How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

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How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by IndyFanChuck »

Hey guys,

I just posted a similar question over about the Fedora but I realized how different the leather jacket is so I wanted to ask for advice and help in dirtying up the jacket and making it look dusty!

My son and I ordered a budget Indiana Jones Raiders jacket. We are trying to make the jacket look "dirty/dusty" like the Raiders Cario look. I've seen other people do this to the jacket but it looks like white baby powder and that looks off to me. I don't know how to make the leather jacket look dusty and dirty?

Before we get started trying to replicate this look, has anyone else successfully found the best way to re-create this dirty Raiders look on their leather jacket? Yes, LOL, I realize we can play in the dirt. :lol:

I was hopeful you all might have some prop replicating advice before we started! Thank you! :H: :H:


PS: My son says hello
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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by Tibor »

Fuller’s Earth is what Hollywood uses. Todd’s Costumes used to carry it, but I don’t see it on his website anymore. This place has it: ... ers-earth/


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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Yep, generally fuller's earth is the way to go. Remember that in the movies they can reapply between scenes so in real life the effect will brush off.

Uncolored/unscented cat litter or oil spill absorbers are usually fuller's earth. Double check the label to make sure it is nothing but 100% fuller's earth and you can buy pounds of the stuff for pennies on the dollar compared to buying a few ounce bottle sold for costuming.

If you go the litter/absorbant route, it will come in larger clumps that will need to be ground down into a fine powder. Best way to apply is load some in a sock and pounce the jacket or hat. The key is to strive to be random in the application (the oxymoron is not lost on me). Humans are notoriously bad at doing anything random.


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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by NorthernRaider »

I don’t mean to sound like a smart ###, but dirt also works really well to make it look dirty 😆

In all seriousness, if you have a backyard or a park nearby just go rub it around in some dry dirt. It’ll look perfect.

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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by IndyFanChuck »

Thank you for this. I was unfamiliar with this so we'll order some and try it out and see how it looks. This is a fun project for me and my son.

Thanks for the tip!!!


Tibor wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:15 pm Fuller’s Earth is what Hollywood uses. Todd’s Costumes used to carry it, but I don’t see it on his website anymore. This place has it: ... ers-earth/


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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by IndyFanChuck »

Jeff, yes I think this may be the answer. I ordered some but don't know when it will arrive. I'll post up photos and keep you all in the loop.

I've seen some other folks dirty up their jackets but it looks like white baby powder! I want to avoid that look. :rolling:


Indiana Jeff wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:24 pm Yep, generally fuller's earth is the way to go. Remember that in the movies they can reapply between scenes so in real life the effect will brush off.

Uncolored/unscented cat litter or oil spill absorbers are usually fuller's earth. Double check the label to make sure it is nothing but 100% fuller's earth and you can buy pounds of the stuff for pennies on the dollar compared to buying a few ounce bottle sold for costuming.

If you go the litter/absorbant route, it will come in larger clumps that will need to be ground down into a fine powder. Best way to apply is load some in a sock and pounce the jacket or hat. The key is to strive to be random in the application (the oxymoron is not lost on me). Humans are notoriously bad at doing anything random.


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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

The other tip from Adam Savage, always use at least three colors when aging/weathering props.

It starts getting expensive, but searching for theater supplies you can find different shades of aging powders.


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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by Illinois_Jones »

The thing to remember, tho, is that fuller's earth is extremely absorbent and it WILL dry the leather with time -- it was originally used for pulling the lanolin out of wool, which is what "fulling" is. So my advice would be to make sure that leather is in good shape and give it a good conditioning BEFORE putting it on and not to excess and keep an eye on the leather over time. Using it on film wardrobes etc is one thing, but on a piece you intend on keeping you have to be careful. Especially something like leather.

I would honestly consider using something like crushed sidewalk chalk, which is mostly gypsum. Get some orange and yellow with some white and a little red and it works great. And add a little ground pencil lead for fun.
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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by IndyFanChuck »

Thank you for the advice. My son and I will try your sidewalk chalk idea. THATS not bad andvice at all actually! My son is at that age where this kind of stuff is a lotta fun, and it feels like we're about to make our own Indiana Jones movie!!!



Illinois_Jones wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:34 am The thing to remember, tho, is that fuller's earth is extremely absorbent and it WILL dry the leather with time -- it was originally used for pulling the lanolin out of wool, which is what "fulling" is. So my advice would be to make sure that leather is in good shape and give it a good conditioning BEFORE putting it on and not to excess and keep an eye on the leather over time. Using it on film wardrobes etc is one thing, but on a piece you intend on keeping you have to be careful. Especially something like leather.

I would honestly consider using something like crushed sidewalk chalk, which is mostly gypsum. Get some orange and yellow with some white and a little red and it works great. And add a little ground pencil lead for fun.
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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by IndyFanChuck »

Jeff, I have not heard of aging powders. Can you tell me what exactly I need to research for that info, please sir? I've not heard that term before. Thank you!

Kind regards,


Indiana Jeff wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2024 12:54 pm The other tip from Adam Savage, always use at least three colors when aging/weathering props.

It starts getting expensive, but searching for theater supplies you can find different shades of aging powders.


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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I Googled "Theater aging dust" and came across this website (among others). Like I said, it can get expensive buying multiple colors. ... ovie-dust/


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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by IndyFanChuck »


Thanks for your advice. Right now I'm still waiting on some items I ordered to arrive. Well hopefully be trying to dirty up the parts soon and posting photos!!!
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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by IndyFanChuck »


The fedora we ordered off eBay came and we were scammed. It was made out of CARDBOARD and wasn't even a fedora. It was some kind of child's hat. :rolling:

So, I need to find a cheap fedora to practice with!
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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Watching Norm on Tested talk about his favorite things for 2024, he mentioned Tamiya Weather Powder. It may not be practical for bigger pieces like jackets or hats, but would be a great solution for prop weathering. ... 308&sr=8-1


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Re: How to make the jacket dusty like Raiders?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Sounds like a fun project and a great bonding experience... Might have to borrow this one, someday! ;)

But remember, to paraphrase Indy,... Stay out of the l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ rain!
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