Potential New Boots

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Iandiana Jones
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Potential New Boots

Post by Iandiana Jones »

Jim Green is a South African manufacturer of boots. Work and hiking mostly, they've risen to prominence due to their development of the "African Ranger" boot.

They asked a bunch of wildlife rangers what they needed out of a boot, and then made precisely that. And for every 10 pairs purchased, they donate a pair to a wildlife ranger because most have to buy their own equipment, and many cannot afford to.

Now for the relavent bit. I sent them an email and asked, which they responded in the affirmative.

They are developing a Moc Toe style boot, intended for release at the end of the year. I have no idea what it looks like, but it holds great potential for us.
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Re: Potential New Boots

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Interesting. I have heard of these boots. I'm very curious what their design will be since they don't currently have any boots that are close to an Indy style.


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Re: Potential New Boots

Post by Iandiana Jones »

That's why I asked about Moc Toes.

I tried to glean a little more out of them regarding appearance and price, but it's still being developed.
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Re: Potential New Boots

Post by Iandiana Jones »

If I had to guess, and I do, it's either gonna be:

Close enough for "close enough" guys like me but not OK for "Screen Accurate" guys.


Not even a little close.
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Re: Potential New Boots

Post by WConly »

FYI! I like the ranger boots just the way they are and they are not anywhere close to 'Indy Boots', but they are very cool and I think they would be very practical and still look OK with other 'Indy' wardrobe touches! W>
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Re: Potential New Boots

Post by Illinois_Jones »

They'll be a very wide toe box and a stitch-down construction. And not be the most comfortable thing out of the box.

Don't get me wrong, I love my JGs, but they wouldn't be my first choice for an Indy boot.
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Re: Potential New Boots

Post by Iandiana Jones »

If the Moc toe bears a passing resemblance to Alden 405s, even if you have to squint, I'll be tickled pink.

$200ish for a good quality leather boot is a steal and almost unheard of these days. I've slowly become disappointed in my Keens of similar pricing.
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Re: Potential New Boots

Post by parfaitelumiere »

I think the top part may get accurate to indy boot, but the sole would probably be different, to have more grip, so it would be less accurate, just to bring a decent grip, non-textured soles are quite horrible, especially in harsh environment.
I saw several mock toe design, and the soles very often don't match, except of course for some indy replicas (wested tod's) and some brands here and there, including the fabulous from Crockett & Jones, which, apart from not being accurate, are incredibly expensive.
However if they could make a high quality calf shoe, with some white stitching, and not a baraquette stitching (meaning not including stitching on heel, like some indy replicas) but especially having accurate color, I wouldn't complain about a 100% rubber sole, which would be much more usable for a daily adventurer.
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