Wested Custom Jacket Options

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Wested Custom Jacket Options

Post by tmfg10 »

Hello Everyone!

I will be in London in about a month. And was thinking of getting a Wested indy Jacket!

I will be ordering the Custom Raiders one (not hero) since i have read that is a more functional everyday jacket.

I wanted to ask your opinion and experience on what options to get?

-Brown goat or Lamsbkin?
I know lamb is more accurate and softer but i have read it tears easy and I would like a durable jacket that I don’t have to be worried about getting damaged with easy.
But also worries me that a lot of colors i have seen of the goat jacket have a more grey color than the nice brown the lamb has.

-Lining: the Wested site recommends the Cotton lining with satin sleeves. But when i read on the indy forums i think everyone says to go for the all cotton lining? What are the differences? And what is more accurate brown or black lining?

-Side Straps: Brass D-Rings or Brass buckles

-X box stitching yes or no?

-should i add gussets?

Thank you so much for your help :)
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Re: Wested Custom Jacket Options

Post by Tremolo »

In my experience lambskin gives you that look and drape but since your goal seems to be durability instead of screen accuracy, goatskin would be a better choice. Even if it would be only to save your mind from constantly worrying about ripping your jacket.

Have you considered some of their cowhide offerings? I have been wearing my Novapelle LC jacket for more than 10 years and it’s still holding up and the undertones are brown. The same goes for their dark brown cowhide, but this one takes forever to show some wear under normal conditions. However both skins are on the heavier side.

X-Box stitching also gets a yes from my side and gussets will increase your free movement. Regarding the buckets I would say just take the style you like best, depending on the leather you chose the straps will slip or not.
I would also go for at least satin sleeves, I never had a shirt or sweater get caught up in any of my Indy jackets.
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Re: Wested Custom Jacket Options

Post by Prodigal Son »

I’ve got a washed lamb that I’ve been wearing everyday for maybe 5 years and I don’t go easy on this jacket. It is no less rugged than other leathers from Wested that I own. I even used the hand warmers and haven’t seen any wear there. I have really been impressed with this leather. It is my favorite. The goat is too stiff and doesn’t drape well at all. Go with lamb. It’s fine.
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