From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Just got my new 10 ft Indy whip in natural, with the special raiders turk knot from Joe Strain. I uncoiled it in my living room and never having ever used a whip I did 3 under hand tosses, basically just to straighten the whip out across the floor. I mean I used NO! effort & on the 4th time...CRACK! I was amazed. I did it for a 5th time and crack. 2 more times and nothing, then an 8th time and crack then my wife made me stop. I've never used a whip until today and I must say... It cracked itself & I didn't even mean to do it. IT DEFINANTLY ISN'T ABOUT POWER, BUT FINESSE! (did I spell that right? ) Just a simple twist of the wrist at the right time and crack, you nail it. Anyways I love the whip. It's a natural color at the handle and kinda fades to a darker tan towards where the fall attaches. I don't understand this but its Ok with me. Joe sent a couple extra falls & poppers. I'm happy and will definantly be practicing alot to perfect my cracking technique.
Congratulations. It sounds like you got a really nice whip. Now, if you would be so kind as to provide us with some pictures, preferably in action, we will share in your enjoyment as much as is digitally possible.
Indiana Jackson wrote:Just got my new 10 ft Indy whip in natural, with the special raiders turk knot from Joe Strain. I uncoiled it in my living room and never having ever used a whip I did 3 under hand tosses, basically just to straighten the whip out across the floor. I mean I used NO! effort & on the 4th time...CRACK! I was amazed. I did it for a 5th time and crack. 2 more times and nothing, then an 8th time and crack then my wife made me stop.
You must have one big living room to be able to crack a 10 footer in it. Wow, Impressive! I can't even crack a six footer in my living room and it's somewhat big (well big for me anyway). Although, I did crack my JS six footer in my living room the day it arrived but there was no furniture in there yet.
You must have one big living room to be able to crack a 10 footer in it.
Yeah, it is pretty big. I stood on one side and tossed the whip straight out towards my foyer. The whip still stayed in the living room but making sure I didn't hit my ceiling was the real trick. (that's why it was an under hand toss. And believe me it didn't take much effort. Amazing. I'll try and get some pics up tonight if I can find a place to host them.
I tried that the other day in my kitchen with my 4 foot whip and after a couple of unsucessful attempts, I said, naw, I am going to hit the ceiling or a wall or break something if I don't stop. I either need more skill to crack it in the house or just keep that stuff outside.
Coolness on getting the whip to crack in the living room.
Whips are inherantly designed to make noise, and no it takes no effort to crack the thing, just technique. That's something I try to get across to people when I'm out cracking my 6' cowhide monstrosity, and they say, "Hey! Show me how to do that!"
Even after you show them how and tell them not to force it, they throw it out and yank on it, and it about smacks them in the nose.
"See? This thing is nothing fancy, and it takes nothing to crack it." Then I just let off a shotgun blast by simply raising and lowering my arm.
Once you get that basic motion down, you've got it. The rest is just practice. LOTS of practice!
Indiana Jackson wrote:I was amazed. I did it for a 5th time and crack. 2 more times and nothing, then an 8th time and crack then my wife made me stop. I've never used a whip until today and I must say... It cracked itself & I didn't even mean to do it. IT DEFINANTLY ISN'T ABOUT POWER, BUT FINESSE!
It helps to have a great whip made from an outstanding whipmaker too!