To be honest, I don't see slight taper in the sides... judging by pictures of other hats like AB, ABdeluxe, Penmans and others... they're very similar in shapes and sides.
It all depends of the angle you see your hat (for pictures is even worse). From up, from down, from the right up, left down, and so on. Also, the light of the day that hits the hat plays a role in all this equation.
Just see the photos from the Peruvian idol scenes in Raiders. In different pics there's a impression that harrison's hat looks a bit tapered in the sides, in others is more mushroom looking. All depends the angle, light and colours.
Anyways, I think the Henry is a great hat, competing close to handmades. But, I wanted mine to have a bit of reverse taper/mushroom effect. So, I've decided to use the elastic band trick (
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=39131&p=584772#p584772). I am not going for a SOC since I prefer the Peruvian scenes style, only I wanted a more mushroom raiders.
Will post pictures soon with the result....