I'm looking at ordering some of their short sleeve safari shirts, my problem
is that I'm really a 41 in the chest so I'm on the fence about whether to get
the medium or the large. How do their sizes run? There's nothing worse
than buying short sleeve shirts that run too big and have the 'short' sleeves
half way down your forearms.
Thanks for the advice.
BTW I don't see the safari shirts on LL Bean anymore. Did I miss
something or are they no longer making them?
Get a Large. I'm about that same size and I have a large.
I don't think even the short sleeve Cabela's shirt will be very cool to wear in hot weather with the material content of the fabric.
That's ok, I work in an air conditioned office 90% of the time. Thanks
for the sizing advice. I may just buy one to start to make sure I like
them though, I've heard the hot material complaint before on these.
indybill wrote:BTW I don't see the safari shirts on LL Bean anymore. Did I miss something or are they no longer making them?
I just checked the LL Bean site and I couldn't find them either. I was having a little problem navigating their site, so I don't know if they were having a problem or not. I was able to search for the field shirt in all the long and short sleeve button shirts and could not locate them. I did a search for field shirt and poplin and got an error message.
They have not had the field shirt in stock in my size since around the beginning of the year. I remember that the site did say that my size would be back in stock on 7/12/04. However, now that we are close to that date, I can't find them at all on the site. I wonder if this means that they are discontinuing them or if they took the old descriptions off and are preparing new info for them if they are coming back with them. If anyone sees them on the site, let us know.
I'm a 42, and the Cabelas short sleeve fits me just fine. The short sleeve shirts are just as comfortable as polo-style shirts with a similar material content.
Thanks for the links to the LL Bean shirt; that's the one I'm really looking
for. Glad to see they still offer them. Their sizing chart is the same as
Cabela's so I'm guessing that they run pretty close to each other in
sizing. I only wish Bean had more colors available. May have to get
some from both places...darn.
indybill wrote:Thanks for the links to the LL Bean shirt; that's the one I'm really looking
for. Glad to see they still offer them. Their sizing chart is the same as
Cabela's so I'm guessing that they run pretty close to each other in
sizing. I only wish Bean had more colors available. May have to get
some from both places...darn.
Hemmingway had the latest version of the shirt as of December. He loved his and I asked for a bunch of them for Christmas... no such luck. Keeping my fingers crossed for later this month. Big occasion don't you know.