Fedora wrote:Is that the same beaver hat from Pagey, Errico? If so, it sure looks better once you played with it!!

Yes it is, i played with it a lot.
prairiejones wrote:Erri, I agree. That hat looks great now.
jpenman wrote:eeri, that hat looks better and better evrytime I see it.
prairie, your right about that, The Ab is a amazing creature.
Thank you guys, nonetheless there's still some taper there unfortunately
I'm still looking for a good size box to send it to steve for another reblock he offered me but i might even sell it... i'm tempted by the dark side (also called "need of money"

Well anyone interested can send me a PM with his offer while i find an appropriate box for it

otherwise i'll send it for a reblock to Steve.
Steve my friend, i hope you don't mind.
Anyway for the pleasure of gearheads... here a picture for ya