So, after hitting a pair of 10yo Coyle's boots with some Pecard earlier today I thought, what the heck, and went out in the lovely winter sun to hit the horsehide with some too.
First photo - dry and stiff (honestly, it felt terrible), but still looking very cool.

A close-up on the grain, for you grain fans. The collar shows some of the best.

And we're off and running. Instantly you can see why some of the old timers around here used to call this jacket The Red One, as the first batch of Wested horsehide - and again, this is 20 years ago folks, so don't go calling Mick and asking for some - had a really nice russet undertone which really shows through when you hit it with Pecards.

Almost there...

And a few more for your viewing pleasure.
Now I just need to find somewhere to let this sit for a day or so!