from end to end is PERFECT! It never stops and the point is the same diameter as if it were any other length.
If you pull the whip out tight, the braiding is completely straight and never meanders from left to right. You can follow it all the way down like an arrow.

When I got it, I took it into a grassy area and rolled it out. Holy Smoke!!
It rolled out super fast and pretty easy. Not much effort at all.
I think I got it to crack on the second try.

It's not one you can swing over your head and do a cattleman's crack with. It's all done with rolling it out or doing a side flick. The rolling out is really not hard at all. You just have to keep it straight line or you'll catch the back of your legs. Really. Any of us with minimal experience could get this whip to crack. Joe just made it that good that is really not difficult.
It's heavy. After the first day of the fair I really had to limit my time using it. You do have to throw this a bit differently (using more arm) and after a while I noticed that my elbows really started to hurt. The last thing I needed was another case of tennis elbow. I steadily increased my playtime with it and before long my arm was conditioned enough not to worry as much.

Can you email me those videos? What format are they. I'l love to see them. I've got a couple short ones but they are really bad quality. In fact, I think I saw Bigfoot in the background of one. Just at the treeline.
(If this is you Adam aka Batman) I have footage of you and your dad in my new promo reel that I will be posting on the website soon.

Now go Crack-a-didle-do!


Dan - I'm taking my bow now.

Paul - Joe said he meant to take a photo of my whip with one of his mini-whips inside of the coil. Talk about "one of these things is not like the other." Yipes.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:10 pm
by BullWhipBorton
Thanks Chris. That 25 ft bullwhip is awesome; I don’t seem many kangaroo hide bullwhips that long especially these days, very cool.

Paul, No problem and thanks I am glad you like them. Maurice makes great whips too, that pair of 5 ½ ft’s where right around $200 give or take with the exchange rate.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:36 pm
by WhipDude
Throwing the email together right now for ya ready for an email full of videos 8) Oh and...are you sure that bigfoot wasnt me? :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:40 pm
by winrichwhips
It was meeting old guys at the fair that really got to thinking about having a whip this size made in the first place.
Over the past 3 or 4 years I would have these ol' timers come up to me after my shows and proceed to tell how when they were kids the remembered a guy at their local fair who would cut an apple of a kids head with a 20 or 30 foot whip. That was the one thing they remembered after all these years.
This past summer I used my 22 foot whip to cut a dandelion from a guys hand, cutting it off bit by bit until I cut it clean off at his fingers. After the show people commented on that. I don't think I'd ever want to try to cut an apple from a kids head with any whip, let alone a 20-25 footer.

Oh, I also did that trick of cutting a sheet of newspaper held between an assistant's hands with my 22 footer at Annie Oakley Days, though I only cut the paper twice. Nowadays, before I bring out the long whip, I can tell them about my 216 footer first, and then say "the 216 footer wouldn't fit in my car, so I brought my 22 footer instead."

I bet you could do an overhead crack with your 25 footer, or something like it, if you do a couple cracks to get the momentum going.

The latest whip I got was a Chris Barr stockwhip; it came in the mail on Saturday. I'd say his work looks better in person than it does in pictures.


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:48 pm
by WhipDude
Is that your 22 ft. whip in the video of you cutting the dandelion from the guys hand on your website, Winrich?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:53 pm
by winrichwhips

Yup, that's my 22 footer. It's a 16-plait nylon cow whip by Bob Duke of Florida. I got it from John Bailey a year and a half ago. Right before I got the whip, Chris (Canasta) got his picture in the local newpaper cracking it at Annie Oakley Days.


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:25 pm
by Shagbd
Ok im gonna give this thread a little bump with a few whips of mine.... at least as it stands now....
i have about 4 or 5 more whips currently in the works, so this is FAR from being "it" for me... ... d/all1.jpg ... d/all2.jpg

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:43 pm
by thefish
Man...What can I say?

You got some fantastic whips there, David

You've also got great taste in whips.

(Of course, how could I think any differently?

:twisted: :twisted: )


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:35 pm
by Shagbd
well its mainly YOUR fault that I have all of those whips anyway ......
what I have coming:
8' jacka
7' nolan
8' Morgan
4' Wickline

also, i THINK i have a snakewhip coming from steve Huntress too

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:42 pm
by meghunter1107
Aloha all, I thought I would contribute to this thread. Unfortunately, I have only one whip currently. It is an 8 foot Mark Allen Indy style whip I purchased back in 2003 as part of an earlier attempt to put together my IndyGear collection. After having started using this whip for about three weeks, I am going to be getting more whips. ... hip001.jpg ... hip002.jpg

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:09 pm
by kooniu
whips made myself and by polish and australian whipmakers


Peter Jack


DeSaya, SKT (redhide) ,Sammy


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:24 pm
by WhipDude
meghunter1107, Mark Allen is only a dealer of whips. Do you know the actual maker? You may only have one whip, but I REALLY love that color! What was it originally? It's so glossy yet well used.

kooniu, you have a rather large variety of different whips and a priceless expression on your face :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:43 pm
by midwestwhips
Hi WhipDude,

That would be a Joe Strain whip that Meghunter1107 has. It looks like a darkened Saddle Tan, or possibly a whiskey, depending on how old the whip was when the picture was taken.


Paul Nolan

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:22 am
by meghunter1107
WhipDude: I bought this whip from Western Stage Props back in 2003, and unfortunately the name of the whip maker is not mentioned (only that he is "one of the best-known and highly respected whip makers in America." :?: ). Glad you like the color.

Paul Nolan: I bought the whip in Med. Brown color, and hasn't changed much in the last five years (only some darkened spots here and there on the handle). I took those pics minutes before I posted them.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:10 pm
by myrddin
I finally got around to finishing my display plaque, and figured I'd addit to the wall of whips, since it does in fact hang on a wall. ;)

8foot Stain Indy style


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:34 pm
by Shagbd
heres a bit more recent pic

lettin my babies air out ... d/all3.jpg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:04 am
by Hollowpond
bump ;-)