Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

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Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Sarubrad »

Hello all, I was wondering everyone’s thoughts on the satchel as an every day carry item. In this case both for travel/adventures as well for anything in between. I know for costume purposes a vintage WW2 gas mask bad is the gold standard, however those come with their own pros and cons. I was more curious about modern reproduction pieces.

I know both Wested and Magnoli make Indy style bags and wanted some feedback on the pros and cons of both. As well as any input about other suppliers not mentioned.

1.) Build quality comparisons.
2.) If anyone has experience waxing the canvas material?
3.) Convenience of the modern layout versus the original for daily use.
4.) Recommendations of other quality models that are available currently.

Thanks in advance, you guys always come through with great information!!!
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by tomek9210 »

I have a replica bag from Magnoli and I used it as my everyday carry bag for years. I had to change it for a backpack, because I need space for a laptop, but if I didn't, I still would use the bag everyday.
The quality is excellent. Nothing happened to the single stitch and I have used it in many different environments.

It doesn't need to be waterproof for me. Pockets and compartments are sufficient. It's just a perfect bag :-s
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Tremolo »

I have been using my Magnoli bag since 2011 without problems. A bit less in the last couple of years as I often need to carry a laptop with me. It’s a great size for your normal stuff and I have been enjoying it on vacations, excavations, short trips to the city etc.

It faded a bit but after a redye last it’s back to full glory. However, I just ordered a new one from Magnoli with the modern layout because I really liked the idea of that.
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by IndyJedi »

Been using a Magnoli bag with modern interior for about 6 years as my daily work bag. Works great for what I carry and has shown little signs of wear. As others have said it is best suited for a tablet not a large laptop. And, it's a unique bag to carry that no one else has. :TOH:
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I’ll echo what others have said, the MKVII is great for an EDC. I used a vintage bag for four years until Wade Eagan offered his leather version. I used that one for 9 years until I got the DoD Frost River backpack.

The backpack allows me to put my lunch and laptop in one bag instead of carrying them separately like I did with the MKVII.

The modern Magnoli bag is the best of both worlds.


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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by tomek9210 »

I switched my Magnoli bag for this vintage style backpack:


It has the Indy vibe of KOTCS and DoD backpacks I was looking for.
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Sarubrad »

Thank you all so much for the information! I’ll definitely look into that frost river backpack as well!

Ordered my Magnoli bag just now!!!
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Indiana Jeff »

The downside of using these vintage or vintage inspired bags is a lack of smaller pockets. It can be harder to keep things organized. That’s what’s great about the Magnoli bag with the modern interior.


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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Charybdis »

I would say get some kind of leather satchel, it will be even tougher and look a bit more refined.
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Indiana Jeff »

That’s what I liked about the leather version Wade offered. It was a bit dressier for carrying to work and I no longer had to worry about overtaxing my vintage bag. I “retired” my vintage bag to display/cosplay.


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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Darthbauer »

I use my Magnoli replica as my son’s diaper bag. Pretty practical.

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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by mr_alex »

I'm a big fan of the Magnoli bag because you can opt for a 'modern layout' version that has pockets sized much better for E.D.C. there are pen holders, pockets perfectly fitted for your phone, etc.

I'm carry this bag almost every day (either to hold my stuff, or as a diaper bag) and I think it's great.
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Bruce Wayne »

I had Mr. Magnoli make me a custom satchel with a modern interior out of leather. I have been using it as my edc bag. It's been quite handy.
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by makeitjones »

I used a MK VI for EDC for years - it has divided flapped pockets on the rear so you can stash phones, valuables, documents really safely out of sight which is a handy option.

They also tend to be more durable / stronger construction than the MK VII which were pared back as much as possible for expedient wartime production.
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Michaelson »

USWings once had a version in Cape buffalo hide that, though not 100% SA, was a fantastic bag.

I picked up a couple for my wife and myself and use mine as a travel book bag. She keeps her medical paperwork in hers.

It’s no longer cataloged, but he may still have a few in stock if you ask/are interested.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Western New York Indy »

I have the WPG reproduction satchel. I don't have experience with satchels from the other two vendors you mentioned, so I'm afraid I can't be much help there :-k

But I will say, I've really enjoyed my WPG bag. The interior is replicated from the originals, the only difference (according to the WPG website) is that the center pocket is one large pocket instead of being divided into two smaller pockets. It has space for a few books, pens, paper, a phone, a water bottle, Etc. It's too small for my laptop, but probably could fit a smaller laptop, or a tablet or iPad. It's proven to be quite durable so far.

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Re: Indy’s satchel as an E.D.C.

Post by Sarubrad »

Just an FYI, US Wings still does offer an Indy style satchel. They offer the officially licensed version that Disney currently sells along with their own version without the stencil. Plus they offer the Cape buffalo leather version as well. All of them are significantly cheaper than the other brands mentioned.

They are not screen accurate (if that’s something that is required) however that wasn’t something I was particularly concerned with as I didn’t intend on using for cosplay.

Looks like I could make a great starter satchel though for someone looking to get into that hobby!
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