Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
I think I just went blind from the awesome and beauty of this fedora! I can't wait to get mine!Bogie1943 wrote:Greetings all. I received my new Fed IV yesterday. Very nice indeed. Not sure about the blocking style I will end up with. As you will see I gave it a quick LC look as I was running between film shoots. After seeing what Penman can do with one of these I may be going that route. Very nice work! Anyway enjoy the photos!
I've only had my hat for 4 months but I can't see it ever having a taper problem. Unless of course you do this...Travelsonic wrote:On my Youtube video a guy is ranting about the current Akubra Federations, complaining about taper and other issues, anybody experience a degrade in quality, or is this a guy making a big deal over 1 bad hat kinda thing?
Luke Warmwater wrote:Well, after numreous rainstorms, swimming in the Potomac River, digging out from Snowpocalypse, mine did develop a taper.
Brim, all the way. I may place my hand on the crown to steady the hat as I put it on, but I never pinch the hat to take it off or put it on. My Fed III does have finger oil stains that I don't suppose will ever come out from where I grabbed it. Grabbing a hat by the pinch will eventually wear a hole in the felt. May take several years, but continued use this way will eventually lead to this happening.backstagejack wrote:how do you grab your hat? By the crown or the brim as your "supposed" too?
Is grabbing it by the crown something only really seen in Hollywood (since fedoras aren't normally worn) or did people back in the day grab the crown all the time since buying a new fedora was easy back then?
Thanks! She has her own hat, the one that came with the Hasbro FX Whip...JME2 wrote:Still pretty cute, though.
As long as nothing is damaged and my ribbon fix doesn't fail, I am happy with my Federation IV.theinterchange wrote:I had a Regular in the past and the bow looks like the one on my Deluxe.NoodlesBubblesBeans wrote:My new fed IV came with the ribbon like that, too. It just may be the way they stitch the ribbon to the regular fed IV. Nothing on my hat was loose, so I slightly changed it a bit.Plus, this is the first of all the Akubra styles I've bought to have a bad looking ribbon, so it comes as a surprise.
mcmanm wrote:Randy,
Looks good. Much better pic of the hat's color in natural light. Is the ribbon brown? Did you fix the bow yourself?
mcmanm wrote:Randy,
If you get the chance please post some pics of the bow side of the hat in natural light. I think you own a couple of hats from other vendors. How does the Akubra stack up (felt, pounce, sweat, fit, etc)?
mcmanm wrote:Randy,
If you get the chance please post some pics of the bow side of the hat in natural light.