BendingOak wrote:Just wait to you see what I will be offering in the new year. Something I been working on for a year and a half. Being a Raiders fan, it's going to be huge.
Wow! John, just like the other guys, I can’t wait to find out what you’re cookin’ up! …I’ve just got one question:
Whatever it is, can I have one
Canasta wrote:Mitch, Where did you get that super cool winter coat?
Hey, THANKS Chris! The coat is -I think- kind of a cute story:
At the start of last weekend, my wife said
“You really need a good, NEW winter coat. Let’s stop by the mall and see if we can find one you like” …We’d planned on visiting a few different stores in the Mall for this purpose but the first one we visited was good ol’
SEARS and after looking over a few different racks of men’s winter coats & parkas, I saw this one and said to my wife
“Well, I like the cut of it, it looks warm but feels light, it’s got epaulettes (so you know that’s a PLUS) and y’know what? I even like the color!” (I said that last part to her with a wink)
So, I tried it on to see what we both thought of it (I was already sold) and my lovely bride said
“I love it! You know what, though? It sort of reminds me the coat that Han Solo wore in The Empire Strikes Back, except that his was blue and yours is brown,” (I know, I know… I didn’t have the heart to TELL her – she’s already had to listen to the Brown/Grey Seaplane Hat speech) …she went on to say with a smirk
“but then, I guess you probably already noticed that, huh?”
I pretended not to hear her as I stared in the mirror at myself in the coat and inattentively mumbled
“hey, d’ya think I could pull of this look with a white scarf and big, white gloves?”
Oh, I should come clean, though:
IS also the reason I'm wearing my Wyoming Scarf as an "outside the jacket" (ala HOTH) scarf... Doing my best to FUSE Indy AND Han, here
jlhampton wrote:I'd love to see some other angles on this one, as well.
Hey jl! Here’s a few.
I'll admit that I still need to work on putting a little more CURL in the brim to keep it on the road to that "LC" look... but I think it's off to a pretty nice start.
Cheers, guys!